2019年外研版英语选修7学案:Module 3 Section Ⅲ

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1、Section Grammar 倒装和强调句语法图解探究发现Here are some new magazines.In the middle of the room was a table.Little do I dream of seeing such wonderful scenery.Not until at least thirty seconds had passed, was the man able to speak.No sooner had the boy spoken these words than the warden hit him on the head with

2、 the soup spoon.Never have I heard anything like it.Only after the war did he learn the sad news.It was Oliver Twist who was chosen.我的发现(1)以上句中,句中谓语全部放在主语之前,为全部倒装。 句中谓语的一部分放在主语之前,为部分倒装。(2)由句可知,具有否定意义的副词( 词组)位于句首,句子要部分倒装。(3)由句可知,当 only 位于句首,且修饰状语或状语从句时,主句要部分倒装。(4)句为强调句型,其构成为 It is/was被强调部分who/ that句子

3、其他成分。一、倒装(一)倒装句的概念英语句子的自然语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。若把谓语动词放在主语之前,则构成倒装句。1如果谓语全部放在主语之前,叫全部倒装。Out rushed a girl and a cat.一个小女孩和一只猫冲了出来。They arrived at a house, in front of which stood a big tree.他们来到一所房子前,房子前面有一棵大树。2如果只把助动词、情态动词或系动词放在主语之前,则构成部分倒装。At no time should you leave your post.任何时候你都不应该离开你的岗位。If you dont

4、go, neither will I.如果你不去,我也不去。3形式上的倒装语法上称为前置。它的特点是,只把强调的内容提至句首,主谓并不倒装。Tired as they were, they went on working.虽然他们很累,但仍继续工作。即时演练 1 完成句子In the center of the park stands a statue.在公园的中心矗立着一座雕像。If Joes wife does not go to the party, neither does he.如果乔的妻子不去参加晚会,他也不会去。Try hard as they were, they couldn

5、t make her change her mind.尽管他们做了很大努力,却没能让她改变主意。(二)全部倒装全部倒装的条件:1当表示方位或时间的副词,如 here, there, then, up, down, in, away, off, out 等置于句首,且主语是名词时。In came the teacher.老师进来了。Here is your coat.你的外套在这儿。2当表示地点或方位的介词短语位于句首且主语是名词时。In front of the house is a tall tree.这座房子前有一棵高大的树。3形容词(短语)、过去分词(短语) 、现在分词(短语)或介词短语

6、作表语位于句首时,且主语部分较长时,其结构为“表语连系动词主语” 。Present at the meeting are Professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests.出席会议的有怀特教授、史密斯教授和许多其他客人。Hanging on the wall is a picture drawn by a 6yearold boy.墙上挂的是一个 6 岁男孩画的一幅画。名师点津 当表示方位或时间的副词位于句首,主语是代词时,主语和谓语的位置不能颠倒。Out she rushed.她冲了出去。即时演练 2 使用倒装形式完成下列句子Now

7、 comes your turn (轮到你了 )Out rushed the boys (男孩们冲出去了 ) when the bell rang.In the front of the stage stood a singer (站着一位歌唱家) South of the city lies a factory (坐落着一家工厂)Seated in the first line (坐在第一排) are some advanced workers.Lying on the floor was a boy (是一个男孩儿) aged about ten.There goes the bell (

8、铃响了)The door opened and in came our headmaster (校长进来了 )(三)部分倒装1否定副词 not, never, hardly, seldom, scarcely, rarely, little 及表示否定意义的介词短语in no case, by no means, at no time, on no condition 等置于句首时。At no time did they actually break the rules of the game.It was unfair to punish them.他们绝对没有违反比赛规则,惩罚他们是不公平

9、的。Not until recently did they encourage the development of touristrelated activities in the rural areas.(2016江苏高考)直到最近他们才鼓励农村地区旅游相关活动的发展。2only 修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句,且放在句首时,主句部分倒装。Only when Lily walked into the office did she realize that she had left contract at home.(2015天津高考)当莉莉走进办公室时,她才意识到她把合同落在家里了。Only

10、 in this way can you learn from your mistakes.只有用这种方式你才能从错误中吸取教训。3以 so, neither, nor 开头的句子用部分倒装,表示前面所说的情况也适用于后者。He studies English well; so does his sister.他英语学得很好,他妹妹也是如此。Mary cant ride a bicycle; neither/nor can Lucy.玛丽不会骑自行车,露西也不会。4在 so .that .与 such .that .句型中,so 与 such 部分位于句首时,要用部分倒装。So unreaso

11、nable was his price that everybody startled.他的要价太离谱,令每个人都瞠目结舌。5hardly .when .,no sooner . than ., not only .but also .等连接两个句子,hardly, no sooner, not only 置于句首时,紧接否定词之后的句子要用倒装语序。Not only do the nurses want a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.护士们不仅要求提高工资,还要求缩短工作时间。Hardly had he begun to sp

12、eak when his father stopped him.他刚开口说话就被父亲制止了。6not until 放于句首时,主句部分倒装。Not until he returned did he have supper.直到他回来才吃饭。7在含有 were, should 或 had 的虚拟条件句中,可以省略 if,把 were, should 或 had 提前,构成倒装。Had he taken my advice, he would have succeeded.他要是听了我的建议,就成功了。巧学助记 部分倒装口诀副词开头要倒装,人称代词非如常;only 修饰副介状,位于句首半倒装;否定

13、意义副连词,位于句首须倒装;表语前置主语长,衔接自然常倒装;such 代词作表语,引起主谓要倒装;not only 开头句,前一分句须倒装;had,were,should 虚拟句,省略 if 半倒装。即时演练 3 (1)句型转换Although you might try, you cant make up for the lost time.Try as/though you might, you cant make up for the lost time.They worked so hard that they finished their work ahead of time.So

14、hard did they work that they finished their work ahead of time.I didnt go to bed until I finished my homework last night.Not until I finished my homework last night did I go to bed.I had hardly arrived when I had a new problem to deal with.Hardly had I arrived when I had a new problem to deal with.S

15、hakespeare was not only a famous playwright, but he was also an excellent actor.Not only was Shakespeare a famous playwright, but he was also an excellent actor.If I had known that earlier, I wouldnt have been to the dining hall.Had I known that earlier, I wouldnt have been to the dining hall.I had

16、no sooner reached home than it poured down.No sooner had I reached home than it poured down.He realized what had happened only when he returned home. Only when he returned home did he realize what had happened. (2)单句改错Im not interested in physics.So is he.SoNeither/NorDid you come yesterday, you wou

17、ld have seen him. DidHadSo would be our home in the future.SoSuch二、强调句1强调句型的结构:It is/was被强调部分that/who句子其他部分。强调句型用来强调主语、宾语、状语等除谓语以外的句子成分。如果句子用的是过去的某种时态,强调结构中就用 was;如果句子用的是现在的某种时态,强调结构中就用is。当被强调部分是指人时,可以用 who 代替 that。It is a novelist that/who he has become.他已经成了一位小说家。It was when I got back to my apart

18、ment that I first came across my new neighbors.(2017天津高考)正是当我回到公寓时,我第一次偶然遇见了我的新邻居们。2强调句型一般疑问句的结构为:Is /Was it被强调部分 that/who句子其他部分?Was it your mother who made the decision?这个决定是你妈妈做的吗?3强调句型特殊疑问句的结构为:特殊疑问词(What/Who/When/Why/Where/How)is/was itthat/who句子其他部分。Why was it that he didnt get to school on tim

19、e?为什么他没有按时到校?(强调句为特殊疑问句形式,被强调部分是句子的原因状语)4not .until .句型的强调句型为:It is/was not until被强调部分that其他部分。Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century that his musical gift was fully recognized.(2015重庆高考)巴赫于 1750 年去世,但是直到 19 世纪早期他的音乐天赋才被完全承认。5强调句的判断方式:把 It is/was .that/who .去掉,如果剩下的成分能组成完整的句子

20、,就是强调句型。即时演练 4 用强调句型改写下列句子Mr Li teaches us English.(强调主语)It is Mr Li who/that teaches us English.I phoned Mr Black just now.(强调宾语)It was Mr Black that/who I phoned just now.We had a conversation in my office.(强调状语)It was in my office that we had a conversation.Did he die during the AntiJapanese War?

21、( 强调时间状语)Was it during the AntiJapanese War that he died?Why is smoking not allowed here?(强调 why)Why is it that smoking is not allowed here?.单句语法填空1Only with hard work can you expect to get a pay rise.2Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.3

22、Hardly had he arrived at the railway station when it began to rain.4Were he to leave today, he would get there by Friday.5Never before have I been asked to sing an English song.6So great was the success of the book that it was made into a film.7South of the river lies (lie) a small factory.8No soone

23、r had we reached the station than the train was off.9There comes (come) the bus. Lets hurry up.10What is it that makes you so happy?The fact that our volleyball team has got into the final.完成句子1(2017全国卷)Little did I know that I would discover my love for ASL.我当时不知道我会发现我对美式手语的热爱。2(2015北京高考书面表达) Not o

24、nly does it offer teenagers like us a chance to enjoy a very exciting sport, but it also provides us with a good time to know more about the traditional Chinese culture. 它不仅为向我们这样的青少年提供了一个享受非常令人兴奋的运动机会,而且它也为我们提供了一个很好的时间来了解更多的中国传统文化。3It was with sincerity and faithfulness that we created a harmonious

25、 atmosphere.我们是以真诚和忠诚创造了一个和谐的氛围。4Away flew the bird into the forest.鸟儿一下子飞进了森林。5When was it that he broke the national record? 他打破全国纪录那是在什么时候?6Child as he is, he knows much knowledge of science. 尽管还是个孩子,他懂得很多科学知识。.短文改错Elena, who showed no interest on her studies, was not a good student. Each time sh

26、e tries to think hard about her lesson, her mind wandered. One day it was an important test. Present on the paper was many questions she couldnt deal with them. Elena did not want to fail the test, so she had no choice but cheat. Next to Elena sat Ivan, a serious boy. She began to copy all of Ivans

27、answers. When Ivan noticed Elena cheating, he quickly changed all her answers into incorrect one, and nor did Elena. Then hiding his paper, Ivan quick corrected his answers. Then the bell indicated the exam was over rang.答案:第一句:onin第二句:triestried第三句:itthere第四句:was were; 去掉 them第五句:but 后加 to第八句:her his; norso第九句:quickquickly第十句:bell 后加 which/that


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