外研版(三起)英语六年级上Module4 Unit2教案

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1、Unit 2 Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival.教学目标: (一)语言知识 1 能理解、认读生词:moo n cakes, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, race, lantern, the Lantern Festival, hang, 2. 能理解和认读下面三个句子: (1)The Spring Festival is my favourite festival. (2)We always have a special meal. (3)Lets eat som

2、e yuanxiao.(二)语言技能目标 1. 能阅读、理解、朗读课文; 2. 能用口头运用“ The Spring Festival is my favourite festival. We always have a special meal. Lets eat some yuanxiao.”这些句子介绍相关节日的活动。 (三)情感态度目标: 1. 能谈论和描述课文所介绍的节日,并产生对其他的西方节日的兴趣。 2能在积极参与活动、和他人合作完成任务的过程中获得学习的乐趣和学习成就感。 教学重点难点: (一)重点: 1基本能听懂、会读 moon cakes, the Mid-Autumn F

3、estival, the Dragon Boat Festival, race, lantern, the Lantern Festival, hang, 2. 能理解和 认读句子“The Spring Festival is my favourite festival. We always have a special meal. Lets eat some yuanxiao.” (二)难点: 运用本课所学句子描述相关的节日的主要活动。 教学准备: 磁带、相应的单词卡片、有关中国节日的图片。 教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greeting . 2. Say a cha

4、nt. 3. 课文导入 Step 2 Presentation The Dragon Boat Festival, T: Look, whats this?(出示端午节的图片) Ss: Its about the Dragon Boat Festival,. T: Yes, its the Dragon Boat Festival.Ss: (教学生多读几遍这个节日的单词。) 依次板书:the Mid-Autumn festival , the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival 然后讲解听录音:在第一遍是认真的听,并且加深对刚才所学单词的读音。在听第二遍

5、后回答黑板上的问题。在第三次放录音的时候,让学生跟读课文中的句子,每句之后停顿,让学生重点模仿句子的语音语调。 Step 3 Practice 请学生分饰对话中的角色,表演课文对话。 Homework 1.抄写新单词。 2.尝试用英语描述一下中国的传统节日,例如:“At Spring Festival ,we eat a big family dinner. Family member get together .They talk to each other .Children play games. Parents buy new clothes for their children板书设计: Module 4 unit2 Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival. moon cakesthe Mid-Autumn Festivalthe Dragon Boat Festival racelanternthe Lantern Festivalhang,


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