2019-2020学年英语必修5北师大版学案:Unit 15 Period Six

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1、Period Six Communication Workshop,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board重点词汇For a start, it would be hard adapting to a new culture.首先,很难适应一种新的文化。?adapt vt.(使)适应, (使)适合;改编; vi.适应adapt (oneself) to.使(某人自己)适应adapt.to.使适应adapt.for.将改为;改造以供之用adapt.from sth.根据某物改编成adaptation n.适应;改编(本 )(1)You must adapt yoursel

2、f to the new environment as soon as possible.你必须尽快使自己适应新环境。(2)Instead,we are diurnal creatures ,with eyes adapted to living in the suns light.相反,我们是白天活动的动物,眼睛适应了生活在太阳光下。(3)Many children buy books after they have been adapted for television.许多小孩子都是在书被编成电视剧之后才去买的。一句多译(4)据说,这部电影是改编自一部短篇小说。It is said th

3、at this film is adapted from a short novel.(adapt)It is said that this film is an adaptation from a short novel.(adaptation)As a whole,I think that studying abroad can be a positive experience.整体来说,我认为去国外学习是一种有意义的经历?as a whole 整体来说;作为一个整体,总体上on the whole 大体上;基本上;总的来说(1)The electronic waste stream is

4、 increasing three times faster than traditional garbage as a whole.总的来说,电子垃圾的增长比传统的垃圾的增长快了三倍。(2)We must consider these matters as a whole.我们必须从整体上考虑这些问题。(3)Thus,the division,on the whole,depends on the reader.因此,总的来说,这个部门依赖于读者。However,there would also be some new optional subjects,for example,litera

5、ry appreciation,astronomy,biochemistry ,etc.然而,还将有一些新的选修科目,如文学欣赏、天文学、生物化学等。?appreciation n.欣赏,鉴别;感谢,感激in appreciation of 感谢appreciate v. 欣赏;理解;鉴别;感谢,感激appreciate (doing) sth.感激/喜欢( 做)某事I would appreciate it if.如果 我将不胜感激(1)Chinas soft power grows in line with the increasing appreciation and understan

6、ding of China globally.(2018江苏)中国的软实力随着全球对中国的认识和理解的加深而不断增强。(2)Please accept this gift in appreciation of all you have done for us.请接受这个礼物,谢谢您为我们所做的一切。(3)When you look people in the eye,they feel you appreciate what they are saying.当你盯着别人的眼睛的时候,他们会感到你对他们所说的话感兴趣。(4)Id appreciate it if you could help m

7、e revise them.如果你肯帮我修改它们,我将非常感激。单句改错(5)I really appreciate your the effort to help us out of trouble.makemakingIn conclusion,I think my school would have a good variety of activitiessomething for everyone.总之,我认为我们学校会有各种各样不同的活动适合每个人的活动。?in conclusion 总之,最后;作为结论arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusio

8、n 得出结论bring.to a conclusion 使结束conclude v.断定;结束;达成conclude sth.with sth.以结束 conclude that.推断出(1)In conclusion,I would like to thank everyone who helped to make this event possible.最后,我要感谢促成此事的每个人。(2)I will bring the story quickly to a conclusion.让我尽快结束这个故事。(3)The famous scientist concluded his speec

9、h with some amusing remarks.这位著名科学家用一些有趣的话语结束了演讲。高级表达(4)We concluded that he was against the plan.(改为同位语从句)We arrived at/came to/drew/reached a conclusion thathe was against the plan.Instead they learn how to play with other children in preparation for school.相反,他们学习如何同其他小孩玩耍,为进入学校做准备。?in preparatio

10、n for.为做准备be in preparation 在准备中make a preparation/preparations for.为做准备prepare v.准备prepare to do sth.准备做某事prepare for sth.为做准备be prepared to do sth./for sth.对有准备(表状态)(1)He packed his bags in preparation for the journey.他打好包,为旅行做准备。(2)I have to make a preparation/preparations for my final exam which

11、 will be held two weeks later.我得为两周后将要举行的期末考试做准备。(3)We should prepare well for the negotiations.我们应该为这次谈判做好准备。一句多译(4)他们卖掉了他们的房子和车,准备出国。They ve sold their house and car in preparation for leaving the country.(preparation)They ve sold their house and car to prepare to leave/for leaving the country.(pr

12、epare)经典句式As well as the subjects on the timetable,there would be many afterschool interest groups, such as chess,choir,photography and sports.除课程表上的科目外,还要设一些课外兴趣小组,如下棋、合唱、摄影和运动小组。as well as 意为 “除了 以外还;和一样也” 。当放于句首时,其相当于 in addition to。 as well as 通常连接两个对等的成分,即 as well as 之前和之后的成分相同,同为主语、宾语、表语等。as w

13、ell as 连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数由前面的主语确定,即通常所说的“就前一致原则” 。 as well as 可用于表达同级比较, well 为副词,意思是“和一样好” 。(1)All special exhibitions,as well as films,lectures ,concerts and childrens programs are free with admission.(2018江苏 )所有的专题展览,和电影、讲座、音乐会、儿童节目一样都是免费进入的。(2)She intends to fight to make it a womans as well as a ma

14、ns world.她打算为了创造一个和男人的世界一样的女人世界而奋斗。(3)WeChat,as well as telephones,is (be) now playing an important part in daily communication.微信,还有电话,现在在日常交流中起着重要作用。单句改错(4)The father as well as his children to the park every summer.gogoes.单句语法填空1.The adaptation(adapt) of the play for radio was easily done by him.

15、2.They all hope to bring the boring discussion to a conclusion(conclude).3.Worried about the preparations(prepare) for her feast,Lala quickly turned for home.4.We should analyse the problem as a whole.5.In conclusion,I like being praised,but I know sometimes its not always good.6.The college has exc

16、ellent sporting facilities(facility).7.For a start,the question comes not from her but from you.8.Chinese arts have won the appreciation(appreciate) of a lot of people outside China.完成句子9.The captain,as well as the other players,was tired.队长和其他队员都累了。10.He looked down so that she could not see his ey

17、es.他低下头以免她看见他的眼睛。11.I would appreciate it if you would close the window.如果你把窗户关上,我将十分感激。12.Not only does he speak English but also French.他不仅说英语还说法语。13.Please prepare to get off from the back door.请您准备从后门下车。基础巩固.选词填空to a certain extent,get into, the rest of,as a whole,in conclusion,as well as,disagr

18、ee with,be relevant to1.As a whole,most of the old people are accustomed to the climate here.2.What the teacher taught the children was not relevant to their life there.3.To a certain extent,the boy did much better than his older brother.4.Most of the members disagreed with his plan,which made him a

19、nnoyed.5.All the students are working hard in order to get into a key university.6.He as well ashis children goes to the beach each summer.7.This one is for you and the rest ofthe books are for the girls.8.In conclusion,this activity has benefited us a lot and well hold another some day.单句语法填空9.The

20、young teacher always teaches the little childrenwith enthusiasm every day.10.This experience will leave lasting impression on the young people.11.They will stay there for another two weeks in preparation(prepare) for the coming ceremony.12.It is said that the old couple are traveling in Europe at th

21、e moment.13.To show our appreciation(appreciate) for your hard work, wed like to give you a car.完成句子14.When he arrived,I was preparing to leave the city.当他到达时,我正准备离开这个城市。15.Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat.太阳不仅给我们阳光还有热量。16.Reading should be a pleasure,so the texts should

22、 be within your range .阅读是一种乐趣,其内容应该在你的能力范围之内。17.I would appreciate it ifyou would help me with it.如果你能帮我做这件事,我将十分感激。18.Its said that the TV play was adapted froma historical novel.据说这部电视剧改编自一部历史小说。能力提升.阅读理解Mary Krupa became friends with the grey squirrels during her first week at Penn State,after s

23、potting them running around and idly(漫不经心地)wondering what they would look like with tiny hats on their heads.Today,everyone at the university knows her as the “Squirrel Girl”.Mary started bringing them food,and gradually they began to trust her.She managed to put a hat on a squirrel and take a pictu

24、re.Thinking that her colleagues could do with something to lift up their spirits,she started posting similar photos on Facebook.The response was greatly positive,and before long Mary and her squirrels became an Internet sensation.Growing up in a neighborhood outside State College,Mary was always fon

25、d of birds and animals around her home,but she didnt interact with people very much.She was later diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome,but the squirrels changed that.“The squirrels are actually a good way to break the ice,because Ill be sitting here patting a squirrel and other people will come over an

26、d well just start like feeding the squirrels together and chatting about them, ”she said.“I am a lot more outgoing.”And in case youre wondering how Mary is able to get the squirrels to do what she wants for her photos, it has a lot to do with food.For example, whenever she wants them to hold or play

27、 with something,she puts peanut butter on the prop(道具) ,and theyll grab it.But getting to that part took a while.In the beginning,she would throw peanuts up the trees on campus and invite the squirrels to come down and get them,but they hesitated to approach her.She had the patience to earn their tr

28、ust,though.This year,Mary is graduating with a degree in English and wildlife sciences.She wants to be a science writer and educate people on how to preserve the environment.As for her furry friends, Mary plans to stay in the area and visit them as often as she can.语篇解读 本文主要讲述了宾州州立大学的“松鼠女孩”Mary 曾经被诊

29、断出患有阿斯伯格综合症,但是松鼠改变了她,使她变得外向,善于交际,而她也通过和松鼠建立信任,拍出一些松鼠的照片,在互联网上引起了轰动。19.What kind of change do squirrels bring to Mary?A.She is sicker than before.B.She is more interested in animals.C.She is more sociable than before.D.She is less willing to go to college.答案 C解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“.Mary was always fond of

30、 birds and animals around her home,but she didnt interact with people very much.She was later diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome,but the squirrels changed that.I am a lot more outgoing.”可知,Mary 之前不善于交际,并被诊断出患有阿斯伯格综合症,但是松鼠改变了她,她变得更外向了,可见松鼠使她比之前善于交际了。故选 C。20.How did Mary manage to take photos of squirr

31、els wearing hats?A.By putting them in cages.B.By playing music to them.C.By attracting them with colorful food.D.By building a close relationship with them.答案 D解析 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,想给松鼠拍照需要食物的引诱,但是从“But”后面的句子可知,并不是她只要给松鼠食物,松鼠就会很安静地让她拍出想要的照片,前提是她获得了松鼠的信任。故选 D。21.Which words can best describe Mary?A.Patie

32、nt and caring.B.Confident and strong.C.Sociable and healthy.D.Traditional and hardworking.答案 A解析 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“because Ill be sitting here patting a squirrel and other people will come over and well just start like feeding the squirrels together and chatting about them”以及第四段中的“She had the patience t

33、o earn their trust,though. ”可知,Mary 是一个善良、愿意喂养小动物并且耐心的人。结合选项知选 A。22.What can be the best title for the text?A.Marys Experience in UniversityB.Making Friends with Wild AnimalsC.The “Squirrel Girl” of Penn StateD.The Bridge Between Mary and Squirrels答案 C解析 标题归纳题。第一段最后一句“Today,everyone at the universit

34、y knows her as the Squirrel Girl.”引出话题“Squirrel Girl”,通读全文可知,文章后文介绍了主人公为什么会被称为“Squirrel Girl ”以及她的一些事情。故选 C。.完形填空When I was 17 years old,I left my comfortable home in a wealthy Midwestern suburb to live as a foreign exchange student in a lower middleclass neighborhood in a foreign country.I 23 in an

35、 apartment with no elevators,no dishwashers and one washer for 300 24 .The tile(瓷砖) floors were always 25 and the rainy winter days there seemed endless.I 26 to wash my clothes by hand in the bathtub and 27 water was so costly,I trained myself to 28 my waistlength hair in less than five minutes.At t

36、hat time there were no cell phones and the Internet didnt exist.So for six months I had no 29 at all with my family or friends in the US.I had no relatives there so I 30 to face the fact that my 31 to adapt and create a life for 32 ,was one hundred percent up to me.At age seventeen my need for frien

37、ds was 33 and not knowing a soul was,needless to say,a bit stressful.To 34 to my stress,I didnt speak the 35 and had no familiarity with the monetary(货币的 ) system or the transportation system.One more 36 that created stress was my 37 family.Of all the families in the city I lived,I was 38 with the o

38、nes who spoke the least (or worst) English.Living abroad and developing 39 in a foreign language required persistence and determination.I made many mistakes 40 the way.Now Ive transformed my 41 memories into my medals of honor.Theyre the treasured stories that offer wisdom,provide me with insights i

39、nto friends and family and provide me with the 42 that I can surpass future challenges.语篇解读 本文作者介绍了自己去美国做交换生的经历。作者体会到那些宝贵的经历对自己的成长是非常重要的,因为自己因此增加了智慧、以及战胜挑战的信心。23.A.moved B.livedC.turned D.took答案 B解析 根据本空后的“in an apartment with no elevators,no dishwashers”可知, “我”住(live)在一个没有电梯、没有洗碗机的公寓里,故 B 项正确。24.A.

40、places B.namesC.children D.families答案 D解析 由上文可知, “我”住在一所公寓里,故此处为“我”所住的公寓里没有电梯、没有洗碗机、只有一台供 300 个家庭(family) 共同使用的洗衣机。其他选项均不符合语境。故 D项正确。25.A.warm B.emptyC.tidy D.cold答案 D解析 根据本空后的“the rainy winter days there seemed endless”可知,此处强调当时条件的恶劣。故句意为:地板砖总是冰冷的(cold),故 D 项正确。26.A.tried B.askedC.learned D.forced答

41、案 C解析 上文提到 300 个家庭共用一台洗衣机,所以“我”学会(learn)用手洗衣服,故 C 项正确。27.A.although B.sinceC.unless D.once答案 B解析 根据本空后的“water was so costly,I trained myself to.”可知,前后是因果关系,此处是说“因为(since)这里的水费很高” ,故 B 项正确。28.A.wash B.combC.arrange D.adopt答案 A解析 根据文章情境可知,此处是说因为水费很高,所以“我”训练自己在五分钟之内洗(wash)完自己的齐腰长发,故 A 项正确。29.A.contact

42、B.quarrelC.letter D.chance答案 A解析 根据本空前的“At that time there were no cell phones and the Internet didnt exist.”可知,当时那里没有电话也没有网络,所以六个月以来“我”没有和在美国的家人和朋友取得任何联系(contact),故 A 项正确。30.A.turned B.neededC.pretended D.stopped答案 B解析 根据本空前的“I had no relatives there”可知,在那里没有亲戚,所以“我”需要(need)面对这样一个事实,故 B 项正确。31.A.im

43、agination B.abilityC.question D.career答案 B解析 根据本空后的“to adapt and create a life.”可知,此处是说适应及创造生活的能力(ability),故 B 项正确。32.A.myself B.otherC.another D.none答案 A解析 根据文章情境可知,此处是说为“我自己”(myself) 创造生活,故 A 项正确。33.A.impossible B.hopelessC.careless D.strong答案 D解析 根据本空所在句可知,17 岁的年纪对朋友的渴望是强烈的(strong),故 D 项正确。34.A.a

44、dapt B.applyC.add D.reduce答案 C解析 根据本空前的“and not knowing a soul was,needless to say,a bit stressful”可知,上文提到作者找不到朋友让自己很有压力,而下文中不会说当地的语言又给作者增加(add to)了压力。35.A.truth B.languageC.fact D.word答案 B解析 根据本空后的“had no familiarity with the monetary(货币的) system or the transportation system”可知,此处是说 “我”不会说当地的语言 (la

45、nguage)也不熟悉货币和交通系统,故 B 项正确。36.A.scene B.shortageC.fault D.challenge答案 D解析 根据上文内容可知住在一个陌生的环境里“我”的生活充满了挑战,此处是说又一个给“我”带来压力的挑战(challenge)是,故 D 项正确。37.A.own B.formerC.host D.guest答案 C解析 根据本空后的“Of all the families in the city I lived”可知,此处说的是又一个给“我”带来压力的挑战是寄宿(host)家庭,故 C 项正确。38.A.occupied B.housedC.compar

46、ed D.chosen答案 B解析 根据文章情境可知,此处是说在“我”居住的这个城市的家庭中, “我”被安排住在了一个几乎不说英语的家庭里。be housed with 意为“被安置住在” ,故 B 项正确。39.A.fluency B.troubleC.habit D.fame答案 A解析 根据本空后的“in a foreign language”可知,住在国外并且掌握流利的外语需要毅力和决心。fluency 意为“流利,流畅” ,故 A 项正确。40.A.over B.alongC.in D.during答案 B解析 根据文章情境可知,此处是说在这条路上“我”犯了很多错误,故 B 项正确。

47、41.A.harmful B.beautifulC.hopeful D.hard答案 D解析 根据上文内容可知“我”在国外的生活经历了很多不易,此处是说现在“我”已经把那段艰难的(hard)记忆转变成了荣誉勋章,故 D 项正确。42.A.advantage B.confidenceC.promise D.future答案 B解析 根据本空后的“that I can surpass future challenges”可知,此处是说那些宝贵的经历可以给我战胜挑战的信心(confidence),故 B 项正确。.语法填空Online shopping is coming into fashion

48、in most cities,where people are able to make full use of the rapidlydeveloped Internet technology.Nowadays,can we find a person 43. has not experienced online shopping? Definitely not.Online shopping 44. (welcome) by most people due to various reasons.From the perspective of the consumer,it can save some time for people who dont have much spare time.Just click the mouse,they can get whatever they want while staying at home.For the retailers,it can cut some costs for those who dont have much circulating funds.45. (compare) with the traditional trade mode,they dont have to spend money in r


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