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1、2023-2024学年七年级英语下学期期末复习专题05 阅读理解之记叙文There was a boy outside the door, with a large letter in his hand. (He was dressed like a boy, but his face was very like a fish, Alice thought.) The Fish-Boy knocked at the door, and a second later a large plate came flying out of an open window.“A letter for the

2、 Duchess,” the Fish-Boy shouted. He pushed the letter under the door and went away.Alice went up to the door and knocked, but there was a lot of noise inside and nobody answered. So she opened the door and walked in.She found herself in a kitchen, which was full of smoke. There was a very angry cook

3、 by the fire, and in the middle of the room sat the Duchess, holding a screaming baby. Every few minutes a plate crashed to the floor. There was also a large cat, which was sitting on a chair and grinning from ear to ear. “Please,” Alice said politely to the Duchess, “Why does your cat grin like tha

4、t?”“Its a Cheshire Cat,” said the Duchess. “Thats why.”“I didnt know that cats could grin,” said Alice.“Well, you dont know much,” said the Duchess. Another plate crashed to the floor and Alice jumped. “Here!” the Duchess went on. “You can hold the baby for a bit if you like. The Queen has invited m

5、e to play croquet, and I must go and get ready.” She pushed the baby into Alices arms and hurried out of the room.“Oh, the poor little thing!” said Alice, looking at the baby, which had a very strange face. She took it outside into the wood and walked around under the trees. Then the baby began to m

6、ake strange noises, and Alice looked into its face again. Its eyes were really very small for a baby, and its nose now looked very like the nose of a pig.Excerpted from Alices Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll1What did the Fish-Boy bring to the Duchess?AA plate.BA baby.CA letter.DA cat.2What

7、 is the right order of the events in this passage?a. Duchess pushed the baby into Alices arms.b. Alice took it outside into the wood.c. The Fish-Boy knocked at the door.d. Alice found herself in a kitchen.Ab-a-c-dBb-d-a-cCc-d-a-bDc-a-d-b3Why did the Duchess leave the baby with Alice?AShe didnt like

8、her baby.BShe wanted to play croquet.CShe thought Alice was a nurse.DShe didnt want to take the baby with her.4What happened to the babys face when Alice was holding it?AIts eyes became bigger.BIts nose looked like a pigs nose.CIts ears grew.DIts hair changed color.Slam Dunk is a childhood memory fo

9、r many Chinese people. It first came out in 1990 in Japan as a sports comic strip. Now it comes back with an all-new lovely film. The First Slam Dunk came to cinemas in Japan on 3 December, 2022, but later in China, on April 20, the next year. The film shows a group of young boys go after their bask

10、etball dreams. Hanamichi Sakurag is one of the leading roles(主角). He had agift in basketball when he was very young, but he doesnt put his heart into it. He later overcomes(克服) many problems and begins to work hard on the Shohoku High School basketball team.Many fans are excited about the film. They

11、 wrote online. “My youth is back!” “As these boys catch the ball, nothing can stop them from enjoying the fun .” said Zhang Chao, a comic strip fan, “Sometimes you can recall back your old days playing with your friends.”According to the Screen Rant website, as a sports film “the story of Slam Dunk

12、also shows the friendship among the players”. This also moves many people around the world.5When was The First Slam Dunk on in Chinese cinemas?AIn 1990.BIn 2021.CIn 2022.DIn 2023.6What is Slam Dunk about?AMusic.BBasketball.CFootball.DVolleyball.7What does the underlined word “gift” in the second par

13、agraph mean?AabilityBbravenessCsoulDpresent8What can we know from the passage?ASlam Dunk is a Chinese comic strip.BSlam Dunk tells stories about a group of girls.CThere are Slam Dunk fans all over the world.DZhang Chao is one of leading roles in the movie.Mel was walking home from school when she sa

14、w the wallet on the path. She found there was five hundred dollars in it.Five hundred dollars!Mel thought about the bike she wanted. She had asked her mum for one, but her mum said they had no money for bikes.Mel looked around. There was no one around. She put the wallet into her school bag and ran

15、home fast. When she got home, she put the wallet in her treasure box. But how could she tell her parents where she had got the money? Then Mel remembered the science competition (比赛). The prize (奖品) was five hundred dollars. She would tell her parents she had won it.The next day, Mel rushed home fro

16、m school. She was just about to tell her mother the good news when her mother said, “Guess what? I had enough money left over this week for a treat. I bought some oranges. ”Mels news darted (猛冲) back inside her. What if her mother had lost her wallet and someone had kept it? They might not have any

17、food for weeks! Mel ran to her room. She opened the treasure box and took out the wallet.Mel took the wallet to her mother. “I found this.” she said. “It has five hundred dollars in it.” Her mother looked at the wallet. “It is Mrs Makas,” she said. “Well have to take it to her right now.”Mrs Maka wa

18、s very happy to get her wallet back. “This money is to treat (治疗) my eyes,” she said. “If theyre not treated, I wont see anything.” She took out twenty dollars and gave it to Mel. “Thank you for being honest,” she said. Mel knew that twenty dollars wouldnt buy a bike. But if she saved it, one day sh

19、e might have enough.After that, Mel and Mrs Maka were good friends. Mel helped Mrs Maka make a garden and Mrs Maka showed Mel how to design dresses. One day, Mrs Maka said “Guess what, Mel? My dresses won a prize. A red bike! I cant ride a bike. Would you like it?”9What does the underlined word “hon

20、est” mean in this story?A友善的B诚实的C勇敢的D慷慨的10When Mel got home and heard her mothers words the next day, she felt _.AafraidBfunnyCsickDsorry11What can we know from the story?AMels dream came true in the end.BMels family had no money for food.CMel saved enough money to buy a bike.DMel won the prize for

21、the science competition.12Which can be the best title (标题) of the story?AA Red BikeBA Brave GirlCMaking a ChoiceDHelping a NeighbourThe next two days it rained and it was very windy, so Mary couldnt go outside. Then on the third morning when she opened her eyes and looked out of the window, she had

22、a big surprise. She called to Martha “Martha! Come and look at the moor!(荒原)”There was no wind or rain and the sky was quite blue.“Yes,” said Martha with a smile “The springs coming.”After breakfast Martha went to visit her mother for the day. Mary felt lonely in the house without her, so she went o

23、utside into the bright sunshine. She ran round and round the fountain ten times and soon she started to feel better. Ben Weather staff was in the vegetable garden. He didnt look angry that day so she went to speak to him.“The springs coming”, he said to her. “Can you see those green points in the ea

24、rth?” Mary looked. “What are they?”she asked.“Theyre spring flowers.” Then the robin appeared and sat on the ground near them.“Is spring coming in the secret garden, too?” Mary asked Ben, “Or are all the flowers dead?” “Ask the robin” said Ben Weather staff. “Hes the only one who knows.” And he went

25、 back to work.The robin was hopping around on the ground. Mary was watching him when she saw something in the earth. She picked it up. It was an old key.“The key to the secret garden!” she whispered excitedly.Mary looked at the key for a long time. Then she put it in her pocket and walked back to he

26、r room.taken from The Secret Garden13What was the weather like on the third morning?ASunnyBWindyCRainyDCloudy14What was Ben Weather staff like in Marys eyes?AKind-hearted.BangryCHard-workingDfriendly15Why does Ben Weather staff think the spring is coming?ABecause there was no wind or rain and the sk

27、y was quite blue.BBecause Martha told him so and he believed her.CBecause he lived on the moor for a long time and he was sure.DBecause there are some green points in the earth.16Which is the best title for the passage?AAn Unusual RobinBThe Spring ComesCThe Key to the Secret GardenDBens Day in the G

28、ardenFor many years, Sudha Mahalingam is interested in adventures(冒险). Her husband doesnt like adventures, so he tells Mahalingam to visit interesting places with a local guide(导游). However she doesnt like planned trips. “Planned trips show you what they want to show you, not what you want to see,”

29、Mahalingam says. Mahalingam takes five to six trips every year. Now, at the age of 72 she has visited 66 countries in all. She takes most of the trips alone. She goes anywhere she likes. Her last trip to see monkeys in Madagascar was her favourite adventure moment. “It was an unexplored place not bu

30、sy and had very few facilities(设施). I was on a boat for three days and the boat had no bathroom. It was a difficult trip but I really liked it,” says Mahalingam. She also loves to write about her trips and take photos on the way. She talks about her adventures online and puts her stories in newspape

31、rs and magazines. Mahalingam says that she does not get worried easily and she always looks for fun on every trip. She also says to women travellers, “There is nothing to be afraid of. Most people are kind everywhere. Follow your heart, and try to find ways to live an amazing life.”17How many trips

32、does Mahalingam take every year according to the passage?A56.B66.C72.D3.18What does the underlined word “unexplored” mean in Chinese?A无人知道的B无人涉足的C无人喜欢的D无人看见的19Why didnt Mahalingam like planned trips?ABecause her husband didnt like them.BBecause she couldnt see what she wanted to see.CBecause she wan

33、ted to visit many interesting places.DBecause she could see what the guides want to show.20What can you infer(推断)about Mahalingam from the passage?AShe doesnt like to travel with her husband.BShe will be afraid of travelling in the future.CShe likes sharing her adventures with others.DShe liked trav

34、elling only when she was very young.21What is the best title for the passage?AMahalingams lifeBMahalingams favourite tripCMahalingam and her husbandDA 72-year-old womans adventuresMary entered her new house on a very hot day last August. She was trying to carry all of her things into the house, but

35、it was quite hard for her. After working for one hour and a half, she stopped for a rest. “I need to have a drink,” she thought. Then Mary saw a glass of water in front of her. “Here you are. You look so tired” a sweet voice said. Mary looked up and saw a pretty girl in a purple skirt, smiling to he

36、r. “Thanks!” she answered when she took the glass and drank the water. “It seems that you need some help,” said the girl. Then she began to help carry some of the boxes into the house. Mary was very surprised at it, because the boxes were both heavy and dirty. Half an hour later, all the boxes were

37、inside the house. Mary thanked the girl again and again, and the girl said that neighbours should help each other. At that time Mary knew that the girl was called Alice. She was a college student and lived on the other side of the street. Mary thought that she was very lucky to meet Alice when she g

38、ot to the new neighbourhood on the first day. It made her feel warm and hopeful to start her new life here.22Why was Mary surprised when Alice helped carry the boxes?ABecause it was very hot that day.BBecause Alice wore a purple skirt.CBecause Alice gave her a glass of water.DBecause the boxes weren

39、t light or clean.23How long did Mary spend carrying all the things into the house?AAn hour.BHalf an hour.CTwo hours.DOne and a half hours.24What can we learn from Paragraph 7?AAlice was very helpful.BMary was unkind to Alice.CAlice lived next to Mary.DAlice was a middle school student.25Which is the

40、 right order of the things according to the passage?a. Mary thanked Alice again and again.b. Mary got to the neighbourhood. c. Mary took the glass of water and drank.d. Alice helped Mary carry things. e Mary looked up and saw a pretty girl smiling to herAa-c-b-d-eBb-c-e-a-dCa-b-e-d-cDb-e-c-d-a26How

41、did Mary feel after meeting her new friend Alice?ATired and unhappy.BWarm and hopeful.CUnlucky and sad.DSurprised and excited.One morning, Anns neighbor Tracy found a lost dog walking around the local middle school. She asked Ann if she could keep an eye on the dog. Ann said that she could watch it

42、only for the day. Tracy took photos of the dog and printed 400 FOUND fliers(传单), and put them in mailboxes. At the same time, Ann went to buy some food for the dog. She told her two sons not to fall in love with the dog. Anns son Thomas was 10 years old, and Jack, who was recovering(恢复)from a heart

43、operation(手术), was 21 years old. Four days later Ann was still taking care of the dog, and they started to call it Riley. When she arrived home from work, the dog hit itself against the door and barked loudly at her. As soon as she opened the door, Riley rushed into the boys room where Ann found Jac

44、k suffering from a heart attack(心脏病发作). Riley ran over to Jack and stopped barking when Ann bent over to help Jack. “Without it, Jack would have died,” Ann reported to a local newspaper. By now, no one called to ask for the dog, so Ann wanted to keep it. The next morning Tracy got a call. A man name

45、d Peter recognized his lost dog and called the number on the flier. Tracy started crying, and told him, “That dog saved my friends son.”Peter drove to Anns house to pick up his dog, and saw Thomas and Jack crying in the window. After a few moments Peter said, “Maybe Odie was supposed to find you, ma

46、ybe you should keep it.”27How many characters(角色)are there in this story?A4B5C6D728What does the underlined word “recognized” mean(意思是)in Chinese?A想起B认出C要回D承认29In which order did the following things happen? a. Peter called and drove to pick up the dog. b. The dog barked and took Ann to the boys roo

47、m. c. Tracy printed fliers to help find the master of the dog. d. A local newspaper reported the clever dog. e. A lost dog walked around the local middle school.AecbdaBbdcaeCebdcaDecdab30What can we infer(推断)about the dog from the last paragraph?APeople would call it Odie.BAnns family would keep it.CPeter would take it home.DTracy would take it away.There is a 41-year-old woman from California known as Anna, and she remembers almost every day of her life since(自从)she was eleven. There is an 85-year-old man known as Eddy, and he only knows a little.Eddy is warm and fr


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