外研版英语七年级上Module7 Unit 2学案

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1、 模块主题 Module 7 Computers 课程 Unit 2 When do you use a computer?学习目标:1. 新词 share, Australia, company, often, customer, Internet, check ,train, travel, plan, ticket, music, movie, night, search for , information, email, send, game, 2. 重点句式 Who share a computer with his father? But sometimes I play a lo

2、t of game. When do you use a computer?3. 学会一般现在时的特殊疑问句.课堂准备:1、课前朗读单词。2、从课本中找出以下短语。使用电脑 发送邮件 一个公司经理 玩电脑游戏 检查时刻表 买票 上网 制作旅行计划 搜索信息 共用一台电脑 听音乐 看电影 自学交流: 观察:My mother likes it. My mother doesnt like it. My father and I share it. My father and I dont share it. 思考: 当主语是第一人称、第二人称、第三人称复数时,否定句中的助动词是 ,原句中的动词的

3、谓语动词形式 ;当主语是第三人称单数时,否定句中的助动词是 ,原句中的动词的第三人称单数形式 。合作探究:1、做 Activity 3。读一遍,划出动词短语并大声朗读。2、了解 sometimes 的用法。巩固提高:用所给词的适当形式填空。( night; check; ticket;computer;watch; Australia)1. There are two _ in my home.2. I _ my email and do my homework on the computer.21 教育网3. Do you often go on the _.4. Sometimes I b

4、uy train _ on it.5. What do you do every Friday_?6. Do you often like_ movies on the computer?21cnjycom7. He is _ and he comes from _.www.21-cn-拓展延伸:根据汉语,完成句型。1. 杰克和父亲共用一台电脑。Jack _a computer _ his father.2. 他在电脑上和顾客聊天。He _ _ his _ on the computer.3. 我在网上搜索信息。I _ _ _ on the _.4. 星期天我给朋友们发邮件。_ Sundays, I _ _ _ my friends.21 世纪教育网版权所有5. 你可以用你的电脑做许多事情。You can _ your computer _ _ a lot of things.本课小结:1. 我背得了本课的单词、短语和句子2. 学会一般现在时的特殊疑问句3. How often.的问句,及回答*老师,我想对您说:


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