牛津译林版七年级上英语Unit8 Welcome to the unit 教案

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牛津译林版七年级上英语Unit8 Welcome to the unit 教案_第1页
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牛津译林版七年级上英语Unit8 Welcome to the unit 教案_第3页
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1、Unit 8 Fashion Comic strip and Welcome to the unitI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn some basic vocabulary to talk about clothing items;2. show interests in fashion and learn to enjoy nice things.II. Teaching contents1. New words and

2、 phrases: fashion, spend, lazy, blouse, tie, lendthink about, ten more minutes, in bed, fashion show2. New structures: Im thinking about what to wear.Thats right.You are so lazy.Can you lend us your red blouse for our fashion show?III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Remember

3、the names of the clothing items;2. Learn how to borrow things from others.IV. Teaching proceduresA Comic stripStep 1 Lead-inT: Today well learn Unit 8. Now lets have a free talk.Do dogs like a fashion show?Do you think dogs need clothes? 【设计意图:通过一段简短视频及学生感兴趣的问题引导学生迅速进入本课话题,为引出漫画内容做好铺垫。 】Step 2 Prese

4、ntation1. T: Now lets see what our friends Eddie and Hobo think of clothes.Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo and answer the questions below.What is Eddie doing?How much more time can Eddie spend in bed?Is Eddie lazy?2. Ask students to read the conversation together and then try to ac

5、t it out.3. Ask students to complete the short passage according to the conversation.Eddie is _ what to wear. But Hobo tells him dogs _. So Eddie wants to _ in bed. He is a _ dog【设计意图:最后环节将巩固形式由对话变成小短文,不仅可以检测学生对本对话内容的掌握情况,也可以检测学生的信息转换能力。通过完成不同的教学任务,在熟悉并巩固漫画内容的同时,为接下来学习有关服装的词汇做好铺垫。 】B Welcome to the

6、unitStep 1 Lead-in T: Look at Eddie. Why does he get dressed? Because he got an invitation of a dog fashion show. He wants to take part in it. Hobo also wants to go to the dog fashion show, but he doesnt know what to wear. He asks Eddie to help him choose the right clothes.【设计意图:通过创设情境,不仅可以对 free ta

7、lk 中第二问“狗是否需要衣服”有更深入的解读,并且可以引出关于服装的一系列生词。 】Step 2 PresentationTeach new words about clothing items.1. T: Eddie and Hobo went into a shop. What can they see on the shelf? New words and phrases: dress/dresses, blouse, skirt, a pair of bootsT: Are these clothes suitable for Hobo? Of course not, they ar

8、e for girls.2. T: Hobo is a boy. Its better for him to go to a clothes shop for boys. Now they are in another shop. What do they find on the shelf?New words and phrases: shirt, tie, T-shirt, a pair of trousers, a pair of shoes【设计意图:利用陈列架展示服装,在教授生词的过程中,帮助学生区分服装的使用用途和穿着人群,同时为课后学生设计 Hobo 的“时装秀”服装作好语言素材

9、上的准备。 】3. Put the words in the correct boxes. (Part A)4. Learn to get things ready for a fashion show.T: Millies class will hold a fashion show. Now she is asking her mother to lend her some clothes for the show.Ask students to listen to the conversation between Millie and her mother and answer the

10、questions below.What does Millie want to borrow from her mother?Whats her mothers size?【设计意图:让学生了解举办“时装秀”需要一些前期准备,为第二课时 Reading 的学习做好准备。 】Step 3 Practice T: Now you and your classmates want to hold a fashion show. You may discuss what you will wear. If you dont have the clothes you like, you may bor

11、row some from you classmates. Make a conversation using Part B on page 93 as a model.A: What will you wear at the fashion show?B: I am thinking about it. Can you lend me your for our fashion show?A: Of course.B: What size / colour is your ? A: Size / The colour is B: Oh, its too large/small for me,

12、but can wear it. Shes /I dont like this colour, but A: OK, then.A: Thank you, .【设计意图:通过仿例对话,在巩固本课时所学词汇和句型的同时,帮助学生更多地了解时装表演对服装种类、尺寸及色彩等的要求,为 Reading 课时的学习进行素材输入。 】Step 4 Conclusion T: Boys and girls, as we know, wearing colourful clothes can make our days colourful, so I hope you can enjoy your happy days. Colourful clothes, colourful days! Happy every day!【设计意图:通过书本学习,延伸到学生的生活,对他们的生活态度进行一定的引领。 】V. Homework1. Write down what Hobo may wear for the dog fashion show. 2. Recite the comic strip. 3. Preview Reading.


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