外研版(三起)五年级下英语Module3 Unit1 She had eggs and sausages课件(3)

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外研版(三起)五年级下英语Module3 Unit1 She had eggs and sausages课件(3)_第1页
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1、(外研社)五年级英语下册,Module 3 English foodUnit 1 She had eggs and sausages,Whats your favourite food?,When did you have it?,Chinese Food,Do you know whats the English food?,Lets have a look,Daming:Look,Ive got an email from Lingling.Its about English food. Fanfan:What does it say? Daming:_ Fanfan:What did s

2、he have? Daming:_ Fanfan:_ Daming:_ Fanfan:_ Daming:_ Fanfan:Fish and chips? Daming:Yes.Its a traditional English dinner. Fanfan:Does Lingling like English food? Daming:Yes,she does.She says its delicious.But its very different.,Yesterday she had an English breakfast.,She had eggs and sausages.,And

3、what did she have for lunch?,She had sandwiches.,And what did she have for dinner?,She had fish and chips.,Fill in the blanks: What did lingling have ?,Fanfan: What did she have for breakfast?,Daming: She had eggs and sausages.,What did she have for lunch ?,She had,sandwiches.,What did she have for dinner?,She had fish and chips.,What did you have for breakfast /lunch /dinner yesterday ? I had,rice,noodles,cakes,a hamburger,meat,a sandwich,milk,fish and chips,Homework: What are you going to have tomorrow?,thank you!,


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