牛津译林版英语必修一Unit3 Grammar and usage 1教案

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1、第 1 页 共 4 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good板 块:Grammar and usage (Non-restrictive attributive clauses)Thoughts on the design:本单元的语法项目是非限制性定语从句。模块一中的第一、第二单元都介绍了限制性定语从句的用法。在第三单元中,再介绍非限制性定语从句。对于学生来说掌握前面的语法内容,本单元的学习水到渠成。笔者首先用表格填空和填词练习进行全方位的复习。通过设置情景汶川地震与学生交流信息来呈现非限制性定语从句的概念。让学生感受语言,通过思考、分

2、析和归纳,发现语法规律,并在足够的语境支持下反复再现语法现象,从而实现从教材中来,到应用中去。让学生通过本节课的设计改变以教师为中心、侧重语法知识讲解和传授的传统的教学方法,突出学生为主体,提高学生学习语法的兴趣。Teaching aims: After going over the Restrictive Attributive Clause, the students will be able to learn and master Non-restrictive Attributive Clause;After mastering the usage of Non-restrictive

3、 Attributive Clause, the students will be able to finish some exercises about different kinds of Attributive Clause.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision and Lead-inIn the last several units, we have learned some kinds of Attributive Clause. Can you tell me basic structure of Attributive clause?名词/代词+

4、关系代词/关系副词+不完整的句子Fill in the chart.先行词(物) 先行词(人)关系词主语 宾语 主语 宾语 定语时间状语地点状语原因状语which that who 关系代词 whom whose when where 关系副词why Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks using the relative pronouns and the relative adverbs.第 2 页 共 4 页1. The person _ is standing there is my teacher.2. The per

5、son _ you spoke just now is my teacher.3. The person _ you spoke to just now is my teacher.4. I bought a car_ cost little.5. The car _ I bought yesterday cost little.6. This school is the one _ I studied ten years ago.7. This is the little girl _ parents were killed in the earthquake.8. The boss in

6、_ company my father worked is a very kind man.9. I will remember that day _ I first came to Beijing.10. There are several minutes reasons _ we cant do that.1. who/that 2.to whom 3.who/whom/that 4. which/that 5. which/that6. in which/where 7.whose 8.whose 9. when/on which 10.why/for whichExplanation教

7、师引导学生回想定语从句的基本结构先行词+关系词+从句,并板书强调此结构。然后,让学生完成关系词表格填空练习。此环节以公式和表格形式让学生自我检测对定语从句基本结构以及关系词的熟悉情况,简单明了,有利于快速激活学生已有的知识。(PPT4 8,用于复习与导入环节,首先复习和操练已学过的定语从句。 )Step 2 PresentationShow some pictures about the earthquake in Wen chuan.1. What happened on May 12th?Where is Wen chuan?2. What time did the quake take

8、place?What were most of the students doing at that time?3. Where were most of them having classes?What happened to the teaching buildings?4. Why did the teaching buildings fall down?Were they strong enough?5. What happened to the people in Wen chuan?Therefore, they cant lead a peaceful life, cant th

9、ey?6. Though many people suffered a lot in the quake, are there any survivors whose stories are encouraging?1) A big earthquake hit Wen chuan, which lies in the north of Sichuan.2) The quake took place on Monday afternoon, when most of the students were having classes.3) The teaching buildings, wher

10、e most of the students were having classes, fell down.4) The teaching buildings, most of which were not strong enough, fell down.5) People in Wen chuan, who used to lead a peaceful life, became homeless after the quake.6) There are many survivors whose stories are encouraging.7) They couldnt lead a

11、peaceful life at that moment, which made all the people in the world worried.Can you find some differences between the first five sentences and the 6th sentence?Explanation第 3 页 共 4 页以往的语法课往往呈现语法形式让学生明白本节课的内容。教师通过解释语法形式所表达的意义,帮助学生学习和认识语法点,为接下来的操练做好铺垫。笔者以汶川大地震为背景,在与学生的交谈中引入非限制性定语从句。再创设情景使学生在交流中体会语法点的

12、交际功能。作为本节课语法点的呈现,不仅呈现非限制性定语从句的形式,而且注重在交际中传达其意义及用法。(PPT9 19,教师先出示两张风景优美的图片让学生猜这个美丽的地方是哪里,学生不知道答案,接着教师问五月十二日发生了什么事情,教师边点击图片边问问题,最后把师生之间的问和答,用非限制性定语从句呈现出来,并阅读这些句子。 )Step3 Non-restrictive Attributive clausesI. Lets look at some examples. Look and analyze the sentences.Can you find differences between th

13、e Non-restrictive Attributive Clause and Restrictive Attributive Clause? Who can answer this question? Ask students to discuss in pairs and tell as much difference as possible.a. There is a comma before the Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause.b. We cant use “that” in this kind of sentences.c. And we

14、cant miss the relative words, either.II. Lets look at some examples:a. They couldnt lead a peaceful life at that moment, which made all the people in the world worried.b. We can use “which” to refer to the whole main clause.c. OK, and we cant use “that”. III. Other examples.The teaching buildings, m

15、ost of which were not strong enough, fell down.a. Many people, some of whom are not overweight, are going on diets.b. China has hundreds of islands, the largest of which is Taiwan.c. I have two books, both of which were bought in America.We can find a new kind of Attributive Clause.We can use most/a

16、ll/both/part/of + whom/which to express a complete to partial quantity.Explanation新课程标准、新教材都主张采用“发现式”语法教学,教学要点源于教材中生动的背景材料,让学生感受语言、通过思考、分析和归纳,发现语法规律,并在足够的语境支持下反复再现语法现象,从而实现从教材中来,到应用中去。笔者通过列举三种类型比较简单的句子,让学生采取讨论式发现并归纳出非限制性定语从句的特点。因为这是针对刚刚进入高一的学生,不需要全面,更没有必要列举高考中的要点,教师可根据班级情况,适当补充。(PPT2026 通过上一环节的句子呈现,

17、让学生得出非限制性定语从句的最基本的特征。然后展示第 4 句、第 7 句,让学生发现,并归纳出这两种从句的用法和特点。本环节笔者呈现几组幻灯片,引导学生回忆非限制性定语从句的功能和特点。 )Step4 PracticeLets finish the given exercises on Pages 48-49.Join each pair of sentences to form one sentence.(Part A)第 4 页 共 4 页1. Li Dong donated half of his liver to Amy to save her life.He is Chinese.L

18、i Dong, who is Chinese, donated half of his liver to Amy to save her life.2. Amy eats lots of fruits and vegetables.All of them are good for her health.Amy eats lots of fruits and vegetables, all of which are good for her health.3. Amy sometimes goes for a walk in the afternoon.It is fine and warm i

19、n the afternoon.Amy sometimes goes for a walk in the afternoon, when it is fine and warm.4. My uncle is an engineer and is working in Beijing.I told you about him yesterday.My uncle, about whom I told you yesterday, is an engineer and is working in Beijing.5. Mike has decided to visit the Great Wall

20、 next month.His hobby is traveling.Mike, whose hobby is traveling, has decided to visit the Great Wall next month.Explanation教师引导学生复习非限制性定语从句的基本知识进入运用定语从句的学习环节。为了紧扣本单元话题,既可以复习 Reading 里的内容,又可复习“Word Power”里的有关运动的建议。这一练习提供不同的情景,为学生在语篇中操练和运用定语从句奠定基础。在语篇输入同时,学生的积极情感因素得到激发,对提高学习效率有促进作用。Step5 Multiple ch

21、oicesFinish the following exercises and check the answers. The students should give necessary explanation.Explanation先让学生独立完成选择练习,然后采用抽查方式,由每个小组中个别学生讲述答案及其理由。本环节旨在让学生通过自查,复习和巩固非限制性定语从句中的特殊规则。(PPT28 30 让学生操练定语从句的用法。 )Step6 Consolidation1. Finish Part C1 on page104 in workbook. 2. After finishing it,

22、according to the information, write a composition by using as many as attributive clauses.Explanation本环节已进入语言的运用过程,这个练习的每道题都具有延续性,并且都是同一个话题,紧扣本单元的主题,通过两种定语从句来改写句子,学生完成第一项任务之后 ,笔者要求学生根据句子的情景,运用恰当的连接词,把这些句子串连在一起,就成了一篇紧扣本单元主题的简要概述,并提出要求,让学生尽可能多地使用定语从句。Step7 HomeworkComplete Part B with who, whose, which, where or when.Explanation课外作业是课堂教学的延续和升华。


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