牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit6 Task课件(共34张ppt)

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1、Task,Creating a TV drama script,Free talk,What kind of TV programmes do you like best / least? Why?What do you think about the programmes?,I like / dislike watching about ,I think + adj. (interesting, fun, boring, exciting ),Whats your action and attitude (态度) ? How do you deal with this problem?,Su

2、ppose one hot summer holiday you were at home. Suddenly, you received a message from your best friend, who was asking for help. There were some burglars (入室抢劫) in his / her home. What will you do?,Justin and Luke,The twins, were at home.,Background,Hill Building,Their friend Sarah lived in,Backgroun

3、d,The twins received a message from Sarah, who was asking for help.,Background,burglars,There were some in Hill buildings.,Background,Justin and Luke called the police at once. Then they ran there quickly.,Story:,The twins saw three men in police uniforms coming out of the building with guns in thei

4、r hands.,Story:,The twins saw three men in police uniforms coming out of the building with guns in their hands.这对孪生兄弟看见三个身着警服的男人手中持枪,正从大楼里出来。,with guns in their hands是“with+宾语+宾语补足语” 的复合结构,表示一种伴随状况。 e.g. The teacher came into the classroom with a book under her arm. 老师走进教室,胳膊下面夹着书。,The twins were pu

5、shed into a minibus.,minibus,Story:,They tried to use a knife to open the back door of the minibus.,Story:,P90A,Read and answer the questions.,1. Who was the story about? 2. Who lived in Hill building? 3. Why did Sarah send a message to the twins? 4. What did the twins do at once? 5. What did the tw

6、ins see? 6. What happened to the twins?,Answers:,1. Who was the story about?The twins, Justin and Luke. 2. Who lived in Hill building?Their friend Sarah. 3. Why did Sarah send a message to the twins?She was asking for help. There were some burglars in Hill Building.,4. What did the twins do at once?

7、They called the police. 5. What did the twins see?They saw three men in police uniforms coming out of the building with guns in their hands. 6. What happened to the twins? They were pushed into a minibus, but they tried to use a knife to open the back door of the minibus.,One day, the twins, Justin

8、and Luke, were_. They received a message. It was from their friend Sarah. She was asking for_. There were some_ in Hill Building.Justin and Luke called the_ at once. Then they _ to Hill Building quickly. When they arrived there, they saw three men in_ coming out of the building with_ in their hands.

9、 “They arent policemen. Theyre the burglars,” the twins thought. They ran towards the three men and tried to stop them from leaving, but they were pushed into a_.Justin and Luke tried to open the back door of the minibus with a_.,at home,help,burglars,police,ran,police uniforms,guns,minibus,knife,He

10、lp Millie complete her story,They ran towards the three men and tried to stop them from leaving.他们向那三个男人跑过去试图阻止他们离开。stop sb from doing sth 表示“阻止某人做某事”。相当于:prevent sb from doing sth. keep sb from doing sth.,e.g. The government should stop/prevent/keep people from cutting down trees. 政府应该阻止人们砍伐树木。,Jus

11、tin and Luke tried to open the back door of the minibus with a knife.贾斯汀和卢克试图用一把刀打开面包车的后门。with意为“用”,引导方式状语。 e.g. My brother mended the car with a special tool. 我哥哥用一种特殊的工具修理好了这辆汽车。,One day, the twins, Justin and Luke, were at home. They received a message. It was from their friend Sarah. She was ask

12、ing for help . There were some burglars in Hill Building.Justin and Luke called the police at once. Then they ran to Hill Building quickly. When they arrived there, they saw three men in police uniforms coming out of the building with guns in their hands. “They arent policemen. Theyre the burglars,”

13、 the twins thought. They ran towards the three men and tried to stop them from leaving, but they were pushed into a minibus.Justin and Luke tried to open the back door of the minibus with a knife.,Read the story again.,Interesting?,Do you think Millies story is interesting?,Beginnig: catch attention

14、 2.Characters: burglars, twins(appearance, actions, speeches and thoughts) 3.events: dialogues (meaningful)scenes (two)happens( what did they do?) 4.special: turning points a conflict (interesting),转折点,心理描写,矛盾冲突,场景,Tips for creating an interesting story,1. Catch your readers attention in the first p

15、aragraph. 2. Make your readers see what your characters are like bytheir appearance, actions, speeches and thoughts. 3. Write meaningful dialogues. 4. Choose two or more scenes for your story. 5. Describe what happens, what the characters do and where the turning points are. 6. Create a conflict to

16、make your story interesting.,Help Millie finish the story:,If you were the twins, what would you do? What do you think will happen to the twins?,Writing,What happened then?,Sample,The bell rang as our teacher came into the classroom. “I have got some good news for you”, She said with a smile. “Well

17、have an autumn outing next week.” Hearing this, we were so excited that all the students clapped and shouted loudly.At weekends I went shopping with my mother. I bought everything I need such as sunglasses, a new tour flask, soft drinks, snacks etc.,I was looking forward to that exciting day so much

18、 that I even had a dream at night. The flowers are beautiful. Some of us are flying kites, some are chatting and laughing, others are walking and enjoying the beautiful view. Everyone is so happy.The next day when I woke up, I found it was raining outside.What bad luck! We couldnt go on the trip. I

19、went to school late in a bad mood. When I came into the classroom ,Ending 1When I came into the classroom, I was surprised to find that my classmates were chatting happily. They told me though it was raining heavily, we could have fun in the classroom. In the classroom? Yes. We held a party then. We

20、 sang, danced, told stories and jokes. We even played games. Everyone had a good time staying in the classroom.,Ending 2When I came into the classroom, to my surprise, everyone was holding an umbrella. Our teacher was smiling gently. We decided to walk to a nearer place instead of taking a bus trip.Though it kept raining, we still felt excited. We sang happily all the way. And the umbrellas looked like colourful flowers. We all enjoyed ourselves and I will never forget that special experience.,Finish the writing task.,


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