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1、 Module 3 检测题 . 单项选择题( ) 1. The girl is very beautiful,but shes very _, so please be quiet.A. shy B. fun C. intelligent D. smart( ) 2. There is _elephant in the zoo. _elephant is from Africa.A. / , An B. an, The C. a, The D. an, /( ) 3. My little cat sleeps _the day,but _night he begins to work.A. a

2、t, at B. on, in C. on, at D. during, at( ) 4. -Where are the pandas?-_.A. They are cute B. Theyre kind of shyC. Because theyre over there D. Theyre across from the koalas( ) 5. Where _your English teacher _?A. is,from B. are, from C. do,come from D. are, with( ) 6. _your father often do some cleanin

3、g ?A. What B. When C. Do D. Does( ) 7. The boy _a walk after supper.A. like taking B. likes takes C.likes to takes D. likes taking( ) 8. -Why dont you want to see the film?-_Im busy.A. And B. So C. But D. Because( ) 9. -_-No, Im not.A. What do you do ?B. Who are you ?C. Are you a teacher ?D. Where d

4、o you work ?( ) 10. I come to school with _sister every morning.A. her and her B. she and shes C. she and her D. her and she ( ) 11. Helen can speak _.A. Japan B. France C. Canada D. Chinese( ) 12. Whats your uncles job?-_A. Hes fine B. Hes a waiterC. Hes forty D. Hes in a room( ) 13. Is there a res

5、taurant near here ?-_A. Yes, theres B. No, there arent C. Yes, there is D. No, it isnt( ) 14. Tigers like eating _.A. grass B. meat C. bananas D. leaves( ) 15. _your brother work ?-In a bank.A. Where do B. What do C. Where does D. What does . 单词拼写1. My little brother is very s (聪明) 。2. This hat is b

6、ig. I want a s one.3. He is very h now. He needs some food to eat.4. This hotel is very d . I want to change (变换) to a new clean hotel.5. A dolphin is very i because it can act as people do.6. The boy is very _ (懒惰) because he doesnt do his homework7. _( 有 ) some houses in th picture.8 I have a _( 地

7、图 ) of the world.9. Nancy usually _(到达) at school at seven oclock.10. Welcome to our city and _ ( 享受) yourself here. 句型转换。1. Tom has a new pen pal in China. (改为一般疑问句)_ Tom _ a new pen pal in China? 2. There are some elephants in the zoo. (改为单数形式)There _ _ elephant in the zoo.3. I like pandas because

8、 theyre very cute. (划线部分提问)_.4. way, tell, me, to, you, hotel, the, let, the, new (连词成句)_ 5. There is a big library. Its next to the bank. (合并成一个句子)_. 完形填空A : Excuse me. Is there a post office near here ? B : Yes , 21 . Walk 22 this street and 23 right . You can 24 it 25 your right. The post office

9、is 26 to it. A : Is it near here ? B : It takes (花费) you 27 minutes(分钟) - But you can 28 a bus A : Thank 29 B : 30 . ( ) 21 .A. it has B . it have C . there is D . there are ( ) 22 .A . off B . in C . to D . down ( ) 23. A. go B . turn C . get D . find ( ) 24 .A .turn B . see C . hope D . help ( ) 2

10、5 . A .on B . in C . to D . at ( ) 26. A. behind B. across C. next D. in front ( ) 27 . A . fifteenth B . fifteen C . at D . to ( ) 28 . A . use B . take C . make D . let( ) 29 . A. me B . us C . your D . you ( )30.A. Thanks B. No C. Youre welcome D.Dont say that. 阅读理解AA man has a bird. It is very c

11、lever. Every day the man speaks to the bird. “Hello!” he says. “Hello!” the bird answers. “What are you doing?” says the man. “What are you doing?” says the bird.The man is not at home one day. A thief comes in. He is taking many things. “Hello!” The thief hears the birds words. “What are you doing?

12、” The thief is very afraid,so he does not take any things and runs out of the house.( ) 1. The man teaches the bird _.A. how to say something B. how to sing songsC. how to eat something D. how to dance( )2. The bird is _. A. very nice B. very cleverC. very beautiful D. very silly (傻的 )( )3. The man

13、speaks to the bird _.A. sometimes B. once a weekC. every week D. every day( )4. The thief is taking _ things from the house.A. a few B. a littleC. a lot of D. some( )5. The thief _ out of the room.A. walks B. comesC. runs D. goesBMost people who work in the office have a boss (老板). So do I (我也是). Bu

14、t my boss is a little unusual(不寻常). Whats unusual about him? Its a big dig. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the office every day. My bosss dog, Robinson, is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch. When there

15、 is telephone call for my boss, I always know if he is in the office. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy (毛绒绒的) under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office. If there is no dog , I know my boss is out. ( )1. People _bring dogs to the office.A. usually B. oftenC. se

16、ldom (几乎不) D. sometimes( )2. My boss is Robinsons _.A. boss B. ownerC. classmate D. teacher( )3. Robinson goes to meetings _ my boss.A. for B. without C. instead of (代替) D. with ( )4. Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is _.A. in the office B. at meetingsC. out of the office D. out of wor

17、k( )5. The passage tells us the boss _ the dog very muchA. looks like B. hates (恨)C. likes D. trust (信任) . 补全对话。 (10 分)1. -_me, _is the restaurant, please?- _, I dont know.2. -Good morning, Larry, wherere you from?-_ from Australia.3. - Can you _Japanese?-Yes, a little.-_ does he like koalas? Becaus

18、e theyre _ _ cute.4. Wheres the park?Its _the post office _the supermarket. 书面表达。英国学生 Jim 来信想在北京征求笔友。请你应征用英语回信,介绍自己的情况。要求包括如下要点:约 50 词。Name: Li Feng Sex: Boy. Age: 15. School: No.18 Middle School. Favorite things: math, basketball, pop music. Dear Jim, Im glad to receive your letter. I want to be yo

19、ur pen pal. _Yours, Li Feng 参考答案:单选题:1-5 :ABDDA 6-10: DDDCA 11-15: DBCBD单词拼写:1. smart 2. small 3. hungry 4. dirty 5. intelligent 6. lazy 7. Therere 8. map 9. arrives 10. enjoy 句型转换:1. Does, have 2. is, an 3. Why do you like pandas? 4. Let me tell you the way to the new hotel.5. There is a big library next to the bank. 完形填空:1-5: CDBBA 6-10: CBBDC阅读理解:1-5: ABDBC 6-10: CBDAC补全对话:1. Excuse, where, sorry 2. Im 3. speak, why, kind of 4. between, and 书面表达:(略)


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