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1、宇宙 银河系,Universe,宇宙是什么 宇宙中有些什么 宇宙起源的理论,The University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomys PS1 observatory,Photo by Stephen Alvarez,什么是宇宙?,“宇”者,上下四方 “宙”者,古往今来 墨子,天文单位:astronomical unit (AU)光 年: light year,宇宙的组成,星系、星云、恒星、行星、彗星、黑洞等等,星云:星云是由星际空间的气体和尘埃结合成的形态多样的云雾状天体。主要成份是氢,其次是氮,还含有一定比例的金属元素和非金属元素,甚至还发现含有有机

2、分子等物质。星云密度极低的,有些地方是真空的。星云的体积十分庞大,常常方圆达几十光年。星云和恒星有着“血缘”关系。恒星抛出的气体将成为星云的部分,星云物质在引力作用下压缩成为恒星。,猎户星云 Orion Nebula,Photograph courtesy U.S. Space Telescope Science Institute,猫眼星云,Light Echo,2002年红巨星突然爆发, 形成外围云状层,Dying Star,“Red X“ nebula,1400年前爆发, 形成外围星云,Quintuplet Cluster未来恒星的摇篮,气泡状的星云由中间一颗超热的恒星喷发出来,绕着外围

3、运行,Star Cluster,小麦哲伦星云正在形成新的恒星,星系:由许多恒星、行星、气体等组成的天体集合。在银河系之外的宇宙中,像银河这样的星系还有上亿个,它们统称为河外星系。1925年天文学家哈勃根据星系的形态把它们分成三大类:椭圆星系、旋涡星系和不规则星系。宇宙中的大部分大星系都是旋涡星系,其次是椭圆星系,不规则星系占的比较最小。,E:椭圆星系 S:漩涡星系 SB:中心是棒状的漩涡星系,漩涡星系 Spiral Galaxy,July 21, 2008, Spitzer Space Telescope,The Pinwheel galaxy,红色部分缺乏有机物,This 2008 illu

4、stration shows a revised look at our galaxy, the Milky Way. Scientists studying infrared images from NASAs Spitzer Space Telescope determined our galaxys spiral has two major and two minor arms instead of four major arms, as was previously thought. The demoted arms can be seen as faint trails betwee

5、n the major arms, which emanate from the ends of the orange central bar.,Two merging galaxies located 140 million light-years from Earth resemble a giant celestial mask in this false-color image. The ice-blue eyes are actually the galaxies cores, and the mask is their spiral arms. The galaxies, call

6、ed NGC 2207 and IC 2163, began their gravitational tango about 40 million years ago and will eventually meld into one.,昂宿 星团,恒星:恒星由炽热气体组成的,能自己发光的球状或类球状天体. 离地球最近的恒星是太阳。其次是处于半人马座的比邻星,它发出的光到达地球需要4.22年。恒星并非不动,只是因为离我们实在太远,不借助于特殊工具和方法,很难发现它们在天上的位置变化,因此古代人把它们认为是固定不动的星体,叫作恒星。,恒星,恒星的形成,恒星的能量来源核聚变反应,H He N C

7、O Si Fe,行星:国际天文学联合会大会2006年8月24日通过了“行星”的新定义,这一定义包括以下三点: 1.必须是围绕恒星运转的天体; 2、质量必须足够大,它自身的吸引力必须和自转速度平衡使其呈圆球状; 3、公转轨道范围内不能有比它更大的天体。,Oldest Known Planet,about 13 billion years old,流星:分布在星际空间的细小物体和尘粒,叫做流星体。它们飞入地球大气层,跟大气摩擦发生了光和热,最后被燃尽成为一束光,这种现象叫流星。,Jackson Lake, Wyoming, 1972,火流星,Photo by James M Baker,微玻陨石,

8、One of the youngest and best-preserved impact craters on Earth, Meteor Crater formed about 50,000 years ago when a 100-foot-wide (30-meter-wide) meteor weighing 100,000 tons slammed into the Arizona desert at an estimated 12 miles (20 kilometers) a second. The resulting explosion exceeded the combin

9、ed force of todays nuclear arsenals and created a 0.7-mile-wide (1.1-kilometer-wide), 650-foot-deep (200-meter-deep) crater.,a three-quarter-mile-wide hole in the Arizona desert,Photo by Stephen Alvarez,140Ma前陨石撞击在澳大利亚形成的陨石坑,Photo by Stephen Alvarez,Just after 7 a.m. on June 30, 1908, an asteroid or

10、 comet exploded above Tunguska, Siberia, Photo by TASS from Sovfoto,彗星:太阳系天体,主要由气体、冰块和少量石质组成。当接近太阳是部分冰块融化、被太阳风推动形成长长的气体尾巴。,太阳系中有数以千计的彗星,其中大约200个周期性回归的,哈雷慧星是其中之一,围绕太阳运行轨道周期为76年。下一次可以见到哈雷慧星的时间是2061年。,哈雷慧星,1996年Hyakutake彗星距离地球15million kms,加利福尼亚地区大部分可以不借助望远镜看见。,Deep Impact, 2005,An artists conception d

11、epicts the collision of the Deep Impact probe with comet Tempel 1. X-ray images taken after the collision indicate that the comet released about 250,000 tons (226,800 metric tons) of water in the form of ice-covered dust grains.,Illustration courtesy NASA,133.5 million kilometers from Earth,Photogra

12、ph by John Dubinski, University of Toronto,宇宙物质组成中超过90都是暗物质,it distorts the light coming from the background galaxies somewhat, like a ripple of water passing over pebbles at the bottom of a pond.,哈勃望远镜发现暗物质环,This composite image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope shows a ghostly “ring“ of dark mat

13、ter in the galaxy cluster Cl 0024+17. Astronomers say that the dark ring was produced from a collision between two gigantic clusters and is the best evidence yet for the existence of dark matter.,Image courtesy NASA, ESA, M.J. Jee and H. Ford (Johns Hopkins University),This technique is called gravi

14、tational lensing,2.6 million light-years,科学家首次绘出宇宙暗物质 三维数字地图,哈勃望远镜拍摄的照片中左边显示的是普通物质,右边显示的是暗物质,Deep Space Portrait,内容最全面的一张深空照片,包括宇宙大爆炸后最初形成的星系,科学家开始绘制迄今最大宇宙3D图,http:/ 2008年08月19日 07:50 新浪科技,在这种宇宙不协调现象中,特殊之处在于喧嚣声波多于寂静的声波, 这些喧嚣的声波仍幸存于现今,以星系群特有波长形式存在着。,巨 型 星 系 碰 撞,Sara Bennington McPherson, for National

15、 Geographic News, August 7, 2007,这种巨大的碰撞类似装满沙子的货车高速撞在一起一样 星系中的物质就像四处飞溅的沙子一样被抛射出去,“Death Star“ Galaxy Found Blasting Smaller Neighbor,Top image by x-ray: NASA/CXC/CfA/D.Evans et al.; optical/UV: NASA/STScI; radio: NSF/VLA/CfA/D.Evans et al., STFC/JBO/MERLIN); bottom image by NASA/CXC/M. Weiss,一个遥远星系中

16、心的巨型黑洞喷发出超强能量引爆了它附近的一个邻居,这个现象为它获得了“死亡星系”的绰号。,黑洞:广义相对论预言的一种特别致密的暗天体。大质量恒星在其演化末期发生塌缩,其物质特别致密,它有一个封闭边界。黑洞中隐匿着巨大的引力场,因引力场特别强以至于包括光在内的任何物质只能进去而无法逃脱。形成黑洞的星核质量下限约3倍太阳质量。除了这种恒星级黑洞,也有其他来源的黑洞所谓微型黑洞可能形成于宇宙早期,而所谓超大质量黑洞可能存在于星系中央。,October 15, 2008- ESOs 巨型望远镜拍摄到一个黑洞正从它附近的一个恒星吸引物质,形成一条小溪一样的物质流,呈环状围绕在黑洞边。这个黑洞和恒星之间的

17、距离比水星与太阳之间距离近10倍。.,From http:/ Jet,距地球120亿光年,由大爆炸残留的背景辐射进入黑洞产生,1,000 个黑洞!,March 13, 2007 X射线拍摄的星空图案。 图中闪烁的并不是恒星,而是黑洞。But those arent stars; theyre supermassive black holes churning away at the centers of distant galaxies.,宇宙的起源,大爆炸学说,多普勒效应与光谱红移,Doppler effect,Redshift,多普勒效应与光谱红移,红移速度与距离 关系 哈勃定律,The

18、big ban theory,Proof of Big Bang Seen by Space Probe,Image courtesy NASA/WMAP Science Team,大爆炸后一百万分之一秒宇宙图像,超微宇宙的瞬间暴胀,宇宙诞生10-44秒之后便急速展开,10-34厘米的超微宇宙在仅仅10-34秒之内迅速膨胀 了10100倍,称为暴胀(inflation)。实际上提出了一个“从无到有”的宇宙起源模式,对于传统的“无始无终”宇宙观是一个冲击!,支持大爆炸学说的证据,1. 观测到河外天体有系统性的谱系红移现象。 2. 观测到各种天体上氦丰度大(30%) 3. 微波背景辐射的温度仅3K

19、。符合大爆炸学说 要求宇宙曾有从热到冷的演化史: 4.天体年龄测定均200亿年,符合大爆炸理论要 求“所有恒星都产生于温度下降之后”前提。,后宇宙大爆炸时刻表,大爆炸前还存在一个孪生宇宙?,http:/ 2008年04月11日 07:16 新浪科技,美国物理评论快报,The death of the universe could rival its birth in explosive drama if a puzzling form of energy continues to accelerate the expansion of space-time. Since the 1920s a

20、stronomers have thought the expansion was slowing down, but recent observations of distant stars reveal that the stretching of space is actually speeding up. If it picks up even more, the universe could be headed for a “big rip.“ An artists conception of this scenarioone of many possible fatesshows

21、how, some 20 billion years from now, unchecked expansion could tear matter apart, from galaxies all the way down to atoms.,The death of the universe,主星序,恒星的诞生,Image by ESO/APEX/DSS2/SuperCosmos,November 11, 2008 距地球4200光年外一团巨大的泡沫状气体中,一颗恒星正在形成。炽热的星体辐射出紫外线,将包裹在外面的红色气体电离。,Gravitational collapse,Simplif

22、ied core collapse scenario: (a) A massive, evolved star has onion-layered shells of elements undergoing fusion. An inert iron core is formed from the fusion of Silicon in the inner-most shell. (b) This iron core reaches Chandrasekhar-mass and starts to collapse, with the outer core (black arrows) mo

23、ving at supersonic velocity (shocked) while the denser inner core (white arrows) travel sub-sonically; (c) The inner core compresses into neutrons and the gravitational energy is converted into neutrinos. (d) The infalling material bounces off the nucleus and forms an outward-propagating shock wave

24、(red). (e) The shock begins to stall as nuclear processes drain energy away, but it is re-invigorated by interaction with neutrinos. (f) The material outside the inner core is ejected, leaving behind only a degenerate remnant.,Eta Carinae, 一颗比太阳质量大100倍的恒星,在大量气体和尘埃的包围下温度正在升高,处于超新星爆发的临界点。,Lift Cycle o

25、f the Sun,http:/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ea/Sun_Life.png,处于主星序演化后期的恒星,内核收缩、外壳膨胀燃烧壳层内部的氦核向内收缩并变热,而其恒星外壳则向外膨胀并不断变冷,表面温度大大降低。这个过程仅仅持续了数十万年,恒星在迅速膨胀中变为红巨星。,Light Echo,2002年红巨星突然爆发, 形成外围云状层,红巨星吞没地球?,来自意大利那不勒斯、博洛尼亚和卡塔尼亚天文台的三位天文学家,经过7年时间通过18台望远镜的跟踪观测,终于发现了第一例与地球相似的行星在它的母恒星变成红巨星时免遭灭顶之灾。他们认为地球

26、也可能做到。 这颗被称作“291-飞马座 b”的行星距离地球4,500光年。当母恒星膨胀时,这个行星和母恒星的距离与地球和太阳的距离相似。 参与观测的一名天文学家说,“我们可以安全地预测,当太阳变成红巨星时,只有水星和金星被吞没。”,Solar Systems Fate Predicted by Nearby White Dwarf?,当太阳膨胀,它渐渐损失了一半的质量,引力削弱,使得火星以外的太阳系成员轨道半径变大,离太阳更远。,John Roach, for National Geographic News, December 21, 2006,白矮星:是一种低光度、高密度、高温度的恒星。

27、因为它的颜色呈白色、体积比较矮小,因此被命名为白矮星。白矮星是一种很特殊的天体,它的体积小、亮度低,但质量大、密度极高。它是一种晚期的恒星。根据现代恒星演化理论,白矮星是在红巨星的中心形成的。,天狼星A,天狼星B,双星系J0806里的两颗白矮星,这个距离地球大约1600光年的双星系产生了重力波,或者称时空曲率偏差。爱因斯坦的广义相对论首次预测到这一现象。,表面引力场强度相当于 地球的 21012倍 一汤匙中子星物质51012 kg,由于强大的引力使得光线发生偏差,通常只能看到一半的中子星,中子星,5万光年外的中子星,2004年爆发,释放出强伽马射线, 使所有卫星的X射线仪器失灵,美国宇航局揭示

28、太空10大奇妙现象,1. 反物质:组成普通物质的粒子有另一面“反物质”。物质和反物质碰到一起会湮没,它们的质量会转换为纯粹的能量。一些未来的太空船设计将使用反物质引擎。,美国宇航局揭示太空10大奇妙现象,2. 真空能量:看似空旷的太空中其实充满转瞬即逝粒子,这些粒子在每立方厘米的空间中都贡献着特定的能量,产生反引力把空间推开。,美国宇航局揭示太空10大奇妙现象,3.微型黑洞:有科学家提出,太阳系中分布着上千个微型黑洞,每个大小和原子核相仿,是宇宙大爆炸时留下的,影响着时空。,美国宇航局揭示太空10大奇妙现象,4.宇宙微波背景:20世纪60年代最初发现,好像是太空每个地方发出的无线噪音。宇宙微波


30、美国宇航局揭示太空10大奇妙现象,8.星系吞噬:星系也能相互“吞食”,并随着时间不断进化。目前,仙女座正在蚕食它的一颗卫星。有10多个星团分散在仙女座周围,宇宙通过星系相互蚕食不断壮大。,美国宇航局揭示太空10大奇妙现象,9.微中子:微中子是不带电的,是无质量的基本粒子,可以顺利通过数英里长的导线,这些粒子在燃烧的恒星火焰内部和在超新星爆炸中产生。,美国宇航局揭示太空10大奇妙现象,10.类星体:类星体释放比数百个星系加起来还要多的能量。1979年,人类拍到了类星体3C273的照片。,Milky Way,银河系的旋臂,An artists rendering based on telescop

31、e data offers the best map yet of the Milky Way galaxy, astronomers announced on June 3, 2008. The new image includes the finding that our galaxy has not four but two major arms Scutum Centarus and Perseus. Norma and Sagittarius have been demoted to minor arms.,Image courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech,两个主旋臂,

32、两个次旋臂,Illustration courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC/Caltech),Bar at Center of Milky Way,红外线拍摄的银河系中心,炽热气体尘埃中大量新的恒星正在形成,Milky Way,The center of the Milky Way galaxy blazes in this x-ray mosaic 900 light-years across. Our galactic center is a turbulent region, 25,000 light-years from Earth, packe

33、d with black holes, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and supernovae in a sea of multimillion-degree gas. Chandras x-ray eyes showfor the first time with such claritythe interplay between stars, gas, and dust. By detecting high-energy radiation, Chandra offers new perspectives on a clandestine universe,X

34、光拍摄下的银河系,图片宽度范围900光年。银河系的中心距地球2万5000光年,极不平静,充满黑洞、白矮星、中子星、超新星爆发。,Giant Gas Loops Found in Center of Milky Way, Scientists Say,Two giant loops that extend above the rotating disk of interstellar gas at the heart of the Milky Way have been observed by Japanese researchers. The top two panels represent

35、each individual loop, while the bottom panel shows where the loops occur in relation to each other and the galactic plane.,Image Science,银河系中心可能存在超巨型黑洞,天文学家认为位于银河系中心的巨型黑洞可能是太空中神秘无线电辐射的来源。 最新的证据表明人马座 A(Sagittarius A) 就是这样的一个黑洞,直径大约为1个AU。,John Roach, for National Geographic News, November 2, 2005,银河系中

36、可能有数百个 “四处漫步”的黑洞,Newly merged black holes might be so jarred by the experience that they go “rogue,“ careening into space on unexpected trajectories.,Image by P. Marenfeld and NOAO/AURA/NSF,银河系中心发现新的行星,An artists rendering depicts one of the planets discovered recently at the center of our galaxy. F

37、ive of the newfound planets have the fastest orbits of any known world, circling their parent stars in one Earth day or less.,Illustration courtesy NASA/ESA/A. Schaller,Sixteen potential planets have been detected in the region known as the Galactic Bulge,Ancestors of Milky Way-Type Galaxies Found,

38、Analyzed,Scientists have, for the first time, directly observed tiny galaxies known as Lyman alpha emitters, including a compact type (upper right); an extended, chain-like version (upper left); a clumpy, extended type (lower right); and an extended type showing evidence of merging (lower left). The

39、se ancient galaxies are believed to merge over time to form spiral galaxies like the Milky Way and M74 (center).,Galaxy Collision,银河系和仙女星系以480000km/小时的速度接近,几十亿年之后会发生碰撞,太阳系可能在碰撞后被抛出银河系,The sun and Earth will probably be spun out into a lonely region of space when the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies

40、finish colliding about five billion years from now, researchers say in a new study.,Scott Norris for National Geographic News May 16, 2007,最新测定银河系质量为太阳1万亿倍,天体物理学杂志,银河系比我们想像的要苗条一点,这意味着它包含的暗物质比之前我们推断的要少一些,并且它能更有效地将原始的氢和氦转化为恒星。,银河系的实际厚度约为12000光年,与银河年有关的周期,银河年周期太阳绕银心旋转速度250km/s , 完成一周约250- 300Ma。 穿越旋臂 每次约75Ma。 穿越银道面太阳在银道面 上下往复波动, 每次约35Ma。,


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