2019年高考真题+高考模拟题专项版解析汇编 英语——专题04 从句 (原卷版)

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2019年高考真题+高考模拟题专项版解析汇编  英语——专题04 从句 (原卷版)_第1页
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2019年高考真题+高考模拟题专项版解析汇编  英语——专题04 从句 (原卷版)_第2页
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2019年高考真题+高考模拟题专项版解析汇编  英语——专题04 从句 (原卷版)_第3页
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2019年高考真题+高考模拟题专项版解析汇编  英语——专题04 从句 (原卷版)_第4页
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1、第 1 页(共 4 页)2019 年高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题 04 从句(名词性从句、状语从句、定语从句)一、2019 年高考真题1.【2019江苏卷单项填空】 21.We have entered into an age _ dreams have the best chance of coming true. A. which B. what C. when D. that2.【2019江苏卷单项填空】23.The doctor shares his phone number with the patients _ they need medical assistance.A. i

2、f only B. as if C. even though D. in case3.【2019江苏卷单项填空】25.Scientists have obtained more evidence _ plastic is finding its way into the human body.A. what B. that C. which D. where4.【2019天津卷单项填空】11.Their child is at the stage_ she can say individual words but not full sentences.A. why B. whereC. whi

3、ch D. what5.【2019天津卷单项填空】13.Tom is so independent that he never asks his parents opinion _ he wants their support.A. since B. onceC. unless D. after6.【2019新课标 I 卷语法填空 】While they are rare north of 88,there is evidence _61_ they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Ca

4、nada.7.【2019新课标 I 卷短文改错 】One afternoon where I was in primary school, I was walking by the school playground.8.【2019新课标 II 卷语法填空】Now Irene Astbury works from 9am to 5pm daily at the pet shop in Macclesfield, _62_ she opened with her late husband Les.9.【2019新课标 III 卷语法填空 】They were well trained by th

5、eir masters _64_ had great experience with caring for these animals.10.【2019新课标 III 卷短文改错 】 In the cafe, customers will enjoy themselves in the 第 2 页(共 4 页)historical environment what is created for them.11.【2019浙江卷语法填空】On the edge of the jacket, there is a piece of cloth _58_gives off light in the

6、dark.12.【2019北京卷语法填空】What students do at college seems to matter much more than _8_ they go.13.【2019北京卷语法填空】The students benefitting most from college are those _9_ are totally engaged(参与)in academic life.二、2019 届模拟题1.【江苏省盐城中学 2019 届高三年级质量检测】People crowd into _ cherry trees are blooming, appreciatin

7、g the fresh spring sight.A. what B. whenC. which D. where2.【江苏省盐城中学 2019 届高三年级质量检测】The reign of the next Japanese emperor will be known as “Reiwa” (令和) era, in _ name the character for “harmony” is included.A. which B. whatC. whose D. as3. 【天津市南开中学 2019 届高三年级模拟考试】I guess _ impresses me most about hi

8、s painting is the colors he uses.A. who B. whichC. that D. what4. 【天津市南开中学 2019 届高三年级模拟考试】It was the middle of the night _ my dad woke me up and told me to watch the football game.A. when B. thatC. which D. as5. 【天津市南开中学 2019 届高三年级模拟考试】How come? I cant find my key. I just left it _ it had been.A. wh

9、ere B. whichC. when D. how6.【江苏省南京市学 2019 届高三年级模拟考试】We live in this society now _ 第 3 页(共 4 页)literally someone is always helping.A. when B. whereC. that D. what7.【江苏省南京市学 2019 届高三年级模拟考试】Patrick waited _ all the luggage was cleared, but his never appeared.A. until B. beforeC. when D. while8.【江苏省南京市学

10、 2019 届高三年级模拟考试】The same boiling water softens the potato and hardens the egg. Its about _youre made of, not the circumstances.A. that B. whatC. how D. who9. 【天津市十二所重点中学 2019 届高三年级模拟考试】The athletes, especially the winners, should remain modest _ rapid progress they have made.A. whatever B. howeverC.

11、 how much D. no matter10. 【天津市十二所重点中学 2019 届高三年级模拟考试】Bob made a promise to the manager _ the work would all be finished on time.A. that B. whatC. which D. whether11. 【天津市十二所重点中学 2019 届高三年级模拟考试】The police are investigating the company, three of _ managers have already been arrested.A. whose B. thatC.

12、 which D. where12. 【天津市北辰区 2019 届高三年级模拟考试】This semester our school offers many optional courses for the students, _ appeals to many students.A. each of which B. all of whomC. each of whom D. all of which13. 【天津市北辰区 2019 届高三年级模拟考试】I was going to pay by cash when it suddenly occurred to me _ I had lef

13、t my purse at home.A. whether B. what第 4 页(共 4 页)C. that D. where14. 【天津市北辰区 2019 届高三年级模拟考试】What did she want to know, Tom?She wondered _ we could complete the experiment.A. when was it B. it was when thatC. it was when D. when it was that15. 【天津市北辰区 2019 届高三年级模拟考试】Tianjin soccer fans wonder how long it will be _ the popular soccer star Sunke can appear in the fields in Tianjin as a member of Tianjin Tianhai soccer team.A. before B. sinceC. until D. where


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