牛津译林版七年级英语上Unit 5 Study skills同步练习(含答案)

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牛津译林版七年级英语上Unit 5 Study skills同步练习(含答案)_第1页
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牛津译林版七年级英语上Unit 5 Study skills同步练习(含答案)_第2页
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1、Unit 5 Lets celebrate!Study skills 同步练习一、找出画线部分读音不同的单词。( )1. A. brown B. show C. borrow D. bowl( )2. A. shout B. cousin C. around D. blouse( )3. A. year B. hear C. wear D. dear( )4. A. computer B. sister C. player D. hers( )5. A. worker B. world C. visitor D. firework( )6. A. great B. breakfast C. h

2、ealthy D. ready( )7. A. goodbye B. food C. zoo D. school( )8. A. quarter B. farmer C. party D. star( )9. A. small B. always C. ball D.football( )10.A. you B. cloudy C. about D. out 二、翻译下列词组1.春节聚会_ 2.狮舞_3.音乐和舞蹈_ 4.发现;查明_5.春节快乐_ 6.在度假_7.许多有趣的事_ 8.拍摄许多照片_9.庆祝春节_ 10.谈论_11.举行表演_ 12.度过愉快的一天_13. 在夜里_三、请根据句

3、意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空thing, photo, difference, firework, much1.You are too fat.You should do _ exercise.2.At night, there will be_in Chinatown.3.We can see a lot of_at the show.4.His two daughters are very_from each other.5.Visitors cant take_here.四、单项选择1.It_ that our Chinese teacher is coming to s

4、ee you.A. looks B. seems C. feels D. listens2. I am_holiday in New York. I often go to cities_a holiday.A.in;on B.on; for C. in; for D. for; in3.Can you_when the train leaves?A.find out B.look C.look at D.look for4.The children in Canada always dress up _ghosts_Halloween.A.as; in B.in; on C.as; on D

5、.in; as5.There are many different festivals_the world.A. over B.on C.at D. around参考答案一、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. A 二、1. Chinese New Year Party 2. lion dance 3. music and dance4. find out 5. Happy New Year 6. be on holiday7. lots of interesting things 8. take a lot of photos 9.

6、 celebrate the Chinese New Year 10. talk about 11. have shows12. have a nice day 13. at night三、1. more 2. fireworks 3. things 4. different 5. photos四、1. B It seems that.是固定句型。句意:好像我们的语文老师要来看你。2. B be on holiday 意为“ 在度假”;go to sp. for a holiday“去某地度假”,故选 B。3. A 句意:你能去查明火车何时开吗? find out 意为“查清,查明”。4. C 句意:加拿大的孩子总是在万圣节扮成鬼。dress up as.意为“装扮成” ;“在万圣节”用介词 on,故选 C。5. D around the world 意为“ 全世界” 。


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