牛津译林版七年级英语上Unit 8 Task同步练习(含答案)

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牛津译林版七年级英语上Unit 8 Task同步练习(含答案)_第1页
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牛津译林版七年级英语上Unit 8 Task同步练习(含答案)_第2页
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1、七年级上册单元课时当堂训练Unit 8 Period 6一、词组翻译。1. 与其他任何颜色很搭配_ 2. 包含一条蓝色的牛仔裤_ 3. 看起来干净_ 4. 既不太长也不太大_ 5. 所有的学生_ 6. 穿紫色看上去很时髦_ 二、词汇运用。1.My sister wants to be a _(模特).2.Whose _(夹克衫) is this? Is it yours?3.This interesting book _(包括) four different stories.4.Sandy usually wears a pair of _(深色的) jeans5. Amy doesnt ha

2、ve sisters o_ brothers.6.Our English teacher likes sitting a_ us to chat with us.三、翻译句子。1. 我确信任何人穿上它都看上去很酷。_ sure it will _ _ _ _.2. 这些鞋子一定既轻便又舒服。These shoes _ _ _ and _.3. 这件套头衫不算太长、太大。The jumper is not _ _ _ _ _.4.这套羊毛套装穿在你身上一定会很时髦。The wool _ will _ modern _ you.5 这双运动鞋是用皮革做成的。 This pair of traine

3、rs _ _ _ leather.四、书面表达。写一篇短文,70 词左右,介绍 Simon,内容要点包括:1Simon 是阳光中学七年级四班一名学生。2他和他的同学正为希望工程(Project Hope) 举行一次时装表演。3他身穿一件黄色衬衫,由棉制成。4穿一双黑色的皮鞋和一条白色裤子,与他的衬衫很配。白色与任何一种颜色都相配。他看起来既酷又摩登。5. 他们为希望工程募集了很多钱。_ 参考答案一、1.match/go well with any other colour 2. include a pair of blue jeans3.look clean 4. not too long o

4、r too large 5. all the students 6. look smart in purple二、1. model 2. jacket 3. includes 4. dark 5. or 6. among三、1. Im ;look cool on anyone 2. must be light ;comfortable3. Too long or too big 4. suit ;look on5.is made of 四、Simon is a student in Class Four, Grade Seven in Sunshine Secondary School. He

5、 is giving a fashion show for Project Hope with his classmates. He is wearing a yellow shirt. Its made of cotton. He is wearing a pair of black leather shoes and a pair of white trousers. They match his shirt very well and white matches any other colour. He looks cool and modern. They raise a lot of money for Project Hope.


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