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1、2023-2024学年连云港市七年级下英语期末复习押题预测试卷一、单项选择(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1_ try some Huaiyang food for dinner today? Good idea.AWhy notBWhy dontCWhy not toDWhy not we2The town is ten kilometers _ the City Garden. Lets take a bus.Aaway fromBfar awayCfarDfar away from3Mum,

2、I can only see one of my shoes, but where is _ shoe?Under the bed!Athe otherBanotherCotherDone4There is _with my bicycle. I will ask my uncle _it this afternoon.Awrong something; to fixBsomething wrong; fixingCsomething wrong; to fixDwrong something; fixing5How to read 250, 608?Atwo hundreds and fif

3、ty thousands and six hundreds and eightBtwo hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and eightCtwo hundred and fifty thousand and six hundred and eightDtwo hundreds fifty thousands six hundreds and eight6Mike is cleaning his bike now. He _ it to the park with his friends.AridesBwill rideCridingDride7S

4、he hopes you _ with her daughter.Ato playBplaysCcan playDplaying8This restaurant is popular now. Shall we go there and try the food?_. Let me book(订) a table first.AWait a minuteBHave funCI seeDYoure welcome9The world is _ love and we can enjoy a better life.Afit forBfilled ofCfill withDfull of10Exc

5、use me. Is there _ book by J. K. Rowling? Yes. Its on _ bookshelf over there. Aa; /Ba; theC/; theDthe; a二、完形填空(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分15分)My name is George. Im from London, 11 . Now Im studying in Germany (德国). I get to my 12 at 7: 30 every morning. Many of my classmates come to school by 13 . But in Engla

6、nd, my schoolmates dont do that often.In England, people usually drive, take a bus or 14 somewhere, for example, to school. In Germany, I often 15 many people, even people over eighty years old go somewhere by bike. It makes me think: Are English people too 16 or do people in Germany love riding bik

7、es?My father 17 me the answer. We live in Northern Germany. The streets here are very flat (平坦的), so it is 18 to go somewhere by bike. Its 19 to ride bikes because you dont need to 20 much money riding bikes. Also, riding bikes is 21 the environment (环境).I like riding bikes now. A bike can take me s

8、omewhere 22 . Riding bikes helps me keep 23 and is good for my body. When I 24 to England, I will ask my friends to ride bikes 25 me. I think they will like riding bikes, too.11AAmericaBEnglandCAustraliaDJapan12AschoolBofficeCshopDhotel13AbusBbikeCcarDsubway14AdriveBrideCwalkDgo15AlistenBhearClookDs

9、ee16AfastBslowClazyDquiet17AsaysBspeaksCtalksDtells18AhardBeasyCearlyDlate19AexpensiveBcheapCboringDinteresting20AcostBtakeCpayDspend21Agood atBgood withCgood toDgood for22AquicklyBslowlyCquietlyDloudly23AsafeBhealthyCbusyDfree24Ago outBgo backCgo onDgo down25AwithBforCtoDat三、阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分, 满分3

10、0分)The following is the weather report for February 3th. Look at the map, please.26The weather in Guangzhou is _ at night.AsnowyBrainyCwindyDsunny27You need to wear a raincoat (雨衣) when you go out in _.ALhasaBShanghaiCUrumqiDHarbin28The children in Harbin can _ outside on February 3th.AswimBbrush te

11、ethCsleepDmake snowmenTommy is a 17-year-old boy. He likes sports very much. He likes summer best. The summer holidays are coming! He is very happy. He wants to plan all kinds of fun things to do, like swimming, climbing, soccer and ping-pong. He also plans to take a trip to Hangzhou. He wants to kn

12、ow about the weather in the newspaper before making some plans and taking the right clothing. This is the seven-day weather in Hangzhou. MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday3136303528312126263 I27323238He plans to travel with a friend because his friend can help keep him safe and share

13、 the fun. He plans to carry a map. His mom says to him, “You should be careful. Dont go to dangerous places. You should only drink safe water. Put on a hat and wear sunglasses. Dont stay in the sun too long. And dont swim alone.” “Thanks, mom. I will remember them.” Tommy answers.29Tommy likes _best

14、.AspringBsummerCfallDwinter30Tommy plans to _.Atake a trip to SuzhouBgo swimming and runningCtravel with a friendDgo to a dangerous place31Thursday may be the best day for _.ABCD32From the passage, we can infer (推测) that _.ATommy plans to carry a mapBTommy doesnt like sportsCit is very cool and cold

15、 in HangzhouDTommy prepares well for the tripIf you take the train to Chongqing North Train Station and dont know how to get to the place you want to go, you can ask the two old grandpas for help. They are Old Xu and Old Zhao. Old Xu is 75 years old. He lives near the station. Every morning he gets

16、up very early. After breakfast, at eight oclock he gets to North Train Station. He puts on his yellow waistcoat (背心) and starts to workwalking around and showing people the way. Old Xu works five to six hours a day and helps hundreds of people. He knows the bus routes (线路) in Chongqing very well, so

17、 people call him “a walking map”. Old Zhao is Old Xus “student”. He is 70 years old. He thinks Old Xu is doing a good job, so he comes to help him. Both of them say helping others makes themselves happy.These days, the two grandpas are learning English. Why? They see there are more and more foreigne

18、rs coming to China and they want to help them. We must give them the thumbs-up (点赞)!33Old Xu gets to the train station at _ every day.A7:00 a.m.B8:00 a.m.C9:00 a.m.D10:00 a.m.34People call Old Xu “a walking map” because he _.Agives maps to peopleBoften walks around ChongqingCalways takes a map with

19、himDknows the bus routes very well35The underlined word “foreigners” means _ in Chinese.A外国人B迷路的人C着急的人D聋哑人36What can we learn from the passage?AOld Xu only works in the afternoon.BOld Xu is teaching Old Zhao English.CThese two old men like helping others.DThe two old men only help old people every d

20、ay.Zhao Xing: Hi, Sam. Hows it going? Its great to meet you online (网上). Im feeling great today. We got our end-of-term reports (期末报告) and my parents were so happy. How about you?Sam: Hi, Zhao Xing. My report came today and Ive never seen my parents look so unhappy. I cant believe it.Zhao Xing: Im s

21、orry to hear that. I joined an English club. Often we just talk about movies we have seen. Theres only one rule when we meetwe must speak English! Why dont you try and do the same?Sam: Thats a really good idea. There are lots of people from different countries in my school. The problem is that they

22、stay in little groups and dont mix (交往) very well.Zhao Xing: It must be difficult for you. There must be things you can do after school. I really like football, so Ive joined a football club. Its great because we do something we really enjoy and speak English at the same time! How about trying the s

23、ame?Sam: I cant play football but I can play the drums! I have a friend who can play the guitar. Another can play the piano. Maybe we could make a music group!Zhao Xing: Great idea. But make a rule for your music group. When you are together, you may only sing and speak in English!37Zhao Xing and Sa

24、m are _.Apen friendsBonline friendsCbrothersDclassmates38What can we know about Zhao Xing from the passage?AHe is not good at English.BHe cant play football.CHe is interested in watching movies.DHe doesnt like making friends with others.39Zhao Xing gave Sam some advice to help him _.Akeep healthyBjo

25、in a clubCmeet different peopleDimprove (提高) his English40From the passage we can infer (推断) Zhao Xing is _.Afriendly and helpfulBshy and quietCstrict but interestingDlazy but smart四、阅读还原(每小题2分, 满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Wu Ming, a young German, is a student in Henan University

26、of Chinese Medicine. 41 Wu is very interested in Chinese culture such as kung fu. 42 To find better treatment (疗法) for some health problems,he decided to learn TCM. He hoped to be a doctor and better understand (理解) Chinese culture.In 2015, Wu came to Henan Province. He started to learn TCM there. 4

27、3 Before Wu came to China, he learned Chinese for one year. But in Henan, many of Wus teachers and classmates spoke the Henan dialect (方言) in their everyday life. To learn TCM better, he spent a lot of time learning and practicing the dialect. Now, he can use the dialect to talk with others, and its

28、 easier for him to learn TCM.Learning TCM helps Wu get healthier habits. 44 But now, he goes to bed and gets up early, and he enjoys drinking tea and reading. Also, he always shares some good ways to stay healthy with his family. 45 He wants to help with the cultural communication (交流) between the t

29、wo countries and make many foreign people learn more about TCM and Chinese culture.AHowever, it was difficult for him to understand the language.BLearning a foreign language isnt easy for him.CHe liked staying up late and playing computer games in the past.DHe also knows TCM is an important part of

30、Chinese culture.EIn Wus mind, theres no big difference between China and Western countries.FHe is studying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at the university.GWu plans to have a TCM clinic (诊所) in China or Germany in the future.五、单词拼写(每小题1分, 满分5分)46They finished the work _(完全地) yesterday.47_ (突然)

31、the phone went dead.48Both boys had good manners, _ (礼貌地) shaking hands.49Tom thinks _ (平躺) on the sofa is really relaxing after a long week at work.50I hope the charity show will be _ (成功) held in our school hall.六、短文填空(每小题1分, 满分5分)Everyone likes to have fun, but not everyone has much money to spen

32、d. Here are some free or c 51 ways to enjoy yourself. Get outsideGoing outside in good w 52 can be a lot of fun, especially if you go with a friend on a warm day. Hike or bicycle on a nearby path or in a park. If you live in a city, choose a sunny afternoon to go window shopping. Or you can just loo

33、k for an old part of town and enjoy the buildings. Try a hobbyWhile youre outside, taking some pictures can be fun. Of course, you should get your camera or mobile phone ready and design a right route before you go. P 53 and taking pictures can make you see the beautiful views all around you. Howeve

34、r, if you dont have a camera or a phone, you can try drawing because it o 54 needs a pencil and a piece of paper. Meet a friendFriendship is often the best thing in life. Whatever you do, find someone to share it with. I 55 a friend for a walk, an event or a time working on your hobby. If your frien

35、d comes in the afternoon, you dont have to serve (提供) a meal. You can sit and talk, play computer games or card games or watch a movie. See? You dont need much money to have a fun day.七、选词填空(每小题1分, 满分10分)根据句意,从方框中选出与句子相符合的选项。Ahelps.withBin dangerC kind ofDlisten to musicE. comes fromF. is strict wit

36、hG. cut downH. come trueI. made ofJ. are good at56If you want to make your dream _, you have to work hard.57Tony often _ me _ my English. He is really kind.58To save elephants, we cant buy things _ ivory.59My mom _ me, especially in my study.60Many animals are losing homes because people _ trees.61M

37、y fathers job is _ difficult, but he likes it.62My cousin Andy _ America. He is an American.63Millie, Amy and I _ English. We all think its fun.64Li Ming loves to _. TF boys are his favourite singers.65Its so hot this year, and there is no rain for some months.The crops (庄稼) are _ now.八、任务型阅读(每小题2分,

38、 满分10分)We have twenty minutes break time after the second class in the morning. Look! Most of us are playing during the break time. Some students are on the playground. They are playing basketball. Oh! A boy is running with the ball. And another is stopping (阻止) him. They look so cool. And there are

39、 some girls watching the game. Some students are in the classroom. A few of them are reading and doing homework. Look! A girl is looking at the birds in the tree in front of the classroom. She must be thinking of something interesting because she is smiling (微笑). What are the teachers doing? Some of

40、 them are working in the office. And some are talking with students. Everyone is doing his or her things, busy but happy!66Where are the students playing basketball?_67What are the teachers doing?_68Whats the girl looking at?_69What is the passage mainly (主要) about?_70Are students happy?_九、书面表达(满分25

41、分)71期末临近,你校志愿者俱乐部V-Group开展了“身边好榜样”(the Good Example Around)评选活动。假如你是 Kate。你想推荐你的同学 Lily。请根据以下图表提示,从品质、能力和志愿活动等方面用英文写一封推荐信。要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)必须包括提示中所有要点内容,并适当发挥;3)词数:100词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。Dear sir/madam of V-Group, I would like to recommend my classmate Lily to be the Good Ex

42、ample Around. _All the students in our class think Lily deserves it. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours, Kate参考答案1A【详解】句意:今天晚餐何不尝尝淮扬菜呢?好主意。考查特殊疑问句。why not do sth.?=why dont you/we do sth.?,空后是动词原形“try”,此处应用why not提问,表示一种建议。故选A。2A【详解】句意:这个小镇离城市花园有十公里远。我们坐公共汽车吧。考查短语辨析。away from远离;far away遥远的;far远的;f

43、ar away from离远。本句已给出具体的距离“ten kilometers”,不与far同用,故选A。3A【详解】句意:妈妈,我只能看到我其中的一只鞋,但是另一只在哪里?在床底下!考查不定代词辨析。the other两者中的另一个;another三者及以上的另一个;other其他的,后常加名词复数;one 一个。根据“I can only see one of my shoes, but where is. shoe”可知,鞋子有两只,此处是指两者中的另一个,应用the other。故选A。4C【详解】句意:我的自行车出毛病了。今天下午我要请我叔叔来修。考查不定代词的用法。ask sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事。因此第二个空用动词不定式,排除B/D;形容词wrong修饰不定代词something时,要后置,故排除A,所以选C。5B【详解】句意:怎样读250, 608?考查数字的英语读法。在英语中读大于1000的数字时从右向左读,每三位数一读,按照百位数的读法来读,第一个“,”读作thousand,第二个“,”读作million,即250,608读作two hundred and f


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