


1、B Lets talk,Unit 2 Ways to go to school 第三课时,Chant : Red light, Red light, stop and wait! Yellow light, yellow light, slow down and stop! Green light, Green light, go, go, go!,traffic rules(规则),We must pay attention to the traffic lights!,注意,Its _ now . We must _.,Its _ now . We must slow down and _ .,Its green now. We must go .,Lets say,Dont go at the traffic lights!,别闯红灯!,Dear * Today there is a pictures show i。

2、Unit 1 How can I get there?单元整体分析本单元是人教版英语六年级上册的第一单元,单元的话题是“How can I get there?”本单元通过不同的场景,提供了表达地点、问路的句型结构。教学中三个版块:A 部分,B 部分和 C 部分。A 部分包括重点词汇和情景对话,共两个课时。第一课时呈现了吴一凡和 Robin 的谈话,引出表示地点的词汇。.第二课时吴一凡和 Robin 的谈话,引出句型Where is the.? ItsA 部分重点掌握词汇和询问地点并回答的句型。 B 部分包括重点词汇、情景对话和读和写,共三个课时。第一课时呈现 Mike 问路的对话,引出关于路。

3、Unit 3 My weekend plan,第五课时,Sing a song!,What are you going to do ?,Revision,word book,comic book,dictionary,postcard,What festivals do you know ? Whats the date of that day?,National Day,Spring Festival,Christmas Day,What food do you usually eat that day?,We usually eat mooncakes.,Do you want to know what I usually do on Mid-Autumn Festival?,My family are going to get together and have a big dinner.,What about you?,Robin and I write a poem for Mid-Autumn Festival. Lets read it.,F is for fam。

4、Unit 3 My weekend plan,第四课时,What kind of books do you like reading?,I like storybook, what about you?,Where do you buy a book?,In a bookstore.,What books can you buy in a bookstore?,English book,music book,maths book,science book,Chinese book,word book,post card,dictionary,comic book,c_m_c book,d_ct_ _n_ry,p_st c_ _d,名词单数变复数,一般情况,在词尾加-s,如: apples,monkeys 以s,x,sh,ch,结尾的单词,加-es,如:boxes, watches 以辅音加y结尾的单词,变y为i加-es,如 dictionarydictionaries,Role。

5、Recycle 2,第一课时,Sing a song,What do you want to do ?,Listen to music,Watch TV,Draw cartoons,Climb mountains,Im going to be a ,Listen and fill in the blanks,fathers job_,mothers job_,brothers job_,sisters job_,aunts job_,uncles job_,Listen again. Write down the hobbies for the people.,He likes _,She likes _,_,_,_,_,Ken,mother,broth。

6、Unit 3 My weekend plan,第三课时,take a trip,see a film,visit my grandparents,go to the supermarket,Make a report,If today is Saturday, what is your father or mother going to do?My father is going to the park this morning. He is going to .My mother is going to ,Listen to the tape and answer the questions.,1. What is Amy going to do?_ 2. Is the ice cream for John?_,Im going to do something next week. Do you what to know where I am going ?,Guess,Im gong t。

7、Unit 3 My weekend plan,第六课时,连一连,word book,dictionary,comic book,postcard,Listen to the tape and then tick the right picture.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,1. John is going to _ _ _ tomorrow afternoon. 2. This evening the boy is going to _ _ _ _. 3. The boy is _ _ _ _. 4. The woman is going to _ _ _.,without 意思是“没有”的意思,是个介词,后面跟名词或动名词。,如: without water 没有水 without going to a pool 没有去游泳池,Make sentences.,How many sentences can you make?,eg: What are。

8、Unit 3 My weekend plan,第二课时,Lets sing,What are you going to do ?,If you are free today, what are you going to do ?,Im going to,What are you going to do this evening?,What are you going to do this morning / afternoon/ evening/ tonight/ tomorrow/ next week?,wash clothes,visit my grandparents,see a film,have an art lesson,draw pictures,take a trip,go ice-skating,go to the supermarket,Guess,Guess what they are going to do this evening/afternoon/tonight/tomorrow.,take a trip,go to the superma。

9、,Unit 2 Ways to go to school 第一课时,A Lets try & Lets talk,You go by subway, And I will go by taxi. And I will be at school before you. You go by airplane, And I will go by a big ship. And I will be in Scotland before you.,Lets chant,post office,B: By _.,A:How do you get to ?,Shanghai,bookstore,hospital,How do you come to school?,Usually, I come.,school,I often come.,Sometimes I come.,How do Mike, Amy and Mrs Smith come to school?,Mike comes by bike.,Usually,A。

10、1备课内容:六年级下册英语 Unit 1 How Tall Are You?备课科目:英语 备课人:课时分配:6 课时 备课时间:年 3 月 3 日单元教材分析 单元学情分析本课时的教学重难点在于让学生学会用英语的比较级,并能熟练的将其运用于实际生活中,询问身边的人或者事物的年龄、身高、重量以及长度并用比较级的句型来回答。本课时的主要语言项目是用英语表述自己的身高和体重,通过 A 部分五个英语词汇的掌握,把新授词汇融入到新句型当中。教材在 Lets do 部分设计了三位学生的身高比较,让学生通过做动作或实际比较可以很快理解并熟练掌握这些相关内。

11、Unit 3 My weekend plan,目 录,Part A Lets learn Lets try Make a plan Lets talk,Part B Lets learn Read and write Role-play Tips for pronunciation Lets try Lets check Lets talk Lets wrap it up,单元小结 重点词汇 重点句型 小练习,欢乐记单词 轻松学语法,What is Chen Jie going to do?,She is going to see a film.,take a trip,go to the supermarket,see a film,visit my grandparents,-What are you going to do to。

12、Unit 2 Ways to go to school 第五课时,B Read and write,Some children go to school on foot in Munich,Germany.,Munich / mju:nik/慕尼黑,Germany/d:mni / 德 国,USA美国,Some kids go to school by sled in Alaska,USA.,Alaska/lsk/ 阿拉斯加州,/sled/雪橇,Some children in Jiangxi,China, go to school by ferry every day.,ferry/feri/ 轮渡,In PaPa Westray,Scotland,the children go to school by ferry,too. But in 2009,they went to school by plane because the ferry didnt work.,PaPa Westray,Scotland。

13、Unit 2 Ways to go to school,第六课时 Lets check&Story time, How do you come to school? I usually/ often/ sometimes.,usually: 通常 often:经常 sometimes:有时候I usually come to school on foot. I often come to school by bus. I sometimes come to school by bike.,4. _at a_(红色) light .,3. _at a yellow light .,5. _at a green light .,1. Look at the_ _.,2. Remember the_ _.,traffic lights,traffic rules,Stop,red,Wait,Go,Write and say:,3,1,4,2,How do you come to school?。

14、Recycle 1,第一课时,Sing a song,Where is the hospital ?,museum,shoe store,park,bookstore,post office,school,pet hosoital,library,cinema,How can I get to the bookstore/post office/pet hospital ?,Go straight. Turn left at the park. Its next to the shoe store.,museum,shoe store,park,bookstore,post office,school,pet hosoital,library,cinema,Were going to the park. Is it far from here ?,We can go by bike/bus/on foot.,常常用表示步骤的词,描述事情的顺序时,我们常常用表示步骤的词,如: first 首先, then 然。

15、Recycle 1,第二课时,Sing a song,How do you get there?,Do an activity,My dream vacation,Where are you going on vacation? How are you going there? What are you going to do? When are you going?,Im going to Im going there by Im going there in July,If 的用法,if 表示“如果”,与将来时的句子连用。例如:If it rains tomorrow, I will go to the park. (如果明天下雨,我将会去公园。)If 还可表示“是否”, 如:I dont know if he likes English. (我不知道他是否喜欢英语。),形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,在英语中,。

16、Unit 2,Ways to go to school 第四课时,Part B lets learn,Dear Today there is a photo show in the Museum. Do you want to go?,Ill take the,by bus,by plane,by ship,by taxi,by bike,by car,by train,on foot,No.15,post office,No. 8,No.11,No. 5,Zhongshan Park,bank,Museum,Fast Food Shop,Book Store,hospital,cinema,school,Pay attention to the traffic lights!,Its yellow.,We must slow down and stop.,Slow down and stop at a yellow light.,traffic rule:,Pay attention to the traffic lights!,Its red.,We must。

17、Unit 2,Ways to go to school 第二课时,Part A lets learn,I am a duck. I go to school by bike.,I am a monkey. I go to school by bike.,I am a bear. I go to school by bike,too.,How do you go to school?,How do you go to school?,by bike,on foot,by car,by bus,I go to school .,by taxi,How do you go to school? I go to school by bike. How do you go to school? I go to school by car. How do you go to school? I go to school by taxi. How do you go to school? I go to school by bus. How do you go to school?。

18、 下学期教学工作计划全册教材的简要分析本套教材的设计与编写体现了外语教学思想的继承和发展,在比较、分析和研究多种国内外小学英语教材的基础上,取其精华,博采众长,形成了本套教材特有的编写体系,同时,本套教材借鉴了当今国内外把英语作为外语的教学理论和我国小学英语教学的成功经验,努力探索适合我国小学英语教育状况的模式和方法。本套教材的编写思路是以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为主线,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际意义的语言任务,即:话题功能结构任务。本学期是小学阶段最后一册,小学生在升入初中前的最后一。

19、Recycle 2,第二课时,Sing a song,If you are happy, clap your hands,He brings a small purple flower.,She brings a big red flower.,Who brings the most beautiful flower today?,Listen and answer,How many people are there in the story? What are their jobs ?,Read and answer,1. How does the fisherman feel after three months? How does he feel at the end? Why? 2. What does the story tell us? Tick what you agree with. ( ) People should work hard. ( ) People should be honest. ( ) People sometimes do not。

20、 Unit 1 How tall are you? Period 1 Section A Lets learn Do a survey and report P5教师寄语: (I study English , Im happy.)Learning aims(学习目标) 绿色圃中小学教育网 http:/www.Lspjy.com1.掌握四会单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer。2.能认读句型:How tall are you ? Im 1.61meters.Youre older than meImportant How tall are you ? Im 1.61meters.Youre shorter than me的理解和运用。导学探究Step1 : 预习温故(用时 5 分钟)请正确读出下列单词,并说出它们的汉语意思(展开小组比赛,看谁记的短语多)1.yo。

标签 > 六年级下册英语自主学习能力测评配外研版答案[编号:49649]