2019-2020学年人教版英语必修4作业含解析:Unit 3 Section Ⅳ

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1、Section Learning about Language as8_, I was very lucky to win the lottery.答案:On one occasion9Students can _ new words in a dictionary.答案:look up10I _ by listening to pop music on weekends.答案:amuse myself 单句语法填空1She was too _ (drink) to remember anything about the party.答案:drunk2The man brought a lar

2、ge cake home, _ attracted his children.答案:which3The boy _ (slide) out of the classroom and went downstairs.答案:slid4His _ (explain) was far from satisfactory.答案:explanation5Afghanistan is a _ (mountain) country with plains in the north.答案:mountainous6He always turns up on _ (occasion) when we are in

3、trouble.答案:occasions7He whispered _ me in my ear, “Our teacher is coming.”答案:to8Shock is a natural _ (react) to such bad news.答案:reaction9She is a very great dramatic _ (act)答案:actress10In fact, Im no great _ (detect). Ive got no training.答案:detective 单句改错1He made it a rule check his papers carefull

4、y before handing them in._答案:check 前加 to2Occasions are quite rare which I have the time to play with my kids._答案:which when3They had the candles burned all the night to get everything ready before daybreak._答案:burnedburning4Shes very particular with what she wears._答案:withabout5On arriving at the st

5、ation, Shirley picked up her cousin from the crowds._答案:upout能力题 完形填空My last term in college began and I attended the first session of “Teaching Adult Literacy (读写能力) ” just to see what it was about. I _1_ the class met once a week. In addition, I had to complete 72 hours of volunteer work at an inn

6、er city adult learning center to complete the _2_. I was involved in a timeconsuming theatrical production, so I had _3_ time to prepare for an extra 72 hours of community service. _4_, I wanted to know more about it and went to “The Learning Bank” in Baltimore.When I _5_, the coordinator (协调者) info

7、rmed me that they were low on _6_ that day and asked if I would be _7_ to fill a teaching position. I finally _8_ to help, even though I was hesitant at first. I was _9_ when she immediately handed over a _10_ and told me to head to room 201 to teach!I walked into the room and saw 25 students of my

8、age _11_ me. That 5 minutes felt more like 5 hours, but I got through it. As I was packing my bags to _12_, an AfricanAmerican male approached me. He asked if I was a teacher. I thought, “Was I so _13_ that it was obvious that Im not a teacher?” I replied, “No, Im a student at Loyola studying to be

9、a(n) _14_.” His next statement came as a complete _15_. He said, “I think you should _16_ your major to teaching so that you can teach kids and keep them out of the _17_ I am in now. I had to admit that I _18_ got my high school degree, but if you were my teacher, maybe I would have _19_ in school.”

10、I went home, _20_ my law school application and called Georgian Court College to request an application to their teaching certification program.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。全文讲述了作者一次做义工的经历,它使作者改变了所学专业。1A.thought B.discussed C.found D.recorded答案:C 由上句中的“to see what it was about”可知,作者想知道它到底是关于什么的,结果发现(found)它一周举办一次。

11、2A.competition Bclass C.journey D.application答案:B 由本句中的“in addition”可知,本句进一步说明 the class,故选B。第 1 空后的 “class”为提示。3A.good B.long C.free D.no答案:D 由本空前的“involved in .”可知,作者当时正在进行一项耗时的戏剧制作,因此他没有(no)时间为社区服务工作做准备。4A.Still BThereforeCMoreover D.Instead答案:A 由上句所述没有时间为社区工作做准备和本空后的 “went to”可知,尽管如此,作者还是(still)

12、想多了解它。另外,空格后的“wanted to know more about it”和第一句中的“to see what it was about”均表达作者还是想去了解这门课程。故选 A。5A.performed B.arrived C.apologized D.completed答案:B 由第一段最后一句中的“went to”可知,此处表示当作者到(arrived)那儿时。6A.teachers B.cooks C.guards D.judges答案:A 由第 7 空后的“a teaching position”可知,应选 A。7A.native B excited C.willing

13、D.suitable答案:C 他们今天正好缺老师,所以问作者是否乐意(willing)暂时代一节课。8A.expected B begged C.prepared D.agreed答案:D 由本空后的“even though I was hesitant at first”可知,虽然作者开始时有些迟疑,但最终还是同意(agreed)帮忙。9A.discouraged B.annoyed C.surprised D.tired答案:C 由本空后的“when she immediately”可知,马上就让作者代课,作者有些惊讶(surprised)。10A.text book B.gift car

14、d C.bill D.candle答案:A 根据本空后的“teach”可知,组织者递给作者一本教科书 (text book), 并让他去 201 教室上课。11A.relying on B.staring atC.learning from D.caring about 答案:B 作者走进了教室,25 个跟他年纪差不多的学生盯着(staring at)他。12A.leave B.test Chelp D.review 答案:A 由上句“got through it”可知,讲完之后,作者收拾东西准备离开(leave)。13A.crazy B.silly Cangry D.bad答案:D 由上句这

15、名学生的问话可知,作者想是不是他讲得太差 (bad)以至于他们一眼就看出他不是老师。14A.artist B.scientist C.doctor D.lawyer答案:D 由第 20 空后的“law school application”可知,作者将来想当一个律师(lawyer)。15A.desire B.sorrow C.shock D.disappointment答案:C 由后文的内容可知,这名学生的下一句话让作者很吃惊(shock)。16A.add B.change C.limit D.refer答案:B 从本空后的“your major to teaching”可知,这名学生认为作者

16、应该改变(change)所学的专业 ,改当老师。17A.home B.prison Cdemand D.position答案:D 下句表明了这名学生目前的状况(position) 。18A.never B.seldom C.also D.again答案:A 根据上文这名学生还在参加“成人读写课 ”以及本空后的内容可知,他从未(never)拿到高中文凭。19A.lied B.stayed C.waited D.died答案:B 由本空前的“if you were my teacher”可知,如果当初作者是他的老师的话,或许他就会待在(stayed)学校学习了。20A.printed out B.

17、handed in C.threw away D.filled in答案:C 由本空后的“request an application to their teaching certification program”可知 ,回到家里后 ,作者扔掉了(threw away)法律学校的申请书,打电话要求转学教育专业。 七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Things to Remember When Youre Having a Bad DayEven the hardest days contain lessons that will help

18、 you be a better person. Feeling down? Consider these things to remember when youre having a bad day.No one promised life would be perfect._1_ Dont base your happiness on meeting every expectation you set for yourself. It is good to be ambitious, but youll never be perfect. If you expect otherwise,

19、your life will be filled with disappointments._2_Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit. Dont kid yourself into thinking success will come quickly. It isnt easy to be patient, but anything worth doing requires time. _3_Without hard times, you wouldnt appreciate the good ones.Strength does n

20、ot come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to give up, that is strength. _4_ It is hard to find much to smile about when you fail, but how else would you improve yourself? If you look at failure as a part of your growing process, youll s

21、tay positive and follow your goals for as long as it takes.Its OK to cry sometimes.Do not apologize for crying. Without this feeling, we are only robots. Dont be afraid of crying. _5_ Instead, it is an acceptable way to let go of your depressed feelings. If you let those feelings build up without re

22、lease (释放), youll have a much harder time dealing with them later.ADont get sad if you lose.BIt isnt a sign of weakness.CSuccess doesnt happen overnight.DIts not OK to worry now and then.EDont compare your life with others.FRemember: Rome was not built in a day.GIf you look for perfection, youll nev

23、er be content.篇 章 导 读 : 本 文 是 一 篇 说 明 文 。人 生 不 如 意 事 十 之 八 九 ,即 使 是 最 艰 难 的 日 子 也 可 能 蕴 含 了 能 使 我 们 变 得 更 优 秀 的 经 验 教 训 。1G 下文提到如果你期望事事完美,那你的生活将充满失望 ,故 G 项符合语境。2C 设空后一段讲到成功不会立刻来到,故 C 项“成功不会发生在一夜之间”符合语境,统领本段。3F 设空前提到忍耐不容易,但任何值得做的事都需要时间,F 项“罗马不是一日建成的”总结本段,故选 F。4A 下文中提到要把失败看作成长过程的一部分 ,保持积极乐观的心态,故 A 项“失败也不必悲伤”符合语境。5B 由上下文可知,不要害怕哭泣,它是释放压抑情绪的一种方式,故B 项“ 它不是软弱的标志”最符合此处文意。


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