外研版英语八年级上Module9-Language points for U1&U2课件

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1、Module 9,People and places,language points,1. Were on a school trip. 我们现在正在参加学校旅行。 trip (尤指短途的)旅行,旅游,外出。,They are on a bus/boat trip. 他们乘公共汽车/船旅行。 Shes away on a business trip to Canada. 她去加拿大出差了。 另外, 要注意介词的使用, 英语中要说on a trip。,Unit 1,2. Were enjoying the school trip a lot. 我们非常喜欢学校的这次郊游活动。,a lot可以用来

2、修饰动词,表示“非常, 很”。 Her sister looks a lot like her. 她姐姐/妹妹长得很像她。 We go to Europe a lot for a holiday. 我们常常去欧洲度假。,a lot of/ lots of 意思是 “大量、许多”,后面接可数名词复数或不可数名词。如:,There are a lot of teachers outside the building. 大楼外面有许多教师。 Her mother earns lots of money. 她的妈妈挣钱很多。,3. And Daming is having lunch and lyin

3、g in the sun.,大明在太阳下躺着, 正吃着午饭。,当我们用 lie 表示 “躺在某处” 时, 须根据具体情况而定其后面的介词。,lie in the sun 在太阳下躺着 lie on the bed 躺在床上 lie on the floor 躺在地板上 lie under a tree 躺在树下,1. At this moment, in different places of the world people are doing different things. 此时此刻,世界不同地方的人们正在做着不同的事情。,at this moment意思是“现在,此刻” 常与一般现在

4、时连用, 也可写作at the moment, 近义词为now。,Language points,Unit 2,My mother is cooking at the/this moment. 我妈妈此刻正在做饭。Could you come out for a moment, please? 请你出来一会儿好吗?Please wait for a moment. He will be back. 请您稍等,他就回来。,for a moment 意思是“片刻, 一会儿”, 表示一小段持续的时间。,2. Some are having afternoon tea at home or havin

5、g a drink. 一些人正在家里吃茶点或喝点东西。Do you know how comes the afternoon tea? 你知道下午茶的来历吗?,afternoon tea 意思是 “下午茶, 午后茶休”。,3. Theyre waiting for buses and running for trains. 他们有的在等公共汽车,有的正跑去乘火车。Hurry up! Everyone is waiting! 快点儿!大家都等着呢!,wait 意思是 “等待,等候”,是不及物动词。,当其后面跟宾语时,一定要加介词for。wait for后面可直接加名词作宾语: wait for sb./sth.:等某人/物;Im waiting for your letter. 我正等你的信呢。 Mary is waiting for her sister at the school gate. 玛丽正在学校门口等她的姐姐。,也可跟复合宾语: wait for sb. to do sth.,意思是“等某人做某事”。We cant wait for them to finish talking.我们不能等到他们把话谈完。Tom is waiting for his sister to bring him some milk. 汤姆正在等姐姐给他拿些牛奶。,


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