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1、2021 高考英语词汇复习专题之基础词汇(二)高考英语词汇复习专题之基础词汇(二) 目录目录 内容内容 专题一专题一 词汇识记与复习词汇识记与复习 专题二专题二 单句词汇变形填空单句词汇变形填空 专题三专题三 语法填空模拟习题语法填空模拟习题 专题四专题四 语法填空真题链接语法填空真题链接 专题一:词汇识记与复习专题一:词汇识记与复习 spare/spe(r)/ a.空闲的,多余的,备用 的 v.抽出;让给,拨出 village/vld/ n.村庄 go/ (went, gone) vi. 去,变得 cold/kld/ a.冷的 n.感冒,伤风,寒冷 paint/pent/ n.油漆 v.油漆

2、,粉刷,绘画 step/step/ n.脚步声,步伐,步骤,措施, 台阶 v.迈步,踩,踏,行走 environment/nvarnmnt/ n.环境 actress/ktrs/ n. 女演员 enemy/enmi/ n.敌人 pencil/pensl/ n.铅笔 11 study/stdi/ v.学习, 研究 n.学习, 研究, 书房 12 meaning/min/ n.意思,含义 13 friendly/frendli/ a.友好的 14 come/km/ (came, come) vi. 来,来到 15 introduce/ntrdjus/ vt.介绍,引进 16 order/d(r)/

3、 n.命令,顺序,定单 vt. 命令,订购,点菜 17 market/mkt/ n.市场,集市 18 wrong/r/ a.错误的,有毛病的 19 cat/kt/ n.猫 20 sea/si/ n.海,海洋 21 thousand/aznd/ num.一千 22 knee/ni/ n.膝,膝盖 23 anyone/eniwn/ pron. 任何人 24 king/k/ n.国王 25 able/ebl/ a. 有能力的,能(做)的 26 clean/klin/ v.弄干净,打扫 a.清洁的, 干净的 27 suppose/spuz/ v.猜想,假定,料想 28 period/prid/ n.时

4、期,时代 29 litter/lt(r)/ v.乱丢杂物 n. 垃圾,废弃 物,杂物 30 diary/dari/ n.日记,日记簿 31 note/nt/ n.笔记,便条,纸币,音符, 音调,口气 v.注意,指出 32 above/bv/ prep. 在上面 a. 上面的 ad. 在上面 33 hard/hd/ ad. 厉害地,费劲地 a.硬的, 困难的 34 price/pras/ n.价格 35 strange/strend/ a.奇怪的,陌生的 36 yesterday/jestd/ n.&ad.昨天 37 since/sns/ ad.自那时以来 conj.&prep. 自从以来,由于

5、 38 necessary/nessri/ a.必要的,必需的 39 dry/dra/ v.变干,弄干 a.干的,干燥的 40 also/ls/ ad. 而且;此外;也;同样 41 leaf/lif/ (pl. leaves)n.叶子,树叶 42 reason/rizn/ n.理由,原因 v.推论,推 理,劝说 43 student/stjudnt/ n.学生 44 vacation/vken/ n.假期 45 ground/rand/ n.地面 46 care/ke(r)/ n.关怀,照料 v. 关心,在 乎 47 active/ktv/ a.积极的,主动的 48 like/lak/ vt.

6、 喜欢 prep.像,跟一样, 例如 49 some/sm/ a.一些,某一,大约 pron.一 些,若干 50 try/tra/ v.&n.试,试图,努力 51 hour/a(r)/ n.小时 52 summer/sm(r)/ n.夏天,夏季 53 camp/kmp/ n. 露营,营地 v.露营,宿 营 54 around/rand/ ad. 大约,在附近 prep. 在四周,在附近 55 guess/es/ v.猜,猜测 56 record/rekd/ n.记录,唱片 /rkd/ v. 录制,记录 57 sun/sn/ n.太阳 58 uncle/kl/ n.叔,伯,舅,姑父,姨父 59

7、present/preznt/ a. 现在的,出席 n.礼 物,现在/przent/ vt.颁发,提出,呈现 60 date/det/ n. 日期,约会 v.注明日期, 约会 61 achieve/tiv/ v. 达到,完成,成功 62 hit/ht/ (hit, hit) n. 击,击中 v.打,击 63 rise/raz/ (rose, risen) vi. 上升,升起, 上涨,站起 64 late/let/ a. 晚的,迟的 ad.晚,迟 65 word/wd/ n.单词,诺言,消息 66 forest/frst/ n.森林 67 panda/pnd/n.熊猫 68 illness/ln

8、s/ n.病,疾病 69 please/pliz/ vt.使满意,使愉快 int. 请 70 steal/stil/ (stole, stolen)v.偷,偷窃 71 watch/wt/ v.观察,注视 n.手表,监视 72 heart/ht/ n.心,心脏 73 special/spel/ a.特别的,专门的 74 chess/tes/n.棋 75 poor/p(r)/ a. 贫穷的,可怜的 76 game/em/ n.游戏,比赛,运动 77 create/kriet/ vt.创造,创作 78 actor/kt(r)/ n. (男)演员 79 dream/drim/ (dreamt, dre

9、amt 或-ed, -ed) n. 梦,梦想 v.梦想,做梦 80 toward(s)/twd(z)/ prep.&ad.向,朝, 对于 81 nervous/nvs/ a.紧张的,胆怯的 82 finger/f/ n.手指 专题二:单句词汇变形填空专题二:单句词汇变形填空 1. A person with good manners is an (agree) companion, because he thinks of others. 2. Some experts advise (bring) in the advanced technology and instrument. 3. T

10、he population in that country grows at an (alarm) rate. 4. The biggest advantage of the advanced technology is its (afford) price. 5. I feel kind of (aim). I dont know what to do next. 6. The adopted son turned to explain to his stepmother, but she turned away (anger). 7. The date of the meeting (ad

11、vance) from Friday to Thursday. 8. The dark red flowers look bright the green leaves. 9. All the (annoy) has escaped far away when he heard the amusing joke. 10. This is one of the most (effect) methods of learning, as was proved. 参考答案:参考答案: agreeable;bringing;alarming;affordable;aimless;angrily;was

12、 advanced; against;annoyance;effective 专题三专题三:语法填空模拟习题语法填空模拟习题 The New Year is a family reunion to Chinese. However, in foreigners eyes, it is not only a kind of homesickness, but a spring migration(迁徙). Every year 1 (see) the largest annual mass migration on the planet 2 one sixth of the worlds pop

13、ulation travel home to celebrate 3 their family. That is around a billion people 4 (make) 3.5 billion journeys in a 40-day period. Meanwhile, over 250 million rail journeys are made across China during the festival. Last year, 5.6 million rail tickets 5 (sell) in a single day. Every new year in the

14、heartland of industrial China thousands upon thousands of motorcyclists brave the weather and hit the road, determined to make 6 home. The Chinese New Year 7 (celebrate) is also known as the Spring Festival. It lasts 15 days. It is the main holiday of the Chinese calendar. In modern China, 8 (search

15、) for work, many people have to move away from home. And they will travel home to be with the loved ones during the Spring Festival. In the Chinese New Year, modern and 9 (tradition) customs are brought together when the Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival. Nowadays, not only does China have the 1

16、0 (fast) growing modern cities in the world, but the landscapes are also truly diverse. 参考答案:参考答案:1.sees 2.when/as 3.with 4.making 5.were sold 6.it 7.celebration 8.to search 9.traditional 10.fastest 专题四专题四:语法填空真题链接语法填空真题链接 According to a review of evidence in a medical journal,runners live three yea

17、rs 1 (long) than non-runners.You dont have to run fast or for long 2 (see) the benefit.You may drink,smoke,be overweight and still reduce your risk of 3 (die) early by running. While running regularly cant make you live forever,the review says it 4 (be) more effective at lengthening life 5 walking,c

18、ycling or swimming.Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 6 showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all 7 (cause). The best exercise is one that you enjoy and will do.But otherwise.its probably running.To

19、 avoid knee pain,you can run on soft surfaces,do exercises to 8 (strength) your leg muscles(肌 肉),avoid hills and get good running shoes.Running is cheap,easy and its always 9 (energy).If you are time poor,you need run for only half the time to get the same benefits as other sports,so perhaps we should all give 10 a try. 参考答案:参考答案:1.longer2.to see 3.dying 4.is 5.than 6.that/which 7.causes 8.strengthen 9.energetic 10.it/running


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