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1、2018-2019 学年度下学期期中考试六年级英语试题(附答案)听力部分(40 分)1、听音,选图。把相应的天气预报图标的序号填入括号内(10 分)Beijing Jilin Guangzhou Shanghai Lhasa Haikou( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2、听音,判断。 判断下列句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的涂 A,不相符的涂 B。 (10 分)( ) 1. He is picking up the apples.( ) 2. Her mother is cleaning the stairs.( ) 3. Sam wants three colas and o

2、ne hamburger.( ) 4. Tomorrow it will snow in Harbin.( ) 5.Daming rides a bike to school.三、听音选答语:仔细听问句,选出相应的答语,将其字母代号写在横线上。 (10 分)A I want some meat. B. At half past twelve.C. Its thirteen dollars. D. We are playing hide-and seek.E. Sorry ,I cant. F. Shes at the supermarket.1._ 2 ._ 3._4._ 5._四、听音,标号

3、。根据你所听到的问题选择正确的答语,涂黑相应的字母序号。 (10 分)( ) 1. A.Its five yuan. B. They are six dollars.( ) 2. A. He is cleaning the floor. B. He is at school.( ) 3. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, I will.( ) 4. A. We are going to have a picnic. B. I am walking in the park.( ) 5. A. Two colas, please. B. Its $ 4.50.读写部分(80 分)

4、五、判断下列每组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的涂“A” ,不同的涂“B” 。 (5 分)( )1. A. shine B. sing ( ) 2. A. chair B. stairs( ) 3. A. play B. stay ( )4. A. thousand B. cloud( ) 5. A.later B. cashier 六、单项选择。 (15 分)( ) 10. -_ is the bag, please? -Its $ 6.75.A. How many B. How much C. How old( ) 11. We are going to go to school _ s

5、even.A. at B. in C. on ( ) 12. Can he _ this bag? w W w .x K b 1.c o MA. carried B. carry C. carries( ) 13. -What do you want?-_.A. I am going to swim. B. I want a hot dog, please.C. I am swimming.( ) 14.The birds are singing _ the treeA. in B. on C. from( ) 15. -My newspaper is flying away. Who can

6、 help me?-_. A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, I can. C. Sorry, I cant.七、根据上下文意思,从方框中选出合适的句子补全对话(涂黑相应的字母序号).(10 分)A.Hi B. Its twenty cents. C. A cola, please.D.Thank you. E.Yes, we have.Waitress: Hello. Can I help you?Tom:1 _. Have you got a hot dog?Waitress: 2_.Tom: Good. A hot dog, please.Waitress: What do

7、you want to drink?Tom: 3_. How much is it?.Waitress: 4_.Tom: Here you are.Waitress: 5_.Enjoy your meal!八 填空。根据课文内容填上所缺的单词,每空一词。 (20 分)1 Can I _ you ?2 How _ is the cola?3 What do you _ to eat?4 It _ _ you are going to stay hungry.5 The birds are _ away.6 The sun is _.7 The apples are falling _ the s

8、tairs.8 We are _ a lovely time.9 He is playing the suona for the third _.九、阅读理解(10 分)X|Today is my brothers birthday . We are going to have a birthday party for him . Now I am in a supermarket with my mum . We buy apples , oranges , sweets and some balloons . My mum also buys him a beautiful present

9、 . We buy too many things and we cant carry everything . Later , my brother comes and helps us .判断正误(正确的涂 A,不正确的涂 B)1. ( )Today isnt my birthday .2. ( )We are going to have a party for my birthday . 3. ( )I buy him a beautiful present. 4. ( )My mum buys him a cake . 5. ( )We cant carry everything. 十

10、、书面表达(10 分)大自然是美丽的,星期天我们走进自然,享受阳光,多么愉快啊!请用英语描述一下这张照片吧!My Sunday十一 文化考查(涂黑相应的字母序号) 。 (10 分)1 ( )当你处于麻烦之中,你想寻求帮助,你会对别人说:A Can I help you ? B Who can help me?2 ( ) 当别人请求你的帮助,你因为某些原因不能帮助别人,你应该说:A No,I cant. B Sorry,I cant.3 ( ) 当你递给别人东西时,你会说:A Here you are. B Yes,please.4 ( )当你想知道汉堡的价格时,你应该问:A How much

11、is the hamburger?B How much is a hot dog?5 ( )当朋友要开启一段旅程,你应该是:A Enjoy your meal. B Enjoy your trip.听力原文一听音,选图。把相应地点的天气预报图标的序号填入括号内。1.It will be windy in Jilin.2.It will rain in Guangzhou.3.It will snow in Shanghai.4.It will be cold in Lhasa.5.It will be sunny in Hangzhou.二、听音,判断下列句子是否与录音内容相符。相符的在括号内

12、写 A,不相符的写B。1.He is washing the apples.2.Her mother is cleaning the floor.3.Sam wants one hamburger and three colas.4.Tomorrow it will be warm in Harbin.5.Daming walks to school.三、听音选答语:仔细听问句,选出相应的应答语,将其字母代号写在横线上。1. when are we going to have lunch?2. Can you help me?3. Wheres your mother?4. How much

13、is it?5. Can I help you?四、听音,标号。根据你所听到的问题选择正确的答语。1. How much are they?2. What is he doing?3. Will you go to Beijing?4. What are you going to do tomorrow?5. What do you want to drink?评分标准听力部分一、10 分 DAEBC二、10 分 BABBB三、10 分 BEFCA4、10 分 BABAA读写部分五、5 分 BAAAB六、15 分 1-5 BBABA 6-10ABCCB 11-15 ABBAC七、10 分 AECBD八20 分 1help 2 much 3 want 4 looks like 5 flying 6 shining7 down 8 having 9 time九10 分 ABBBA十书面表达 10 分十一文化考查 10 分


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