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1、2023-2024学年七年级英语第二学期期末复习短文首字母填空15篇根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词,使短文意思完整,每空一词。Sarah was a very brave lady who liked to p 1 people from danger. One day, she heard someone shouting from her n 2 house. She saw a bad person hurting her neighbor and knew she had to act quickly. Sarah pushed the bad person away to

2、keep her neighbor s 3 .But then the bad person h 4 Sarah, too. Luckily, Sarah could get a 5 and helped her neighbor. She believed that anyone could be brave like her if they had the a 6 to protect themselves.Sarah thought that being brave was not e 7 . So she started a self- defense (自卫) class to he

3、lp people learn how to protect t 8 and others. She knew that it was i 9 to get away from danger. Sarahs story told us that anyone could be a h 10 if they stood up for what was right and helped others.根据短文内容及首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整,每空一词。Reading is an important part of any childs growth. B 11 can open

4、 up a new world to children. They teach them how the world works, tell them old stories and help them tell r 12 from wrong. A good parent always reads to the kid at an e13 age and goes on reading as he grows up. Some children may become future book lovers and do well in some areas with the help of r

5、 14 . They will always remember the wonderful time when they read with their loved ones. Childrens Day is here. Maybe you can choose a book below as the g 15 for your kid. Ans Seeds is my recommendation. Ans Seeds is a good book. It tells the story about t 16 young men who each gets a lotus seed(种子)

6、 from their master in w 17 . They talk about their ideas. The first man d 18 to plant it in the cold land right away. The second man will plant it in an expensive box. The third man An says he will w 19 for spring to plant his seed, because the nature(自然)is the best way for the plants to grow. It is

7、 a story of waiting and every child is like a “seed”. We should learn to wait while teaching them and follow their nature. Give them enough t 20 , they will grow into “lotus”.根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)Every evening the Fisherman calls the Mermaid and she sings for him. His eyes are full o

8、f l 21 and he wants her to be his wife. Unluckily, the Mermaid doesnt agree because the fisherman has a human soul. She tells him that they can be together if he s 22 his soul away.So the fisherman t 23 his best to solve the problem. First, he goes to the Priests house for help. “Father,” he says to

9、 the Priest, “I am in love with a Mermaid. I want to send my soul away, then she can love me. I cant see my soul. I cant touch it. I do not n 24 it. Tell me how to do it.”“Are you mad?” answers the Priest. “God gives us our souls to do g 25 things. Human souls are precious(珍贵的). The Sea-folk are los

10、t. Good and evil(邪恶) are the same for them.” However, the fisherman doesnt listen and the Priest closes his door angrily. Then, the fisherman walks to the marketplace and is ready to s 26 his soul to merchants(商人). But the merchants dont buy it because his soul has no value(价值) and is not u 27 at al

11、l to them.Later he remembers a young witch who is good at spells(咒语). He asks her to help him and he can even give her everything. The witch only wants him to dance with h 28 as a price. At last, she tells him to stand on the seashore with the moon behind him and cut away his shadow(影子)w 29 a knife.

12、 So the fisherman does as she says and the shadow his soul rises.In the fishermans mind, love is more i 30 than anything in the world. He looks forward to living with his Mermaid in the sea. From the Fisherman and his soulYour body is like a factory. It takes in “materials” and puts out “goods”(货品).

13、 If you start with poor materials, your goods may not be very high-quality(高质量的). But if you use b 31 materials, your goods will come out much better.What does this mean(意味着) in our life? It means getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, and e 32 every day. You may not think about this much as a s

14、tudent, but as you get older, it b 33 very important.Its good to start building a better “factory” at a young a 34 . Getting into the habit of living healthily can help you in many ways. If you get enough sleep, youll be a 35 to do well in your studies. Eating healthy food helps your body g 36 stron

15、g and fight off sickness. And exercise can help you stay f 37 and live a healthy life.This sounds like a lot to do. So b38 me and try to start smallgo to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time as well. Find time to eat an apple each daythey say “an apple a day, k 39 the doctor

16、away”. Try to exercise just a little bit each day, even if its only for ten m 40 . Keep doing these little things, and you will have a healthy body and a great life.根据对话内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使对话完整。(每空一词)A young fisherman found a mermaid and wanted nothing more than to marry her, but he couldnt, for o

17、ne couldnt live underwater i 41 he had a soul. He went to his priest, but the priest told him that people w 42 souls were lost. He tried to sell it to merchants, who told him it wasnt worth anything. He went to a witch, she told him to c 43 it away with a knife.After freeing soul from his b 44 , his

18、 Soul told him that the world was cruel and asked for his h 45 . The fisherman refused to give his soul his heart, because his love needed it. He sent the Soul away and f 46 his Mermaid under the sea.Each year the Soul came to the Fisherman to tell him what he had done. Each year, he travelled in a

19、d 47 direction and met different people from distant cultures; each time he came with a magical object, but the Fisherman valued love g 48 than everything the Soul showed him. The third year, the Soul told him about a beautiful dancer. Because it was so near that he could e 49 come back to his legle

20、ss Mermaid, he agreed to go with the Soul to see her d 50 . Rising up from the water, he and his Soul were reunited. The Fisherman tried to cut away his Soul again, but discovered that, once reunited, they could never again be parted.Taken fromThe Fisherman and His Soul根据短文内容和首字母提示,写出所缺单词,使短文内容完整、通顺

21、。易读度:Some animals in the world are very dangerous. And these animals cant be our p 51 . Now let me tell you s 52 about one kind of these animals.There are many kinds of a 53 in America. But some ants are t 54 ! They are very big and strong. People are afraid of them, and o 55 animals are afraid of t

22、hem! These ants m 56 in big groups. They eat all the animals on their way. They can kill and eat elephants, and they can eat wood houses. Sometimes they can e 57 kill people if the people cant r 58 away in time. When the ants come, people have to l 59 their homes. But people are sometimes glad after

23、 the ants p 60 through, because they can see no insects or snakes in their living area.On April 18, Chen Yang from Nanjing, Jiangsu finished his PE exam for senior high school entrance examination(中考). After three years of h 61 training, he got 38 points out of 40.“It wasnt a high score, for part of

24、 my classmates got full scores. But I was still happy, since I tried my best” Chen said.Many junior 3 students in Nanjing recently took the PE exam. Accounting for 40 points on senior high school entrance examination, PE is now a big t 62 for many junior high students. Plenty of them are weak in it.

25、 Each student looks forward to a high score, or e 63 a full soccer. In fact, many students like Chen f 64 to do that in the last exam.After getting into the ninth grade, time became limited(有限的). So Chen Yang did exercise in his c 65 every Saturday morning for 2 hours, doing pull-ups(引体向上), or play

26、basketball with his neighbors. “Health is important, and by p 66 well for the PE exam, we get more chances to exercise and relax. In fact, all of us can do some sports a 67 we are in our free time.” Chen added.However, not all the students enjoy the training. Ding Wei, a student from No.1 Middle Sch

27、ool, dislikes it. He thinks that r 68 the hard training day after day makes people feel tired of it and students may even hurt t 69 sometimes.Maybe its better to do some exercise for a short p 70 each time, and students should remember to do enough warm-up activities before they start the training.“

28、Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you.” These words were said on March 10, 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. He was testing the telephone. His helper, Thomas Watson, was in a different room. By using the telephone, Watson was a 71 to hear Bells words. Their work changed the world!Alexander was born

29、in Scotland in 1847. His father was a teacher. He taught Alexander how a p 72 voice works. Alexander wanted to know about sound because his mother could not hear. Alexander hoped deaf people could share m 73 with others.The Bell family moved to Canada when Alexander was a young man. Alexander was st

30、ill learning about sound. He studied and b 74 things that he hoped would help others. Then he moved to America and taught in a school for the deaf. At the same time, he worked on his projects. Bell thought that he could find a way to make spoken words travel t 75 an electrical wire(线).Some men who f

31、ound out that Bell was trying to build a telephone wanted to help. They gave him money so that he could get a helper. Bell hired his friend, Thomas Watson. The two men worked for many hours testing the telephone. Finally, the m 76 worked! The men took turns speaking to each other over the telephone.

32、The news about the telephone was told all around the world. People were e 77 about the new invention. They wanted to buy a telephone so that they could talk to people. In just ten years, more than 150, 000 people in America had a telephone. Bell b 78 the telephone would change over time. He was righ

33、t. People have worked to make telephones better. Telephone calls used to be made only from inside a building. Today, mobile phones are powered by batteries. They can be used almost a 79 . The telephone keeps getting better and better. Now, people can e 80 see each other on their phones when they tal

34、k!What a great invention!根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。“Im hot and tired.” said Alice. She was sitting beside the river with her sister. It was the summer holidays and Alice had n 81 to do. Her sister was three years older than her and seemed too old to play games. “How boring the holidays are!”thought Alice

35、“Read a book,” said her sister.“I dont like reading,” r 82 Alice.“Go for a walk,” suggested her sister.“Its too hot,” answered Alice.“Go to sleep then,” said her sister a 83 . “And let me read my book!”“Whats that? Alice saw something m 84 very fast behind a tree. It was a white rabbit with pink eye

36、s.” Wow, imagine a rabbit wearing glasses, “thought Alice.The rabbit was also wearing black and white checked trousers, a yellow shirt and a red jacket. What terrible clothes!”“Where is it going i 85 those ridiculous (可笑的) clothes? What has it got?” said Alice She f 86 the rabbit along a path.In the

37、 wood there were lots of trees. The rabbit stopped at a big oak tree and disappeared! Alice ran after the rabbit. There was a very long tunnel in a hole under the tree. When the tunnel e 87 , Alice was in a room. There were a lot of mirrors!Alice looked in the first mirror. “Oh, dear. Is that me?” s

38、aid Alice, “Im fat Im huge!”She looked at h 88 in the second mirror. “Now Im thin. Thin and tall.” Then she looked in the third mirror. “Now Im on my head,” said Alice, laughing. In the fourth mirror her body was l 89 a big “S”.When Alice looked for a f 90 time in another mirror. She saw a big mouth

39、 smiling at her. Then she saw a nose and eyes! It was a cat! But only the head!短文填空Do you drink milk every day? We all know that milk is good for our health. But is that the whole truth (真相)? Lets take a closer look!You might know that June 1 is C 91 Day. But did you know World Milk Day is also on t

40、he s 92 day?Milk may be one of the best drinks in our life. It has a lot of nutrients (营养物质) to help children g 93 . Its rich in calcium (钙) and vitamins (维他命). Calcium gives us strong bones. Doctors say that milk is also good for our t 94 and heart. And a glass of warm milk helps to get a good nigh

41、ts sleep. Milk is great!However, Scientists found that milk may cause some health p 95 . “Drinking a lot of milk (three or more t 96 a day) may make children fat.” a reporter from US science n 97 LiveScience said. Also, some studies s 98 that milk may not really help make peoples bones very strong.

42、some people who drank more milk also had more broken bones.The best time of day for a glass of milk is during breakfast time. It makes us active during the day. You can also drink milk b 99 you go to bed. It can calm us down and make us sleep b 100 .So should we still drink milk? Milk may not be a s

43、uperfood. But it does give us a lot of nutrients. Drink milk if you like it, but not because you think it is the best thing for your health.I often dreamed about Pisa when I was a boy. I learned about the famous b 101 called the Leaning Tower of Pisa(比萨斜塔). But when I read the word Pisa, I was think

44、ing of pizza. I thought this tower was a p 102 to buy pizza.Many years later I finally saw the Leaning Tower. I knew then that it was Pisa not pizza. But there was still s 103 special about it for me. The tower got its name b 104 really leans(倾斜)to one side. Some people want to try to f 105 it. They

45、 are afraid it may f 106 down and they dont like it lean over the city.I dont think its a good i 107 to try to fix it. The tower is 600 years old. Why should anything happen to it now? And if you ask me, I like what it looks like. N 108 is perfect(完美的).There are many o 109 older, more beautiful towe

46、rs in Italy, b 110 Pisa Tower is the most famous. People come from all over the world to see it.根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。Do you know Grandpa Amu? He is good at u 111 wood to make a lot of things by hand. He always finishes his work without any machine, or even nails or glue (钉子或胶水). People call him modern “Lu Ban”a f 112 woodworker in Warring States period.Grandpa Amus real name is Wang Deweng. He is now 63 years old and s 113 his house with his sons family in Guangxi. In his video posts, Grandpa Amu shows people how to make an apple-like Lu Ban lock,


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