


1、6余弦函数的图像与性质基础过关1函数ycos x|cos x|,x0,2的大致图像为()解析由题意得y显然只有D合适答案D2若f(x)cos x在b,a上是增函数,则f(x)在a,b上是()A奇函数B偶函数C减函数D增函数解析因为ycos x为偶函数并且在b,a上是增函数,所以ycos x在a,b上递减,故选C.答案C3函数ycos,x的值域是()A. B.C. D.解析0x,x.cos coscos ,y.故选B.答案B4函数y3cos x1的单调递减区间是_解析函数ycos x的单调递增区间是2k,2k(kZ)函数y3cos x1的单调递减区间是2k,2k(kZ)答案2k,2k(kZ)5比较大小:cos_cos.解析cos。

2、Period Two Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points基础巩固.单词拼写1These animals are very rare(稀有的),and are protected by law.2There was a choice of four prizes,and the winner could select(挑选) one of them.3The job gave her a chance to get valuable(宝贵的) experience.4The Mogul Dynasty(王朝) ruled over India for centuries.5I really dislike her teaching style(风格) 6The woman had her jewels(珠宝) stolen last night.7Both the blue and yellow dresses are pretty,but I prefer the former(前者) 8We。

3、Period Three Learning about Language & Using Language基础巩固.单词拼写1Where will we meet?At the entrance(入口) to the cinema.2When the police arrived,he had destroyed all the evidence(证据) of his guilt.3The bomb exploded(爆炸) but nobody was injured.4The ship sank(下沉) to the bottom of the sea after hitting an iceberg.5They are debating(争论) whether or not to attend the informal(非正式的) party.6The robber is on trial(审判) for a robbery.7The compass (指南针) was invented in China in ancien。

4、Period Four Grammar The Restrictive and NonRestrictive Attributive Clauses基础巩固.用适当的关系词填空1This is the room where my grandma used to live.2This is the room that/which my grandma used to live in.3Mr Green said that Suzhou was the first city that he had visited in China.4The boy who was often absent from class was present at the party.5This is my glasses,without which I cant see clearly.6He,who is your good friend,will of course try his best to help you out.7This was the rea。

5、Period Four GrammarThe Future Passive Voice基础巩固.用所给词的适当形式填空1The subway will cost more than 3 billion yuan and be completed(complete) next spring.2.If we break the rules of nature,we will be punished(punish) by nature.(2018安徽安庆一中期末)3Will the trees be planted(plant) in the park next Saturday?4The time and place to hold the party will be advertised(advertise) on the website next week.5There is no doubt that your older brother will be admitted(admit) to a key university this 。

6、Period Two Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points基础巩固.单词拼写1A slave(奴隶) is someone who is owned by another person and works for him for no money.2People have lived in this valley since ancient(古代的) times.3Her motto(座右铭) is “Work hard,play hard” 4How can the athletes enjoy competing(竞争) in the Winter Olympics?5London succeeded in hosting(主办) the 2012 Olympic Games.6His encouragement has a magical(魔力般的) effect on children.7Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal(奖牌) in the Oly。

7、Period One Warming Up & ReadingPrereading.阅读理解ASay you are a 17th century construction(建筑) worker whos worked long and hard to build a splendid tower for the dead wife of your emperor(皇帝)Now say that the emperor orders you to cut off your fingertips so you can never build another one.Yes,that is the Taj Mahal,one of the most famous buildings in the world.And the tale( 传说) behind the construction is just as impressive(印象深刻的) as the building itself.First,theres the emperor of nor。

8、课时作业( 二)对应学生用书 P53基础题 单词拼写1I walked past, _ (假装) not to see her 答案:pretending2Police asked _ (过路人) if they had seen the accident happen答案:passers by3During holidays, the city put on _ (额外的) buses to carry passengers答案:extra4He likes to tell _ (幽默的) stories to children when he is free答案:humorous5I _ ( 附加) a photo to my application form just now答案:attached6He can e_ no more money than you can答案:earn7His father is an a_ of Be。

9、Section Learning about Language & Using Language对应学生用书 P57基础题 单词拼写1He _ (浸) his finger into the mixture and sucked it答案:dipped2Joyce is very _ (自信的) about using computers答案:confident3She cried as she recalled the _ (痛苦的) memory答案:painfull4Hes had his _ (胡须) shaved off答案:beard5Lets go to the theatre first and eat at a restaurant _ (然后)答案:afterwards6We all think highly of our teachers d_ to teaching答案:devotion7W。

10、Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业( 一)对应学生用书 P39 完形填空My 8hour sleepy flight finally came to an end after I stepped out of the airport _1_ on the bus, I was waiting anxiously for it to startA woman beside me and her daughter both seemed _2_ She told me that her daughter had an upset stomach and would _3_ continuously; _4_, the mother had lost her purse Apart from a significant _5_ of money, the purse also had her phone and a phone number of an important _6_ She wou。

11、课时作业( 二)对应学生用书 P41基础题 单词拼写1The doctor advised him to try to avoid foods which _ (含有) a lot of fat答案:contain2We must let everyone know the _ (重要性) of environment protection答案:importance3An unhappy home environment can _ (影响) a childs behaviour答案:affect4China is getting more and more _ (强大的) in the world答案:powerful5It will greatly _ (威胁) the peace in the Middle East答案:threaten6The severe drought has e_ crops throughout the area答案:。

12、Section Grammar对应学生用书 P43基础题 单句语法填空1The milu deer _ (study) at the research center at present答案:is/are being studied 2Look! The roads _ (widen) now答案:are being widened 3Is the accident now _ (look) into?答案:being looked 4Since your toy car _ (mend), you may play mine答案:is being mended 5The new plan _ (discuss) now答案:is being discussed 6Look! The ship _ (unload)答案:is being unloaded 7The plan that he made a few days ago _ 。

13、Unit 3 ComputersSection Pre reading ( Warming Up & Reading)对应学生用书 P25基础题 单词拼写1The English in this story has been _ (简化) to make it easier to understand答案:simplified2Science and _ (技术) sometimes will do harm to human beings答案:technology3Two female tourists were robbed of their money and _ (可移动的) phones while walking in the street答案:mobile4To be good at the game, you need a reasonable level of _ (智力)答案:intelligence5First of all we should make prima。

14、Unit 5 MusicSection Pre reading ( Warming Up & Reading)对应学生用书 P49基础题 单词拼写1She is good at singing _ (民间的) songs答案:folk2By the time he died, he was a _ (百万富翁)答案:millionaire3The President spoke to the nation from a television _ (演播室)答案:studio4When his mother came in, he _ (假装) to be doing his homework答案:pretended5I _ ( 认为有重要性) great importance to this research答案:attached/attach6One of the eggs r_ off the counter答案:rolled7Now many。

15、Section Grammar对应学生用书 P55基础题单句语法填空(用“介词关系代词”或“关系词”填空)1The valley _ the town lies is very beautiful答案:in which/where2I dont have enough money _ I can buy such an expensive dress答案:with which3I will never forget the days _ we stayed together in the countryside答案:during which/when4I felt angry about the way _ I was treated when I was shopping答案:that/in which5This is the building _ windows were all painted green答案:whose6I have reached a poi。

16、Section Learning about Language & Using Language对应学生用书 P33基础题 单词拼写1H7N9 is a kind of fatal _(病毒) 答案:virus2From the Internet, you can _ (下载) the films you like答案:download3My _ (侄女) is a lovely child with shiny eyes and black hair答案:niece4He likes to listen to _ (电子的) music答案:electronic5The baseball _ (教练) said he would give players a day off if they won答案:coach6She s_, and the waiter brought the bill答案:signalled/signaled7A crisi。

17、Unit 4 Wildlife protectionSection Pre reading ( Warming Up & Reading)对应学生用书 P37基础题 单词拼写1I dont think it a _ (安全的) way to make a living答案:secure2Dont _ (摩擦) your coat against the wet paint答案:rub3For food, he ate _ (野生的) animals, fish and anything he could find in the forest答案:wild4You owe a _ (某一 ) person a sum of money答案:certain5Your _ (收入) must be declared on this form答案:income6They have suffered a heavy l_ as a res。

18、Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业( 一)对应学生用书 P27 完形填空(2018福建南平 3 月质检)Today there is more to read than ever before The websites try their best to _1_ with each other by offering reading updates The social news sites are always filled with the _2_ news and stories one can read everywhere online _3_, there is no lasting value amid the whole competition As far as their value is _4_, I assume it makes no much _5_ whether you find one to read or _6_ it If you are s。

19、课时作业( 二)对应学生用书 P29基础题 单词拼写1On the table was a glass bowl filled with colorful _ (假的) fruits 答案:artificial2The invention of the motor car has brought about a _ (革命) in transport答案:revolution3Technology provides the social _ (网络) for young people today and they spend much time on it答案:network4When you add up the numbers at the bottom of the page, write the _ (总数 ) down on the next page答案:total5The satellite was launched in a _ (火箭)答案:rocket6The pro。

20、Section Grammar对应学生用书 P31基础题 单句语法填空1A lot of survivors _ (rescue) by the soldiers in that area where the earthquake happened since yesterday答案:have been rescued 2The topic _ (talk) about for a long time on the Internet答案:has been talked 3Why not go into the reading room?The door _ (lock)答案:has been locked 4_ your new novel _ (translate) into English recently?答案:Has ; been translated 5Many emails _ (store) in my mailbox since last 。

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