人教版六年级英语上册Unit6 How do you feel?A Let’s learn, write and say教案

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1、Unit 6 How do you feel?教学设计一、教学内容:A Lets learn, write and say二、教学目标:(一)知识与技能目标1.能够听、说、认读单词“angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy”;2.能认读句型:主语+be(am/is/are)+表示心情、情绪的形容词。He/She is . They are . I am .(二)方法与过程目标1.能够在情景中运用句型“主语+be+表示心情、情绪的形容词”介绍不同的心情、情绪;2.能够运用“phonic”自然拼读法对简单单词进行拼读。(三)情感态度与价值观目标培养学生关心他人,并对他人

2、的心情、情绪进行描述的能力。三、教学重难点:掌握四会单词并能用它们描述自己或他人的情绪。四、教法与学法:示范法,讲解法,情景交际法,练习法,游戏法五、教学准备:图片,单词卡片,多媒体课件。六、教学过程:Step 1. Warm-up1. Greetings:T:Good morning,boys and girls.How are you today?S1:Im fine.Thank you.And you?T:Im fine,too.Thank you.再问答几个学生:What does your father/mother do?How do you get to school? (设计意

3、图:与学生互动问好,复习旧知识,旧句型。)2. Lets sing:T:Boys and girls.Do you like singing ?Today,lets sing the song “My father is a doctor” Ok?(设计意图:跟唱英文歌曲”My father is a doctor”,烘托、活跃课堂气氛。)3.Lets chant: T:Boys and girls.Look at the chant.Can you chant?Ss:Of course.T:OK,lets chant together.(设计意图:说唱歌谣,复习单词字母发音。)Step 2

4、.Presentation1. Lets guess:T:Boys and girls.Look at the picture.Can you guess:What holiday is this?S1:Its Spring Festival/Childrens DayT:Is he/she right?Ss:Yes!T:OK,lets clap for him/her(设计意图:复习单词,创设情境,激发学生兴趣。)2. Show the word“happy” with two pictures :T:Boys and girls,During theSpring Festival,all

5、the people in China are very happy.And on childrens day,all the children are very happy,too.(设计意图:通过图片和学生亲身经验对比,让学生初步感知单词“happy”)3. Teach the word“happy”with “phonics”A.Write and spell the word”happy”:h-a-p-p-y(设计意图:书写及拼读单词,加深书写印象。)B.Teach the word“happy”with “phonics”:T:Boys and girls,listen carefu

6、lly: a-a-a:/-/-/ y-y-y:/i/-/i/-/i/(设计意图:利用phonics教授新单词:happy通过以前学过的两个单词对比,加深印象。)C.Read and spell the word”happy” one by one:(设计意图:一个接一个拼读单词,及时巩固,加深印象)D.Look and say:T:Boys and girls,look at the picture carefully,the boy is . YesHe is happy. She is happy. YaoMing is happy.They are happy. I am happy.(

7、设计意图:通过图片,引出句子:He is . She is . I am .单词与句子讲练结合。 )4.Teach the word“sad”with “phonics”A.Write and spell the word”sad”:s-a-d(设计意图:书写及拼读单词,加深书写印象。)B.Teach the word“sad”with “phonics”T:Boys and girls,listen carefully: a-a-a:/-/-/ (设计意图:利用phonics教授新单词:sad通过以前学过的单词对比,加深印象。)C.Read and spell the word”sad” i

8、ngroups(group 1 &group 2):(设计意图:小组拼读单词,及时巩固,加深印象)D.Look and say:T:Boys and girls,look at the sentences,read after me :I am sad.He/She is sad. They are sad.(设计意图:通过图片,结合句子:I am . He/She is . They are 单词与句子讲练结合。 )5.Teach the word“afraid”with “phonics”A.Write and spell the word”afraid”:a-f-r-a-i-d(设计意图

9、:书写及拼读单词,加深书写印象。)B.Teach the word“afraid”with “phonics”T:Boys and girls,listen carefully: a-a-a:/ /-/ /-/ / ai-ai-ai:/ei/-/ei/-/ei/(设计意图:利用phonics教授新单词:afraid通过以前学过两个单词对比,加深印象。)C.Read and spell the word”afraid” ingroups(group3 & group 4):(设计意图:小组拼读单词,及时巩固,加深印象)D.Look and say:T:Boys and girls,look at

10、 the sentences,read after me :I am afraid.He/She is afraid. They are afraid. (设计意图:通过图片,结合句子:I am . He/She is . They are 单词与句子讲练结合。 )6.Teach the word“worried”with “phonics”A.Write and spell the word”afraid”:w-o-r-r-i-e-d(设计意图:书写及拼读单词,加深书写印象。)B.Teach the word“worried”with “phonics”T:Boys and girls,li

11、sten carefully: o-o-o:/ /-/ /-/ / i-i-i:/i/-/i/-/i/(设计意图:利用phonics教授新单词:worried通过以前学过两个单词对比,加深印象。)C.Read and spell the word”worried” ingroups(girls):(设计意图:小组拼读单词,及时巩固,加深印象)D.Look and say:T:Boys and girls,look at the sentences,read after me :I am worried.He/She is worried. They are worried. (设计意图:通过图

12、片,结合句子:I am . He/She is . They are 单词与句子讲练结合。 )7.Teach the word“angry”with “phonics”A.Write and spell the word”angry”:a-n-g-r-y(设计意图:书写及拼读单词,加深书写印象。)B.Teach the word“angry”with “phonics”T:Boys and girls,listen carefully: a-a-a:/-/-/ y-y-y:/i/-/i/-/i/(设计意图:利用phonics教授新单词:angry通过以前学过两个单词对比,加深印象。)C.Rea

13、d and spell the word”angry” in groups (boys):(设计意图:小组拼读单词,及时巩固,加深印象)D.Look and say:T:Boys and girls,look at the sentences,read after me :I am angry.He/She is angry. They are angry.(设计意图:通过图片,结合句子:I am . He/She is . They are 单词与句子讲练结合。 )Step 3.Practice1.Listen and repeat:T:Ok.Boys and girls,listen an

14、d repeat the tape .(设计意图:听音复述,进一步巩固单词与句子)2.Lets do:T:Ok.Boys and girls,its time to lets do .Let me show you how to finish it first. Then I will ask one studentto finish it. (设计意图:通过单词归类,进一步巩固所学单词。)3.Game:Lucky turntable:T:Ok.Boys and girls,its time to play game“Lucky turntable”.Are you ready?Ok,lets

15、 begin.(设计意图:通过游戏,进一步巩固所学单词和句子。)4.Look and choose:T:Ok.Boys and girls,are you happy now?Me too.Look,Sarah and Amy re chatting on WeChat.What are they chatting about?Can you choose? Ok,lets look and choose.(设计意图:通过看图选择,再次巩固所学单词。)5.Write and say:T:Ok.Boys and girls,look at the pictures and write down

16、your answer.Ill ask some students to say.(设计意图:通过看图说单词、写单词,读句子,进一步操练单词和句子。)Step 4.Summary1.some words and sentences about”mood”:T:Ok.Boys and girls,there are some words and sentences about”mood” here.2.What we learned about:T:Today we have learned some words and sentences about “mood”such as: happy/

17、sad/afraid/worried/angrya.I am _.b.He/She(YaoMing,)is _.c.They are_.(设计意图:归纳、总结所学知识,进一步加深印象。)Step 5.Homework1.Copy the new words two lines;2.Make some dialouges such as : How do you feel ? I am_.3.Try to find more English words or sentences about mood. (试着找更多有关描写“心情、情绪”的英语单词或句子.)七、教学板书设计(Blackboard

18、writing design):Unit Six How do you feel? A Lets learn happy sad afraid worried angry He/She is . They are . I am .八、教学总结与反思:丰富夸张的图片,容易调动小学生,尤其是六年级学生的学习的兴趣。“看图片,答问题”又是学生们喜闻乐见的形式之一,精美的课件与问答相结合的形式,对于六年级的小学生,更是乐于接受,使学生在“看中学、听中学”,达到比较好的效果。但此次课稍微欠缺了与学生互动环节练习,这必须在以后的授课中引起注意。通过这次课,我深深地感受到,教师应该真真正正的关注每一名学生的发展,把学生的兴奋细胞统统调动起来,才能让学生真正的成为课堂上的小主人。


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