牛津译林版四年级上英语Unit3 Sound time & Rhyme time教案

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1、Unit 3 How many?Sound time & Rhyme timeTeaching contents 教学内容Sound time & Rhyme TimeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3. 能了解并会正确发出字母 l 在单词中间的发音/l/。4. 能理解并流利诵读 Rhyme time 的小诗。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 能了解并会读/l/

2、,能总结归纳过去所学单词2. 能理解并流利诵读 Rhyme time 的小诗教学难点:灵活地改编小诗;总结归纳含有字母 L 的单词。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Free talk& RevisionGreetings T: Hello, boys and girls. Do you like playing games?S: Yes.T: Lets play a game about numbers. OK?S: OK.T: The name of the game is Number Rain. Look at the rules, first.S: (pl

3、ay the game) (老师让学生先了解游戏规则,之后游戏)【设计意图:通过游戏营造轻松愉悦的课堂气氛,紧扣单元话题复习数词,同时抓住学生的课堂注意力,有利于后面的教学展开。 】T: Wow. Boys and girls, you played it very well. And can you count from I to 19? S1: Yes.T: Lets count.T: Can you spell the numbers in English?S: Yes.(请学生单个、同桌、小组或全班拼背 1319 的英文数字)T: Great! You know numbers ver

4、y well. And I have some gifts for you. What are they? You may ask me like this “Do you have any ”S: (猜老师带来的礼物)Step 2 Rhyme TimeT: Look, they are some cakes. Lets listen to the rhyme.S: (listen to the rhyme) (PPT 播放动画)T: How many cakes do I have?S: Four.T: Do you like cakes?S: Yes, we do.T: Lets list

5、en and repeat.(最后一句的中文释义让学生试着讨论,说一说,教师再给出正确释义)T: Lets read the rhyme together.T: Try to read and act it out in group.(全班齐读小诗,再分组表演和诵读小诗)【设计意图:强调学生模仿语音语调,读出小诗的韵律韵调。 】T: You did a very good job. Can you make a new rhyme like this?S: (discuss in groups and make their new rhymes)T: Who wants to show you

6、r new rhyme?(小组讨论,编演自己的小诗)【设计意图:通过学生编演小诗,增添课堂情趣,让学生们小组讨论自创小诗,锻炼孩子们的合作精神和创新意识。 】Step 3 Sound timeT: Boys and girls, your rhymes are perfect. And I wrote a rhyme too. Can you read it?S: (read the rhyme)T: Pay attention to these words. T: Please read after me.(请学生跟读四个画圈的单词,引入 Sound time,再领读 Sound time

7、中的 5 个词)T: How is letter “l” pronounced?S1: /l/.T: Right. Please read after me. /l/, /l/, /l/.S: (read after the teacher)T: Look, here is a little lion. Can you fill in the blanks according to the picture? You may discuss in pairs. (学生同桌讨论填词)S: (fill in the blanks in two)T: Great. Lets enjoy the car

8、toon about /l/. (PPT 播放动画 )T: OK. Boys and girls, can you find more words like these? S: Yes.【设计意图:学生回忆归纳含有字母 l 的单词,老师总结写在黑板上,帮助学生知识迁移】T: You found so many words. Thats fantastic. Would you like to do something harder?S: Yes. T: Can you make a sentence with these words? For example, S1: Yes. 【设计意图:教

9、师给例子,让学生用归纳出来的单词造句,培养他们的英文创作意识和能力,提高他们对于语音学习的兴趣和主动性,自己造的句子也更利于他们记忆。 】T: Your sentences are amazing! You may make more after class. Okay?S: OK. Step 4 Homework 家庭作业1. Listen and read the rhyme, try to recite it. 2. Find more words with letter “l” and make some sentences with them.Teaching aids 教学准备 (

10、含板书设计)教学准备:单词、音标卡片、多媒体课件。板书设计: Unit 3 How many?说课在本节课的导入环节,以数字相关游戏活跃课堂气氛,唤起学生与本课学习内容相关的旧知。通过数数 119,自然拼背 1319 的英文数字。再由猜猜老师带来了什么礼物,复习所学句型,引出本节课的韵律诗。韵律诗部分,先观赏动画,再跟读,讲解中文意思,小组诵读表演;基础任务完成之后,再给例子让学生自创小诗,说一说,演一演,培养学生的协作能力和创新意识。在 Sound time 的学习过程中,借助老师自己的韵律诗,引出语音板块的五个单词,教师先领读单词,再让学生试着归纳语音规律。学生说出正确发音后,请学生再找找类似的单词,并用这些单词造句。充分调动学生的旧知识,自己编出的句子自己也记得更牢固。特别要注意的是,在朗读小诗的训练中,教师要注意指导学生模仿正确的语音和语调,读出韵律和韵调,培养他们良好的语感。L l /l/long, little, lion, love, elevenlibrarylooklovelyruler


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