牛津译林版七年级英语上Unit7 Welcome to the unit课件

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牛津译林版七年级英语上Unit7 Welcome to the unit课件_第1页
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1、Unit 7 shoppingwelcome to the unit,课前热身: 1购物n 2大型购物中心n 3沿着,向下 prep 4讨厌,恨v 5讨厌做某事 6(表示同意、犹豫等)好吧,那么 7钱n 8钱包n 9拿,提,搬 v(三单式 ) (现在分词 ) 10书店n 11礼物n 12光盘,激光唱片 n 13确知,肯定,有把握adj,_shopping_,mall_=shopping mall,down_,hate,hate doing sth,well,_money (不可数)_,wallet_,_carry_,carries,carrying,_bookshop_,gift=presen

2、t_,CD (复数) CDs,sure(be sure),/,/I/,/:/,/a/,/eI/,/e/,/,/I/,/,/I/,/,/I/,/,/,/I/,/,14也许,可能 adv 15 对感兴趣 16 邮票 n 17收集,搜集v (现在分词 ) 18别客气,不用谢,maybe (用在句首),be interested in,stamp,collect,collecting,Youre welcome.,/eI/,/i:/,/,/,/e/,1沿着这条街 2去购物 3跟我来 4拎所有的包 5服装店 6花店 7礼品店 8鞋店 9体育用品店 10玩具店 11给Simon 买个礼物 12给他买些邮票

3、 13给某人买某物 14沿着这条街走有一个新建的大型购物中心。,down the street,go shopping,come with me,carry all the bags,clothes shop,flower shop,gift shop,shoe shop,sports shop,toy shop,buy Simon a present,buy him some stamps,buy sb sth=buy sth for sb,Theres a new mall down the street.,15你喜欢购物吗? 16我想去购物,但我没钱。17好吧。这是我的钱包。 18我要你

4、去拎所有的包。19圣诞节要来了。 20我想给Simon买个礼物。21你有想法吗? 22一张音乐光盘怎么样? 23我不确定。 24也许他对音乐不感兴趣。 25我知道他喜欢收集他们。26那是个好主意。27 对某事感兴趣 28对做某事感兴趣,Do you like shopping?,Id like to go shopping , but I dont have any money.,All right. Heres my wallet.,I need you to carry all the bags.,Christmas is coming.,I want to buy Simon a pre

5、sent.,Do you have any ideas?,What about a music CD?,Im not sure.,Maybe hes not interested in music.,I know he likes collecting them.,Thats a good idea.,be interested in sth,be interested in doing sth,different shops,gift shop,bookshop,clothes shop,sports shop,shoe shop,flower shop,supermarket,toy sh

6、op,Whats this shop? What can we buy here? Who can we buy a present for from the shop?,Listen and answer: P81B,What present can Daniel buy for Simon at last?,Some stamps,Make a new dialogue,Listen and answer: P80,1.Does Eddie want to go shopping with Hobo?2.Why does Hobo ask Eddie to go with him?,No,

7、 he doesnt.,Because he wants Eddie to carry all the bags.,Read then fill in the blanks:Theres a new mall_.Hobo wants to _, but Eddie _ it. Hobo has no _, so Eddie gives his _ to Hobo. Hobo cant _. He is asking Eddie for help, “Eddie, please _ me . I _ you _ help me.”,down the street,go shopping,hate

8、s,money,wallet,carry all the bags,come with,need,to,【学海拾贝】,一、请动脑想想下列知识点,好吗? 1、All right. That is right . That is all right . 的区别 All right. 相当于OK.Lets go shopping .咱们去购物吧。_.行 That is right . 意为“对,没错”。相当于“You are right.” Today is Friday, right? 今天是星期五,对吗? _. 对。 That is all right. 意为“没关系,不用谢“, 相当于”Not

9、 at all./ Youre welcome./Its my pleasure.”Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。 _. 不客气。,All right,That is right,Thats all right,2、这是我的钱包。_ 给你。_ 这是给你的礼物. _ 公交车来了。_ 这些都是_句式。 3、确信,有把握_ 确信做某事_ _+句子 。 我不确定。_ 你确信他会讲英语吗? _,Here it is. /Here you are.,Heres a present for you .,There comes the bus.,倒装,be sure,be s

10、ure to do sth,Heres my wallet.,be sure that,Im not sure.,Are you sure that he can speak English?,4、take bring carry 的区别 take 拿走,(有方向),表示离说话者越来越远。 把这份报纸拿去给他_ bring 带来,(有方向),表示离说话者越来越近。 带来给我 / 带到这里来_ 明天记得把家庭作业带来。 _ carry 拿,提,搬, (无方向) 拎所有的包_,take the newspaper to him,bring me /here,Bring me your homewo

11、rk tomorrow.,carry all the bags,5、interesting 有趣的(adj) be interesting有趣的 , 一个有趣的故事_ interested感兴趣(adj) 对某事感兴趣_ 对做某事感兴趣_ He is an _ man . He is _ in collectingstamps. (interest),an interesting story,be interested in sth,be interested in doing sth,interesting,interested,【堂清巩固】,一、根据句意及提示完成句子 1、There is

12、 a shopping m_ near my home. 2、There are lots of new books in this b_. 3、This is my w_,but there is no money in it. 4、She _(讨厌)talking to the boy. 5、Are you interested in _(收集)stamps? Yes, very much. 6 、_(也许) you are right. Sorry about that. 7、Are you _(确信)hell like the music box? 8、Young people are

13、 always _(感兴趣) innew things like iphone 45. 二( )1、Thanks for your book._A That is right B Thats all right C All right D Thats a good idea,all,ookshop,allet,hates,collecting,Maybe,sure,interested,B,( )2 、I need you _ me with my Maths.A、help B helping C to help D helps( )3、There is a _ shop and a _ sh

14、op next to our school. A cloth, shoes B clothes, shoes C clothes, shoe D cloth, shoe( )4、Lets go fishing this Sunday afternoon, shall we? _A Thats a good idea, B Youre welcome C Youre right D Thank you.( )5、Lets have a rest._A That is right. B Thats all right C All right D Thats OK.( )6、Who can you

15、_ for help if you dont knowwhere to buy a gift?A ask with B ask to C ask D ask from,C,C,A,C,C,三、1.你经常什么时候去购物? When do you often _ _ ? 2.我确信Sandy 对音乐感兴趣。 _ _ Sandy _ _ _ music. 3.何不买些邮票给他?也许他喜欢集邮。 Why not _ some stamps _ him? _ he likes _ _. 4.她需要他拎所有的包。 She _. 5.沿着这条街走有一家现代化的购物中心。 Theres _ the stree

16、t. 6.我想和朋友一起去购物,可我没钱。 I want _, but I have no money.,go shopping,Im sure is interested in,buy for,Maybe collecting stamps,needs him to carry all the bags,a modern shopping mall down,to go shopping with your friends,Thank you. Goodbye!,Homework: 1.Remember the words and phrases 2.Recite the dialogues,


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