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1、120172018 年度初三英语单元测试卷 9A Unit 58一、听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)第一部分:听下面 10 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读一遍。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。( ) 1. Where are they talking? A. B. C. ( ) 2. How does Tom learn Chinese? A. B. C. ( ) 3. What does the man think is important? (fingerprints=指

2、纹; clue=线索)A. B. C. ( ) 4. What will the speaker buy? A. B. C. ( ) 5. What should they do with the remote control? A. Buy a new one. B. Have it fixed. C. Change the battery.( ) 6. What does the woman mean? A. The man did well. B. The man cant change the fact.C. The question is very easy.( ) 7. Whats

3、 the man?A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A salesman.( ) 8. What are they doing? A. Climbing the hill. B. Walking on the road.2C. Running on the playground.( ) 9. How old is Jack? A. Two days older than Ben. B. Two months younger than Ben.C. Two years older than Ben.( ) 10. Why didnt Sandy come? A. Bec

4、ause she forgot to come. B. Because she changed her decision.C. Because she wasnt invited.第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(计 10 分)听第一段对话,回答第 1112 小题。回答完毕,请等待“滴”的信号,进入下一段对话。( ) 11. Why doesnt Peter get much practice in English? A. Because English people hate to speak to boys. B. Because Peters English is too poor.C. B

5、ecause Peter never speaks to English people first.( ) 12. What do English people always talk about? A. The club. B. The family. C. The weather.听第二段对话,回答第 1315 小题。回答完毕,请等待“滴”的信号,进入下一篇短文。Warning for the floodCause It has rained 13 so far.Result There will probably be a flood 14 .Some part of the city

6、will be in danger.advice People living there should 15 .( ) 13. A. for three days B. for five days C. for one week( ) 14. A. later tonight B. tomorrow C. three days later( ) 15. A. stay on the top floor of their buildings until the flood is overB. leave the city as soon as possibleC. move their valu

7、able thins to a high place听第一段对话,回答第 1620 小题。回答完毕,请等待“滴”的信号,进入第三部分。( ) 16. Who are jeans popular with these days? 3A. Young people. B. People in cities. C. Western people.( ) 17. Where did the people go in the nineteenth century look for gold? A. To London. B. To New York. C. To California.( ) 18. T

8、he men who worked in the mines (矿) wanted trousers _.A. that would not get too dirty. B. that would not wear out easily.C. with many pockets.( ) 19. When did Levis Strauss begin selling jeans? A. In 1845. B. In 1853. C. In 1901.( ) 20. Who wore jeans in the 1930s? A. Only rich people. B. Factory wor

9、kers and soldiers.C. Actors in many American films.二、选择填空 (共 10 小题;每题 1 分, 满分 13 分)( ) 21. Do you know _ dream I told you yesterday is to build _ university on the moon some day? It sounds like _ unusual dream. I wish you could realize it.A. the; a; a B. an; a; the C. the; a; an D. an; an; the( ) 22

10、. How do you get along with your neighbors, Jack? _, _ the man who lived next door. He looks a bit strange.A. Very good; but B. Very well; exceptC. Very good; and D. Very well; including( ) 23. Jackie Chan _ the film but played the lead role in it. A. played not only B. didnt play only C. not only p

11、layed D. not played ( ) 24. How well he does in his business! This year their company has achieved great economic benefits(经济效益). Yeah. _ his daily business us rather boring, _ he still work on every details very carefully. A. Although; yet B. Since; but C. As; yet D. Because; so( ) 25. Jim, can you

12、 _ a new story for us? OK, let me have a try. A. put up B. set up C. make up D. get up4( ) 26. They will go to watch the 2014 Asian Cup in Australia this Thursday _ it rains or it is very hot. A. whenever B. if C. until D. unless ( ) 27. What do you usually do for Space Science Club? I get _ informa

13、tion on Tiangong-1 and report it to the public.A. the last B. the deepest C. the latest D. the least( ) 28. The documentary A Bite Of China II is quite popular around China recently. How do you like it? _. A. Pretty good B. I think so C. Its my pleasure D. Very well( ) 29. Do you know _ Dengchao is?

14、 He is the greatest actor _ is the team leader in the popular reality TV show Running Man now. A. which; who B. when; which C. what; that D. how; whose( ) 30. Staying up late is bad for your health.You are right. I decide to _.A. take it down B. find it out C. turn it off D. give it up( ) 31. Mr. Wu

15、, could you tell me _? Youd better do more speaking.A. how I can improve my English B. which way can I chooseC. how I do with my English D. whats wrong with my English( ) 32. We are covering these _ girls wonderful performances_.A. alive; live B. lively; alive C. lively; live D. alive; living( ) 33.

16、 I havent seen the New Police Story. I never watch action films.A. Neither do I B. Neither have I C. So do I D. Neither I have.三、完形填空 (共 15 小题;每题 1 分, 满分 12 分)Will you put others needs before your own? What 34 will you get if you do? Here is an experience of mine.It was a wet day and I had a 35 time

17、. I was busy and everyone I talked to was in a bad mood. Whats more, I went out without breakfast and I left my 36 at home. So I couldnt get lunch and was terribly hungry.When I finished my work,I 37 to ask my wife to meet me at the door with some money so that I could quickly go to buy dinner.Then

18、I quickly made my way home in home of eating my 38 meal of the day at 5:00 p.m.5As I was halfway(半路上)home,my wife told me by phone that a friend of ours was in 39 and needed a lift(搭便车)home. My mind said, “I will get him after I get the meal.”But my mouth said, “All right, Ill give him a 40 .”He jum

19、ped in the car with a smile on his face and repeated how 41 he was that I would drive him home. He told me he usually walked home from his company but that day the rain stopped him from making that journey.Traffic was a 42. A drive to him normally took 10 minutes but that day it took 30 minutes.Now

20、you would guess the person that I was helping is a 43 friend of mine. But,in fact,he is a friend of a friend.I wonder if I will ever see this person again but I feel glad I was there when he 44 me.So you will feel yourself helpful and useful when you 45 more about others.( ) 34. A. help B. feeling C

21、. change D. reward( ) 35. A.fun B. quiet C. hard D. good( ) 36. A.keys B. glasses C. wallet D. notebook( ) 37. A.called B. wanted C. tried D. remembered( ) 38. A.hot B. first C. simple D. free( ) 39. A.trouble B. danger C. fear D. treatment( ) 40. A.choice B. suggestion C. ride D. greeting( ) 41. A.

22、sorry B. grateful C. surprised D. satisfied( ) 42. A.view B. stop C. joy D. mess( ) 43. A.new B. lovely C. close D. common( ) 44. A.chose B. phoned C. joined D. needed( ) 45. A.learn B. worry C. care D. talk四、阅读理解(共 10 小题。每小题 1.5 分,计 15 分)A6( ) 46. Julia is at Roosevelt. She wants to go to Baseball

23、Field. She should change lines at .A. Grand B. Cliton C. Reno D. Randolph( ) 47. Louis is going to Medical Centre from Damen. He should get off at the stop.A. third B. fourth C. fifth D. sixth( ) 48. To go to Airport from Youth Centre, you should take underground lines in this order: .A. Blue Line G

24、reen Line Red LineB. Red Line Green Line Blue Line C. Blue Line Red Line Green LineD. Red Line Blue Line Green LineBIt was Christmas Eve. When everyone went to bed, Bunny couldnt fall asleep. He still couldnt think of what he wanted as a special Christmas present. He wondered how Santa Father Christ

25、mas would know what to bring him if he didnt know himself.As he was sitting up in bed, Bunny heard a big noise on the roof(屋顶) and a sound downstairs. It was Santa Claus, he realized. Bunny jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to the stairs. He hoped to take a look at the old man before Santa lef

26、t for his next stop.By the time Bunny was at the bottom of the stairs, everything was silent again. Lots of presents were put under the Christmas tree, but Santa was gone. A little disappointed(失望的), Bunny turned to climb back upstairs when he heard a cry.“Hello,” said Bunny. “Is somebody there?”He

27、was answered by another cry. Bunny looked around the big pile of presents to see what was making the noise. Right under the tree was a funny looking brown animal with big feet and sad eyes. It also had antlers(鹿角) 7on its head. Bunny almost mistook it for a dog. “Are you a reindeer?” asked Bunny.“Ye

28、s,” replied the brown animal with antlers. “My name is Ralph.”“And you were pulling Santas sled(雪橇)?”“I was until I got air-sick,” replied Ralph. “Santa had to leave me here and go on with the other seven reindeer.”“Isnt it a bit unusual for a reindeer to get air-sick? I mean, isnt flying what reind

29、eer are famous for?”“Not me, Im afraid. It makes me scared. I always feel sick when it comes to flying,” replied Ralph. “But everyone wanted me to pull Santas sled, so when it was my turn I gave it a try. Im afraid I just wasnt cut out for the job. Now Im stuck here and I dont know how to get back t

30、o the North Pole.”“Well, if you like, you can stay with us as a friend,” said Bunny. As he made the offer, Bunny suddenly realized the special present he wanted from Santa was a new friend!( ) 49. The underlined phrase “cut out” probably means .A. suitable B. famous C. ready D. bad ( ) 50. What can

31、we learn from the article?A. Ralph is a brown dog with antlers.B. Ralph is afraid of flying in the air.C. Bunny got a sled as a Christmas present.D. Bunny sent Ralph back to the North Pole.( ) 51. This article seems to tell us that .A. Santa lives in the South Pole with his reindeerB. Santa usually

32、puts Christmas presents on the roofs C. Santa uses dogs to bring children presents on Christmas EveD. Santa knows what presents children want without being toldCIn Western society, especially in the English-speaking world, the chance for young people to see the other countries and experience life is

33、 considered important. Many young people, when they finish school at the age of 18, take a gap year before they go to university.Parents often want their children to grow up a little and see what the real world is like when they finish school. Although they are worried about their safety, many think

34、 that the advantages of independence and experience are worth the worries. Children are encouraged to be brave, independent and to explore the world on their own or 8with friends.Young people also want to experience freedom and see what life is like on the other side. This other side could be the ot

35、her side of the world or just the other side of life. For example, if they have a rich life, they may want to see how people in poor areas live.A gap year after school is also an important chance for young people to spend time thinking about what they want to do with their lives. A little bit of gro

36、wing up and experience will help them make their important career decisions, especially when they are unsure about what they want to study. Another reason for going straight after school is to get a break from studying before they start the next few years of university. So anywhere you travel in the

37、 world, you will meet young European people exploring the world. So much of the world has been travelled and explored. The young people are now looking for more worthy experiences. Some of them work as volunteers to do something for the country they are visiting. Many gap year volunteers are now spe

38、nding a few months teaching English in Thailand, helping feed giant pandas in China or building a well(井) in a village in Africa.These young peoples wish to explore the world is an expression of the values of the societies that they are part of. Both discovering the world and making a positive diffe

39、rence in it are important parts of the Western mind.( ) 52. Which is NOT a reason for young people to take a gap year?A. Young people want to take a break from studying.B. Young people want to be sure about what to study.C. Parents encourage them to be brave and independent.D. Parents encourage them

40、 to live a free and wealthy life.( ) 53. Now a gap year volunteer might do something more valuable like _.A. experiencing different cultures B. helping protect rainforests in BrazilC. making friends with more people D. enjoying traditional local food( ) 54. By taking a gap year, young people may _ .

41、A. stay with their parents all the time B. make money for their further studyC. help change the world for the better D. change the Western mind completely ( ) 55. The purpose of writing this article is to _.A. show different opinions about gap year B. offer readers information about gap year C. disc

42、over new ways to take a gap yearD. tell young people when to take a gap year9五、任务型阅读(共 5 分)先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容完成表格(每空一词)You will read about how you are a citizen in your school, community and nation. A citizen is a person who belongs to a place. You are a citizen of the community where you live and th

43、e nation where you were born.Citizens Have RightsAs a citizen, you have rights that the government protects. A right is something you may do. As a citizen, you have a right to speak freely and to practise your religion. You also have the right to privacy. That means you may decide what to show or te

44、ll someone and what not to tell.Citizens Have ResponsibilitiesAlong with rights, citizens have responsibilities. A responsibility is something that you should do. For example, you should follow the laws. A law is a rule that everyone in a community, state or country must follow. Laws keep people saf

45、e and help them get along well with one another. When people follow the traffic laws, they help keep others safe. When you follow laws in a park, you help others enjoy the park.Being a Good CitizenGood citizens care about peoples rights. They try to make things fair and safe for everyone. Good citiz

46、en work together to solve problems. Children can be good citizens by solving problems together in their school or community. They may follow proper steps to deal with problems. First, name the problem. Then, list ways to solve it. Next, choose the best way. And finally, find out if it solves the pro

47、blems.Citizens 56 and ResponsibilitiesPassage outline Supporting detailsMain idea Learn about how to be a good citizen.Rights Speak freely. Practise your religion.Make a 57on what to show or tell someone and what not toResponsibilities Follow the laws, which are 58 that everyone should follow. Obey a traffic law to keep other people safe. Follow laws in a park to help others enjoy the park.59 to be good citizens Care about peoples rights.Try to do things in a 60 and safe way. Work together with others. Learn to solve problems properly in four steps.1056. _ 57. _ 58. _ 59. _ 60. _六、词汇 (本题共 8 小


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