【人教pep版】六年级上册英语:Unit3 第六课时(ppt课件)

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1、Unit 3 My weekend plan,第六课时,连一连,word book,dictionary,comic book,postcard,Listen to the tape and then tick the right picture.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,1. John is going to _ _ _ tomorrow afternoon. 2. This evening the boy is going to _ _ _ _. 3. The boy is _ _ _ _. 4. The woman is going to

2、 _ _ _.,without 意思是“没有”的意思,是个介词,后面跟名词或动名词。,如: without water 没有水 without going to a pool 没有去游泳池,Make sentences.,How many sentences can you make?,eg: What are you going to do? What is he going to do ?,Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.,What is Zoom going to do tomorrow? How does he learn to swim at first?,Summary,What is _ /_going to do? What are _/_/_ going to do? What am _ going to do ? Where are _ going ? Where is _ going? When are _ going? When is _ going?,Homework,写一下自己下个周末的活动计划,要求详细说明去哪里、干什么,什么时候去等。,


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