牛津上海版(三起)四年级上册英语Module4 Unit12 Weather课件(共16张PPT)

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牛津上海版(三起)四年级上册英语Module4 Unit12 Weather课件(共16张PPT)_第1页
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牛津上海版(三起)四年级上册英语Module4 Unit12 Weather课件(共16张PPT)_第2页
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牛津上海版(三起)四年级上册英语Module4 Unit12 Weather课件(共16张PPT)_第5页
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1、Say a chant sunny sunny 晴朗的晴朗的 cloudy cloudy 多云的多云的 rainy rainy 多雨的多雨的 windy windy 刮风的刮风的 hot hot 炎热的炎热的 cold cold 寒冷的寒冷的 warm warm 温暖的温暖的 cool cool 凉爽的凉爽的 dry dry 干燥的干燥的 wet wet 潮湿的潮湿的 1 1、Listen to the tape Listen to the tape (听录音,熟悉课文。)(听录音,熟悉课文。)2 2、Listen to the tape,read after Listen to the ta

2、pe,read after and circle the words you dont and circle the words you dont understand.understand.(听录音,跟读,圈出不理解的词句。)(听录音,跟读,圈出不理解的词句。)3 3、Read by yourself within three Read by yourself within three minutes.minutes.(2分钟自读课文分钟自读课文。)。)Guide1(自学指导一自学指导一):Hows the weather today?Its rainy.I dont like the ra

3、in.I like the sun.I like the rain.Hows the weather today?Its windy.I like the wind.I dont like the wind.Hows the weather today?Its hot and sunny.I dont like the sun.I like the rain and the wind.I like the sun.I like the rain.I dont like the sun.1.How is the weather today?Its _.A.rainy B.rain 2.Do yo

4、u like the _.?Yes.I do.A.sunny B.sun 3.Its windy,I dont like the_.A.wind B.windy 4.How is the weather today?Its _.I like the rain.5.How is the weather today?Its cloudy.I like the _.哈尔滨哈尔滨 天津天津 西安西安 黑龙江黑龙江 南宁南宁 香港香港 兰州兰州 杭州杭州 银川银川 How to describe the weather?Draw a picture about the weather you like then write down some sentences.


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