
about you ?,Me to .,I like the sun .,I like wind ., it isnt.,pencil box,pencil,ruler,pen,crayons,1 Whose pencil is this ?2 Is this your pencil?Yes, it


1、 it isnt,pencil box,pencil,ruler,pen,crayons,1 Whose pencil is this 2 Is this your pencilYes, it is. No, it isnt,3 Is th。

2、 热的 冷的 white反义词 black 白色 黑色leaf 复数 leaves 树叶,教学难点,This is the sun .这是太阳.The sun is hot .太阳是热的,2.Do you see the cloud and。

3、3 年 10月 5 日 星期日 雨,2 0 1 3 年 12 月 3 日 星期六 雪,2 0 1 3 年 8 月 10 日 星期三 高温,2 0 1 3 年 1 2月 2 日 星期二 雪,2 0 1 3 年 7月 19 日 星期四 热风,2。

4、根据四年级学生的心理特点,改变传统的死记硬背的英语教学方式,培养和激发学生学习英语的兴趣,从而提高学生的学习能力.现在,我就教材分析教法分析教学过程等几个方面对本课设计进行说明,2 教学目标 Rain and Sun 这课是在前面所学的基。

5、ils句尾加标点,Be Happy to Sing and Dance,Unit1 Hello Again Lesson 1 How Are You,Learning Aims, We can listen, read,write and 。

6、 十一月,January 一月,February 二月,March 三月,April 四月,May 五月,June 六月,July 七月,August 八月,September 九月,October 十月,November 十一月,Dece。

7、September,October,November,December,十二月,I can read.January一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July七月 August。

8、0p.m,12:00p.m,9:00a.m,2:00a.m,Its 7:00 p.m,Its 10:00 p.m,Who are they ,What time is it,Its 6 oclock,Oh Its time for dinn。

9、hat is he doing,He is playing basketball,Presentation,What is he doing,He is playing volleyball,A game,Do you know these。

10、l,Yes, I do,No, I dont,Do you remember what sports Peter and Joe like,Joe likes playing football,Peter likes playing foo。

11、April,May Day is in ,May,Childrens Day is in ,June,庆祝六一儿童节,The Birthday of CCP is in ,July,Army Day is in ,August,Teach。

12、Read and complete,Mike: Where are Linda and MaryDo you know, Tom Tom: Yes. They are over there, . Mike: What about Li D。

13、nt of Steven . Hes reading a book,Where is Jenny She is on the playground . She is behind Danny. They re playing a game。

14、n juice ,Read and find,What this,Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice ,Its orange juice,Its strawberry juice,Pract。

15、ow,Lets learn,Read and find,Hows the shadow changes,The shadow is long,The shadow is short,The shadow is long again ,The。

16、ey have today,Chinese,Manths,English,Science,PE,Music,We have Chinese,Manths,English,Science in the morning,We have PE,M。

17、 四年级上学期期末复习知识清单四年级上学期期末复习知识清单 Unit 1 Meeting new people I. 必记单词必记单词 meet 相识,结识 her 她的 new 新的 name 名字 morning 早晨,上午 sit 坐。

标签 > 2021年沪教牛津版英语四年级下[编号:196016]