人教PEP版英语六年级上册Unit1 How can I get there?(第3课时)教学教案

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人教PEP版英语六年级上册Unit1 How can I get there?(第3课时)教学教案_第3页
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1、第三课时课时内容 B lets learn Be a tour guide课时分析本课时是人教版六年级上册第一单元第三课时。围绕“问路”这一话题展开,主要通过对话学习单词和词组crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right及句型How can I get to the.? Turn left/. 的表达。激发学生学习英语的热情,保持对英语学习的兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。在第一、二课时中学习了句型Where is the.?为本课时做了很好的铺垫。本课时的重点是四会单词和短语的掌握以及能够运用四会单词和词组为他人指路。本课时包括Lets learn 和B

2、e a tour guide两个版块。Lets learn通过Mike问路的对话,呈现了单词及词组的词形和意义。此话题与我们的生活很密切,很能激起学生学习的兴趣。Be a tour guide版块是用于操练B Lets learn版块中的词汇。通过学生简单介绍景点,达到巩固语言、运用语言的目的。本课时的词汇很容易理解,但是单词crossing, turn, straight的发音有点难度。要利用学生的迁移能力,从学过的单词入手,尝试让学生自己发现规律,自己拼读。在教学句型时,不只是教本课书上的知识,还要拓展句型,发散学生的思维。在整个教学过程中,遵循以学生为主体的原则,采用唱歌、游戏、角色扮演

3、等多种教学手段调动全体学生的参与,让学生在轻松、快乐的环境下,自主的学习。课时目标1.能够听、说、读、写单词和词组:crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right2.能够正确运用上述单词和词组为他人指路。3.激发学生学习英语的热情,保持对英语学习的兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。课时重难点1. 重点(1)能够听、说、读、写单词和词组:crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right(2)能够正确运用上述单词和词组为他人指路。(3)能够听、说、认读单词Italian,restaurant(4)能够听、说、认读句型: Ho

4、w can I get to .? 2. 难点(1)单词crossing, turn, straight, restaurant的发音。(2)问路句型的灵活运用。教学准备 课件、词卡、录音机、磁带教学过程Step 1 Warm up 1. Greeting T: How are you, everybody? Ss: Im fine, thanks. And you?T: Very well, thanks. 2. Lets chant. T: Boys and girls, I have a chant for you. Listen to the tape and follow the t

5、ape.Where is the post office? Next to the hospital. Where is the hospital? Next to the cinema. Where is the cinema? Next to the bookstore.Where is the bookstore? Go straight ahead. 教学资源:课件、录音机、磁带设计意图:通过儿歌帮助学生复习和本课相关的单词和句型,同时本课的四会短语Go straight也出现在儿歌中,为本课的学习做好了铺垫。Step 2 Lead inLets do.播放“兔子舞”,师生一起跳,跳的

6、时候注意强调单词left,right。 教学资源:录音机、磁带设计意图:有趣的旋律,有趣的动作,师生之间的互动加深了教师与学生的感情,调节了课堂气氛,同时很自然的引出要学习的单词left, right。Step 3 Presentation1.Teaching the new words and phrases“turn left, turn right, go straight, crossing”(1)Teaching “left, right” T: Boys and girls, look, this is my left hand and this is my right hand.

7、(教师伸出自己的左右手,理解词汇。板书left, right,教学right,让学生联系单词light, night的音、形,自己试着拼读单词,指名读单词,齐读单词,并总结-ight的发音规律。)(2) Teaching “on the left, on the right” a. T: Look at the picture. Who are they? Ss: They are Xionger and Xiongda. T: Xiongda is next to Xionger. Who is on the left? Who is on the right.(课件呈现短语on the l

8、eft, on the right. ) Ss: . is on the left/right.(引导学生回答。齐读短语on the left, right。)b.同桌两人用身边的同学练习句型,然后指名说。 _ is on the left/right.(3) Teaching “turn left, turn right.” a. 呈现“向左转、向右转”的标志,引出短语turn left, turn right。(板书单词turn。) b. 呈现单词Thursday, hamburger,让学生读出并找出字母组合ur的发音规律,然后试着拼读turn,指名读,带读,分组读。 c. 分组读短语,

9、男女生读短语。(4) Teaching “go straight.” a. Teaching “straight” 呈现straight的图片,引出单词,教学单词,注意ai的发音。 b. Teaching “go straight. 呈现“直走”的标志,引出短语go straight,板书短语。(5)Play a game 教师发指令turn left/right/ go straight,学生做动作。 小组练习,一人发指令,学生做动作。(6)Teaching “crossing” a. T: Everyone, look at the picture. This is a crossing.

10、(呈现十字路口的图片引出单词crossing,板书单词,拼读单词,教读,跟读,指名读,齐读。) T: Dont run at the crossing. Dont .(play) at the crossing.(板书at the crossing,齐读短语。)(7)Listen to the tape and follow the tape.听录音,跟读板书的词汇。(8)Read the phrases in pairs.(9)Lets chant. 呈现儿歌,小组记忆儿歌。turn left, turn left, 向左转turn right, turn right, 向右转go stra

11、ight, 指着走at the crossing 在十字路口教学资源:课件、录音机、磁带设计意图:利用肢体语言、图片引出词汇,吸引学生的兴趣。然后利用学生的迁移能力,自己总结发音规律,读出单词,培养学生的思维能力。接着听录音,跟读录音,模仿录音,最后儿歌记忆。在教学单词和短语中还穿插了有趣的游戏,让学生在轻松的环境下掌握知识。2. Teaching “How can I get to .? Turn left/right.”(1) T: Look, this is Lisa. She wants to buy a new magazine. She wants to go to the boo

12、kstore. But.(呈现Lisa的问句,教学get there,指名理解句子,齐读句子。)Lisa doesnt know where the bookstore is. Lets help her. Ok?Ss: Ok. Go straight, turn right.(呈现地图,学生简单描述路线。)(2)呈现句型,同桌两人讨论路线,然后一起描述。 _ at the_. Then(然后) _ at the_. Its on the_.(3)呈现简易地图,学生两人一组练习。 A: How can I get to the.? B: Turn right/. at the. Its on

13、the/your left/right.(4)指组练习。(3)Lets learn T: Its 12 oclock. Mike and Wu Yifan are hungry. They want to go to the Italian restaurant(课件呈现饭店的图片,板书单词Italian, restaurant,理解单词,教学单词。). T: Where is the Italian restaurant?(自读课文,回答问题。) Ss: Turn left. (4)Listen to the tape and follow the tape.(5)Read in roles

14、.教学资源:课件、录音机、设计意图:教学句型,由简单到复杂,逐步学习,层层递进。Step 4 Practice1. Play a game. (1)Guess the words. 课件呈现单词turn, straight, crossing, right, left,开头或结尾被遮住,学生快速猜测并读出单词。(2)地雷游戏。 教师在黑板上其中的一个单词下方画上地雷,学生读黑板上的单词,遇到有地雷的单词就要安静。(3)看动作说词组。 请一名学生到讲台前做出turn left/right, go straight的动作,其他学生说词组。(此活动可以在小组内完成。)教学资源:课件设计意图:通过游戏

15、,让学生在玩中巩固B Lets earn词汇。2. Be a tour guide在班级中举办“最佳导游”选拔赛。比赛程序先在小组内参加,再选出代表参加全班评比。参考句型:Now we are in front of/near/next to.Go straight /go along/.Turn left/right at . You can see.设计意图:此活动通过角色扮演,运用所学词汇句型指路并简单介绍,达到了活学活用的目的。Step 5 SummaryT: What did you learn about this lesson?学生自由发言,教师总结。1.单词和词组:turn l

16、eft, turn right, go straight, crossing2.在左边、右边:on the left/right 在十字路口:at the crossing3.问路的句型:How can I get to the./get there? Turn left/right.at the.设计意图:帮助学生整理和归纳,加深对知识的理解和记忆。课堂作业一、根据汉语将单词补充完整。笔直的str _ _ ght右边r_ _ _t转弯t_ _ n 1. 2. 3. 二、看图选择正确的选项。( )1. A. crossing B. go straight( )2. A. turn left B

17、. turn right( )3. A. restaurant B. Italian三、单项选择。( )1._ can I get there? A. What B. Where C. How( )2. Turn left _ the bookstore.A. in B. at C. on( )3. Dont run _ the crossing.A. in B. at C. on( )4. Amy sits beside Sarah. Amy is _the left. A. on B. in C. at四、看图,补全句子。 1. How can I get to the bookstore

18、? _ _, and _ _. 2. Where is the cinema? _ _ at the _. Go straight, you can see it.Answers:一、1. ur 2. igh 3. ai二、1.A 2.B 3.A三、1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A四、1.Go straight, turn left 2. Turn right, go straight板书设计 B Lets learn turn left 向左转 How can I get there? turn right 向右转 (到那) go straight 直走 Turn left/right.at the. at the crossing在十字路口


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