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1、2023-2024学年江苏省扬州市七年级下英语期末复习押题预测试卷一、单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1Can you go shopping with me this weekend?_. Ill go to the Helping Hands Club.ASounds greatBIm not sureCIm afraid notDI dont think so3How many days are there in a year? There are _ days in a year.Athree hu

2、ndreds and sixty fiveBthree hundred and sixty fiveCthree hundred and sixty-fiveDthree hundred sixty-five4There is a bridge _ the river and there are many boats _ the river.Aon; onBover; overCon; overDover; on5There is _ “u” in _ word “university”.Aa; theBa; /Can; aDan; the6_ goldfish you have!Yes. M

3、y father bought them for me last year.AHow prettyBWhat a prettyCHow prettyDWhat pretty7Which “-ed” of the following words is different in pronunciation?AraisedBwalkedCdancedDliked8Believe it or not! I_ Jay Chou yesterday.Really? What did he say in his letter?Aheard thatBheard ofCheard aboutDheard fr

4、om9Lucy, the meat smells _.But Dad, something is wrong with my nose. I cant smell _.Anice; wellBwell; niceCwell; wellDnice; nice10She hopes you _ with her daughter.Ato playBplaysCcan playDplaying11Dont _ us, Miss Yang. We can help each other. We are good friends.Atalk aboutBworry aboutCthink aboutDc

5、are about12_ is it from your home to Dayang Bay (大洋湾)?Its about 45 kilometers _ my home.AHow far; farBHow long; away fromCHow long; far away fromDHow far; away from13“Take this medicine and it will make you _ better,” the nurse says to the _ boy.Afeel; sickBto feel; sickCto feel; illDfeel; ill14_ I

6、play computer games, Mum?No. Its too late, and you _ go to bed.AMay; have toBWill; shouldCCan; willDMust; need15We can often hear the birds _ in the morning. Listen! Can you hear them _ in the trees?Ato sing; singingBsing; singCsing; singingDsinging; sing二、完形填空(每小题1分,满分15分)My mother was a housewife

7、(家庭主妇). She thought that successful people spent a lot of time 16 . So she 17 my brother and me to read two books every week and write book reports. She would check them and make marks (标记), though she couldnt 18 the books at all. When I went to school, I was an A-student, but not for long. I wanted

8、 only cool 19 and mostly hung out (闲逗) with friends. I went 20 being an A-student to a C-student, but I didnt care. One night, I complained (抱怨) about not having enough 21 . Then my mother gave me all her 22 . She said I could use the money left to buy shirts if I finished 23 all the things the fami

9、ly needed. I was very 24 about that, but after I bought all the things we needed there 25 no money left. Then I understood how 26 it was for my mother to take care of the family. I went back to my studies and became an A-student again. Finally, my dream 27 true and I became a doctor. My story is rea

10、lly my mothers storya woman with 28 education (教育) greatly changed my 29 . 30 I believe there is no job more important than parenting (养育).16AexercisingBreadingCtravelingDthinking17AhelpedBhopedCaskedDlet18AbuyBuseCreadDwrite19AclothesBgamesCtoysDbooks20AupBfromConDfor21AhatsBshoesCclothesDT-shirts2

11、2AshirtsBbooksCmoneyDlove23AsellingBbuyingCsendingDhaving24AangryBexcitedCsadDbusy25AwereBwasCareDis26AeasyBdifficultCgoodDbad27AwentBbrokeCcaughtDcame28AlittleBa littleCfewDa few29AdreamBlifeCplanDstyle30AButBAndCSoDHowever三、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分30分)Welcome to Meal of the Day, we serve delicious food at go

12、od prices. Here are some of our specials.Special 1(only for kids)Mini hamburgers(Bread, lettuce, tomatoes and beef)$5 for each and half price for a second one.Special 2Handmadedumplings(Beef and carrots)$18 for a medium bowl and $22 for a large bowl.Special 3Noodles(Eggs, mutton and cabbage)$15 for

13、a medium bowl and $20 for a large bowl.Special 4(not for kids under 2)Mapo tofu(Only toufu)$20 for each and $22 for one with two bowls of rice.31Only children can order _ in Meal of the Day.AMini hamburgersBHandmade dumplingsCNoodlesDMapo tofu32Which is TRUE according to the passage?AWe can take our

14、 pet dog or cat with us in the restaurant.BThere arent any vegetables in the handmade dumplings.CMary doesnt want any meat, so she can order Mapo tofu.DWe cant get any porridge in the restaurant or bring drinks.33You should pay _ dollars for two medium bowls of dumplings and two mini hamburgers.A46B

15、33.5C43.5D36Seeing is believing, but if our eyes dont work, how can we see to believe?Today more and more kids wear glasses before going to middle school, because they spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games without a rest. But we must do something to protect (保护) our eyes because

16、they are important for us to see the world.Love our eyes. Every day, when we open our eyes, we can see the lovely friends and parents, beautiful flowers and green trees. Without them, there is only darkness. It is like a house without any light. How important our eyes are!Remember to rest our eyes.

17、When we use the computer for an hour or two, it is time to stop to have a 30-minute rest. At school, we need to do eye exercises. Closing our eyes for resting is helpful, as well as looking at green trees or grass. In these ways, our eyes will feel relaxed.Have good habits (习惯). When doing homework

18、and reading, it is important to keep a distance (距离) of 30cm between our eyes and books. We should never rub (摩擦) our eyes with dirty (脏的) fingers. Before and after swimming, use eye drops. Eat something healthy for eyes, such as carrots, fish and eggs.34We must protect our eyes because _.Aseeing is

19、 not believingBwe have to wear glassesCeyes are important for usDwe use them to watch TV35What can we do to make our eyes relaxed?ADo eye exercises.BEat something healthy.CDo some reading.DRub our eyes with dirty fingers.36We can learn from the passage that _.Arubbing our eyes is a good habitBcarrot

20、s, fish and eggs are not good for our eyesCusing eye drops is helpful to see beautiful flowersDmany kids wear glasses before going to middle school37What is the best title (标题) of the passage?AResting Our EyesBProtecting Our EyesCSeeing Is BelievingDHaving Good HabitsJiaozi, Chinese dumplings, is a

21、traditional (传统的) Chinese food. It has a history of about 1800 years. Chinese people like eating dumplings for their delicious taste and special meanings (意义). There are many kinds of dumplings, such as pork and cabbage dumplings, beef and carrot dumplings, mutton and onion dumplings and so on. So j

22、iaozi is popular with almost all Chinese people, and even people around the world. Time changes (改变) but the tradition (传统) doesnt change. Chinese people think a hot bowl of jiaozi is full of the familys love and good wishes. On the night before Chinese New Year, all the family always get together (

23、一起) to make dumplings. Its a happy time for them. When people make dumplings, they may put a coin (硬币) in one of them. The person will be lucky in the new year if he or she gets the special one. _ because it looks like yuanbao. Chinese people usually eat jiaozi at the beginning of the New Year becau

24、se they want to get lots of money in the coming year.38When did people start to make jiaozi?AAbout 180 years ago.BAbout 1800 years ago.CAbout 1500 years ago.DHundreds of years ago.39Which of the following can be put in the _?AJiaozi is a symbol of health.BJiaozi is easy and fun to make.CJiaozi is a

25、symbol of money.DJiaozi has many different kinds.40Whats the structure (结构) of this passage? ABCD41Where can you read this passage?AIn a sports book.BIn a story book.CIn an art book.DIn a food book.When you meet someone for the first time, what will you think of him or her? An American survey (调查) s

26、ays that more than half of the people are in the good-looks club. You may ask, “What is a good-looks club?” Well, people in this club always put appearance first. That is to say, what a person looks like makes people think of others differently. Peoples looks may affect (影响) their jobs.An Internet s

27、urvey asks 2, 000 young people about it. 30% of them say they can tell about someones work only by his or her clothes. 10% of them say they often leave in the middle of the date (约会) because the peoples looks are not what they want. 50% of them say they will choose the one with good looks to be a ne

28、w friend when they come to a new place. 80% of them believe that it is hard for the good-looking ones to live happily with the not-so-good ones.Parents and teachers always teach us not to know about people by their looks, but sometimes the first impression (印象) is very important. It can tell people

29、your age and your job. Your habit is also in it. We can often learn about someone from what he wears and what he says. So we must learn to wear right clothes at different time and places.Our appearance can help us open the door of what other people may think of us. However, when we finally get to kn

30、ow someone well, _ That is to say, how we do things and our personalities (性格) are still the most important things that can help other people know us better.42Whats the meaning (意思) of the “appearance” in paragraph two?A视力B外貌C性格D家世43The first impression can tell people _.Ayour age and jobByour cloth

31、esCyour habitDboth A and C44What can be put in the “_” in the last paragraph?Awe will find the appearance not so importantBwe will find the appearance very importantCwe always talk about his or her appearanceDwe always like his or her appearance a lot45Whats the main idea of the passage?AHow to get

32、a good impression.BNo one is in the good-look club.CAppearance sometimes is important.DPeople need to wear different clothes.四、单词拼写(每小题1分,满分10分)46He_ (礼貌地) refused my invitation because of the coming exam.47Students must do_ homework after school. (they)48British people dont like to shout or laugh_

33、(大声地).49The headmaster will talk to you . (person)50There is a museum_ (在之间) the bank and the cinema.51There are many_ (交通) accidents on the road every day.52As we grow up, we should learn to_ ourselves well. (照顾)53Laura is my friend. She_ (study) here last year, but she is in Beijing now. 54You hav

34、e to work hard if you want to live_ (comfortable).55Its 5 oclock in the afternoon. The sun will_ soon. (appear)五、任务型阅读(每小题2分,满分10分)After the “Double Reduction” (双减), students can have a more wonderful weekend because they can enjoy many kinds of activities. Here are four students. Lets look at their

35、 different weekends. Shen Yu, 15, Beijing The “double reduction” helps me a lot. I dont need to have maths classes at weekends. Last weekend, we had a basketball game with the team, Center City. The players in that team were all tall and strong. They thought they could win. But we played well by wor

36、king together. Happily, we won at last. Ma Li, 14, Foshan I have more time to do after-school activities. I had a cooking class last Saturday. And I learned all kinds of useful cooking skills there. It was so interesting and I wanted to take it again. Wang Jie, 14, Jiangsu My weekend was not very ex

37、citing. My friend Dale phoned me to go to the beach in the morning. But it started to rain before I went out. So I just stayed at home and watched the boring TV show at home. Zhang Han, 15, Guangzhou In the morning, I spent two hours learning how to draw a Chinese painting. In the afternoon, I cooke

38、d dinner with my mother to celebrate my fathers birthday. In the evening, my parents and I went to see a movie. What a busy weekend!56When did Shen Yu play a basketball game? _57What did Ma Li learn in the cooking class? _58What did Wang Jie think of his weekend? _59Why didnt Wang Jie go to the beac

39、h? _60Who did Zhang Han cook dinner with? _六、短文填空(每小题1分,满分10分)请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。Do you know that Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo has asked for public help by “adopting (领养)” zoo animals since (自从) years ago? In February 2024, Miss Chen from Beijing paid 2,000 yuan and “adopted” a lesser panda (or red

40、 panda) at the zoo. The zoo would use the m 61 to buy food for its animals. If the animals dont feel well, it will be paid for their medical c 62 .As for Chen, she could get a certificate and l 63 about the lesser pandas daily life online. She can go to the zoo for f 64 , she can also have the chanc

41、e to feed (喂养) the animal and clean its living space.Animals l 65 golden monkeys, koalas and tigers are all on the adoption list, according to the zoos WeChat account. E 66 animal has its own profile (简介) including a photo, its a 67 and personality (性格). For example, it shows that a 7-year-old golde

42、n monkey named “jinxiaomeng” is bold (勇敢的) and s 68 .Online adoption is one of the ways the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo gets h 69 to get through hard times. More than 80 percent of the zoos income (收入) comes from v 70 tickets (门票).七、翻译(每小题2分,满分10分)71Alice尽力进入花园,但是失败了。_72我经常看到那个穿黑衣服的男子用左手写字。_73男孩停下来并吃了两个三明治。_74我的狗总是眼睛睁得大大地找我。_75当我们过马路时,我们得小心车辆。_八、书面表达(满分20分)76临近学期结束,又到了一年一度最佳学生奖评选的时候。假如你是Tom,你想向校长推荐你自己得这个奖,请根据要点写一封自荐信。学习班上的尖子生,擅长所有的科目爱好特长1.爱读书,了解很多神奇的事情2.音乐俱乐部的一员,五岁的时候会弹钢琴能力品质1.聪明,学东西快2.善良,乐于助人3.勇敢要求:1.要点完整,表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯2.可适当发挥,但不可出现真实姓名3.词数:90词左右


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