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1、,第一课时,Unit 3 My weekend plan,人教版 (三年级起点) 六年级上册,2,课前热身,Lets review!,Phrases: see a filmhave an art lesson Sentences: Have a good time. What are you going to do?Im going to do,话题导入,visit Beijing,各种各样的计划,go to a park,话题导入,go fishing,have an art lesson,visit /vzt / (动词)拜访,film /flm/ (名词)电影 see a film 看电

2、影,1,2,新词展示,trip /trp/ (名词)旅行 take a trip 去旅行,supermarket /sjupmkt / (名词)超市,3,4,新词展示,新词展示,5,evening /ivn / (名词)晚上,傍晚,tonight /tnat/ (名词)今晚,6,tomorrow /tmr / (名词)明天,next week 下周,7,8,新词展示,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,Lets play a game!,新词展示,visit film trip supermarket evening tonight tomorrow next week,

3、电影 旅行 今晚 拜访 下周 超市 晚上 明天,What are you going to do today?,课文原文,你今天打算去做什么? 我打算去看电影。,Im going to see a film.,点击“Lets learn”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,Lets learn,课文朗读,课文原文,课文原文,Remember,What are you going to do?,课文原文,你打算去做什么在(时间)? 我打算去,Im going to,Practice,visit /vzt / (动词)拜访,短语,重难点探究,visit sb 拜访某人,例句,延伸,Im going to vis

4、it my friend tomorrow.我明天打算去看望我的朋友。,visitor 参观者,游客,film /flm/ (名词)电影,短语,重难点探究,see a film 看电影,例句,They are going to see a film tonight.他们今晚打算去看电影。,重难点探究,trip /trp/ (名词)旅行,短语,延伸,take a trip 去旅行,Have a good trip! 祝你旅途(旅行)愉快!,supermarket /sjupmkt / (名词)超市,重难点探究,复数形式,supermarkets,构成,super 超级的 market市场,延伸,

5、superstar 超级明星,重难点探究,evening /ivn / (名词)晚上,傍晚,复数形式,evenings,例句,Good evening. 晚上好。,重难点探究,tonight /tnat/ (名词)今晚,构成,例句,由to 和night 构成 today 今天,We are going to do our homework tonight. 今晚我们打算做作业。,重难点探究,tomorrow /tmr / (名词)明天,短语,例句,tomorrow morning 明天早上,Never put off till tomorrow.今日事今日毕。,重难点探究,next week

6、下周,例句,延伸,She is going to play the piano next week.她打算下周去弹钢琴。,next month 下个月,详解, What are you going to do today? 你今天打算去做什么? Im going to see a film. 我打算去看一场电影。,What are you going to? 询问打算做什么 Im going to 回答打算做什么 today 今天 see a film 看电影,重难点探究,例句, What are you going to do tonight? 你今晚打算去做什么? Im going to

7、take a walk. 我打算去散步。,重难点探究,重难点探究,拓展,一些其他表示询问打算计划的句式,What are they going to ? 他们打算去做? They are going to 他们打算去,如:What are they going to do next week?他们下周打算去做什么?They are going to go fishing. 他们打算去钓鱼。,动词词组,重难点探究,visit my grandparents 看望我的祖父母 see a film 看电影 take a trip 旅行 go to the supermarket 去超市,注意:,动词

8、词组一般表示各种活动。,其他句式,重难点探究,时间状语: this morning 今天早上 this afternoon 今天下午 this evening 今天晚上 tonight 今晚 tomorrow 明天 next week 下周 today 今天 next year 明年,Groups work,请同学们分组完成Make a plan。,课堂互动,课堂互动,Lets do it!,课文原文,二、填空。 1.What_(be) he going to do? 2.We want to go_ (swim) next week. 3.They are_(go)to see a film

9、. 4.Lets draw some_(picture) on the wall. 5.There are many_(leaf) in the park.,一、翻译下列短语。 1.去旅行_ 2.看望我的祖父母_ 3.看电影_ 4.去超市_,巩固练习,take a tripvisit my grandparents see a film go to the supermarket,isswimminggoingpicturesleaves,巩固练习,三、按要求写句子。 1.He is going to take a trip. (对画线部分提问) _ 2. is, she, what , go

10、ing to do (?) (连词成句)_ 3.are they go to the supermarket going to(?)(连词成句)_ 4.Is he going to visit his parents? (作否定回答) _ 5.Next week.(翻译)_,What is he going to do?What is she going to do?Are they going to the supermarket?No, he sint.下周。,一、本课时学的重点词汇如下:,二、本课时学习的重点句子如下:,回顾小结, What are you going to do today? 你今天打算去做什么? Im going to see a film. 我打算去看电影。,visit(拜访)film (电影)trip(旅行)supermarket (超市)evening(晚上)tonight (今晚) tomorrow(明天)next week(下周),35,Talk about the things(事情) your friends going to do next week with your family.,课后作业,Thank You,


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