牛津上海版(深圳用)四年级上Unit 12《Weather》(第1课时)课件

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1、第1课时: Look and learnMake and say,Unit12 Weather,Module4 The world around us,Whats missing?,Ask and answer,A: How many hearts are there? B: There is one heart. A: How many stars are there? B: There are two stars.,Hows the weather today?,sunny,Its sunny.,sun,Hows the weather?,cloudy,Its cloudy.,cloud,

2、Hows the weather?,rainy,Its rainy.,rain,Hows the weather?,windy,Its windy.,wind,windy,cloudy,sunny,rainy,snowy 下雪的 foggy 有雾的 fine 晴朗的,cool,hot,cold,warm,同桌合作,按照图中步骤,制作一个天气转盘。,Hows the weather in spring?,Its warm and windy.,Hows the weather in summer?,Its hot and sunny.,Hows the weather in _?,Its _.,

3、Hows the weather today, Kitty? Its warm and sunny. Its Sunday. Lets go to the park.,两人一组,替换红色字体,创编对话。,Look and say.,Hows the weather?,Its _.,cloudy,Look and say.,Hows the weather?,Its _.,rainy,Look and say.,Hows the weather?,Its _.,sunny,Look and say.,Hows the weather?,Its _.,windy,单词: cloud rain sun wind cloudy rainy sunny windy 询问天气: Hows the weather? Its ,sun,sunny,cloud,cloudy,wind,windy,rain,rainy,snow,snowy,太阳,晴朗的,云,多云的,风,有风的,雨,下雨的,雪,下雪的,名词,形容词,1. 听录音,跟读单词。 2. 抄写单词4遍英语,1遍汉语。 3. 预习Listen and say。,


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