外研版高中英语必修二《Module3 Cultural corner》课件

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1、外研版 高一年级 (必修2) Module 3,Cultural corner,冼星海,聂耳,徐沛东,Ye Xiaogang,What do you know about Ye Xiaogang?,叶小钢 作曲家,男,汉族,1955年9月出生,广东南雄人。现任中央音乐学院教授、博士生导师、作曲系副主任,中国音乐家协会副主席,第十届全国政协委员。 他创作了大量的作品并在世界范围内演出,其中:1990年,悲歌;1991年冬;1993年地平线;2001年交响乐春天的故事,其主要影视作品有湘女潇潇、洗澡、玉观音,Fast reading,1. After graduating from the Cen

2、tral Conservatory of music of China, Ye Xiaogang worked there as-A a composer B a lecturer C a singer D a director,2.Whats the character of his music?A. Chinese musical traditions B. Western musical traditionsC. Western forms and instrumentation D. Chinese musical traditions mixed with western forms

3、 and instrumentation,3. Which one of the four artists below is one of a group of composers known as the New Tide?A. Beethoven B. Ye Xiaogang C. Haydn D. Mozart,In 1955: _ When he was four years old: _ From 1978 till 1983: _ _ After graduation: _,Note making: Make notes about Ye xiaogang.,born,began

4、studying piano,studied at the Central Conservatory of Music of China,worked as a lecturer,In 1985: _ _ In 1986: _ _,held a concert of his symphonies in Beijing,His album Horizon appeared. His music was played at the First Contemporary Chinese Composers Festival in HongKong.,In November 1996: _ _ _ S

5、ince1993:_ _,work part of the time in Beijing and part of the time in the US.,The group played with Italian musician at the Beijing International Jazz Festival.,He showed musical ability at an earlyage and began studying piano when hewas four years old.show musical ability =show musicaltalent表现出音乐才能

6、 Many famous musicians in the world showed their musical abilities at an early age.,Language points,2. After graduation, he worked there as a lecturer.work as 相当于act as, “从事 工作”Before making a success of his writing,he worked as a taxi driver, a newspaper seller, a miner and a railway man.Andrew, ca

7、n you act as our photographer this week? Our photographer will be awayon a holiday.,中央音乐学院the Central Conservatory of Music of China叶小钢交响音乐会a concert of Ye Xiaogangs symphonies第一届中国现代作曲家节the First Contemporary Chinese Composers Festival上海交响管弦乐团the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra,3. 写出下列名词:,1. Are there

8、any similarities between Ye Xiaogang and the European composers you have read about in this module? 2. Do you think it is a good idea to mix Chinese and western music?,Discussion,Write a short passage about a composer you like, using the following questions as a guide.,When did he/she live? 2. What

9、type of music did he/she composed? 3. What famous music did he/she write? 4. What do you think of him/her?,Writing,1. 人物传记的内容包括:,date when he or she was born and died,Place where he or she was born and died,Specific things that he did in his life,Information about why he did something,People or thin

10、gs that influenced him or her,如何写人物传记,2. 人物传记的顺序:,3. 人物传记的人称:,4. 人物传记的时态:,介绍人物的基本情况-介绍人物 的生平事迹-总结性评价,一般为第三人称,记叙已故的人, 以过去时为主, 描写现在的人或事, 以现在时态为主。,请根据下列材料,以“ Nie Er-a great Chinese composer”为题,为我国著名的 音乐家聂耳写一篇传记。 1. 他出生于1912年出生在云南。他自幼酷爱音乐,小小年纪就学会了二胡、笛子等民族乐器。 2. 1933年,他加入了中国共产党,并创作了大量的爱国歌曲。其中,他创作的义勇军进行曲,

11、后来成为中华人民共和国国歌。,3. 1935年7月,聂耳在日本游泳时,不幸溺水去世。 4. 他被认为是中国历史上最有天赋的音乐家之一,他将永远被中国人民所怀 念。,注意: 可适当增加情节,以使行文连贯。 词数:100左右; 参考词汇:国歌 national anthem爱国歌曲patriotic songs义勇军进行曲March of Volunteers,成长经历常用表达 be born in; when he /she was young; as a boy; have musical talent; have a gift/genius for; be crazy about; deve

12、lop an interest in; learnby oneself; work as; serve as,概括性评价常用表达 be considered as; be remembered as/for; be well-known as/for; make great contributions to; one of the greatest leaders/artists/musiciansin the history of; of all time, think highly of 功绩成就常用表达 receive a doctors degree; win the Nobel Prize; devote oneself to/ones energy/ones life to,Thank you !,


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