牛津译林版三年级下英语Unit6 Story time教案

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1、Unit 6 What time is it?Story timeTeaching contents 教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 学生能整体感知、理解并朗读故事,尝试表演故事;2. 学生能在对话学习中正确地听、说、读下列单词和短语:wake up, oclock, breakfast, lunch, hurry up, dinner, bed;3. 学生能在情景中感知日常用语 What time is it? Its Its time for4. 学生能了解时间的重要性并能合理利用时间;Focus of

2、 the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点1. 学生能在对话学习中正确地听、说、读下列单词和短语:wake up, oclock, breakfast, lunch, hurry up, dinner, bed;2. 学生能在情景中感知日常用语 What time is it? Its Its time forTeaching procedures 教学过程Step1 Magic eyesRules: When you see the numbers, shout them out. If you see Liu Tao, clap

3、 your hands two times.【设计意图:系统复习,有利于唤起学生对旧知的记忆,为文本的学习做好铺垫。 】Step 2 Learn the new wordsT: We can count one, two, three, ten (引导学生把 1-10 再说一遍),and the number behind ten is (运用自然拼读法学习 eleven, twelve)T: Look. That makes a clock. When we want to know the time, we can ask like this: What time is it? Follo

4、w me.S: What time is it? T: (引导学生说) Its nine oclock.T: (PPT 再次呈现一个时间) What time is it?S: Its six oclock.T: Can you use the sentence to ask your deskmate?S: (同桌问答)Step 3 PresentationT: (PPT 呈现 7 点)What time is it?S: Its seven oclock.T: Yes, and its time for breakfast. Look! Liu Tao is still sleeping

5、on his bed. Mum comes. What can Mum say? Please guess.S: Liu Tao, get up./Wake up. T: Lets listen to Mum and try to follow her.T: Can you be Mum and call Liu Tao to get up?S: Wake up, Taotao.T: OK. Then Liu Tao gets up and a beautiful day begins. But what day is it? Is it Liu Taos school day or week

6、ends? Lets watch the cartoon and choose, OK?A. Liu Taos school dayB. Liu Taos weekendS: Its Liu Taos school day.【设计意图:通过把数字摆成钟面的形式不仅复习了数字的表达,还巧妙地引入了新知,看图感知新句型有利于学生更好地理解文本,出示刘涛七点钟仍然在睡觉的图片引导学生思考并表达语言,看动画有利于学生对故事的整体感知。】Step 4 Story time1. Listen and number(1) T: How is Liu Taos day? What does he do in

7、a day? Try to listen and number.(2) T: (指着这四幅图片,引导学生说 Its time for)2. Read and match(1) T: But what time does Liu Tao do these things? Read story time again and do the match. Dont forget to use the sentence “Itsoclock. Its time for” to tell me about Liu Taos day.(2) Retell Liu Taos day.(3) T: Look!

8、Theyre having a lesson. Can you know the time from our book? What time do they have class? Can you guess?(4) T: (呈现 Miss Li 和 Liu Tao 的对话图) So its time for class. But is Liu Tao on time? How do you know? S: T: As we know, Liu Tao is late. If you are Miss Li, what will you say to Liu Tao? (教学 Hurry u

9、p! 也可补充:Seize the time/ Dont be late.)【设计意图:细读同样遵循从整体到个别的原则,在逐幅图解决时,引导学生用完整的语言来描述,在第三幅图提出开放性的问题,鼓励学生用不同的答案来回答。 】Step 5 Practice1. Read after the tape.2. Read together.3. Read in roles.Homework 家庭作业Read Story time after the tape twice.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学 PPT板书设计: 说课本节课的主要教学内容为 Story time,教师在教

10、学该板块前通过趣味钟表复板书设计Unit 6 What time is it?Its seven oclock, its time for breakfast.Its oclock, its time for class.Its six oclock, its time for dinner.Its nine oclock, its time for bed.eleventwelve习了已学数字并自然导入了本课的新的词汇和句型,为 Story time 整体教学做好铺垫。在 Story time 教学中,教师先通过看图问答和观看卡通帮助学生整体感知故事,接下来教师安排了多样的听读活动帮助学生获得并熟悉故事的细节,最后通过朗读活动强化语言的输出。


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