人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 3语法知识点讲义

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1、人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 3语法知识点讲义Unit3 My school语音/:/ sport, short,fork/ fox,shot,clock/u:/fool,pool,rule/look,good,full重点短语1.the dining hall餐厅2.in front of在.前面3.next to邻;在.近旁4.across from在对面5.the sports field运动场6.put up张贴;搭建7.desk drawer书桌抽展8.at the back (of)在(.)后面9.the reading corner阅读角10.at school在学校

2、11.be different from与.不一样12.do exercises做体操13.change seats换座位14.similar to类似的;相像的15.sounds fun听起来有趣16.tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事17.bye for now再见18.most of.的大多数/大部分19.sound fun听起来有趣20.show you around领着你四处转转21.welcome to our school欢迎来到我们学校22.between . and ./在.和.之间23.the school hall 学校大厅24.40 student

3、desks 40个学生桌25.a smart whiteboard 一个智能白板26.another desk 另一个桌子27.put up notices 张贴通知28.modern buildings现代化大楼29.raise the flag升旗30.a special way to start the week一个特殊的开始这一周的方法31.a way to .一个.的方法32.put up 建造;举起;张贴33.put up a tent 搭帐篷34.put up a picture 张贴一幅画35.put up signs 张贴标志36.put up your hands 举起你的

4、手重点词的用法:1.play用法1) 参加(比赛或运动)+ 体育项目play basketball 打篮球play volleyball 打排球play tennis 打网球,play ping-pong 打乒乓球play soccer 踢足球play sports 做运动2) 演奏+ the +乐器play the piano 弹钢琴play the guitar 弹吉他3)玩耍play sth. with sb. 和某人一起玩。如:She plays soccer with me.她和我踢足球。play with sb. 和某人玩play with sth. 玩play with snow

5、 玩雪人2. sound用法sound + 形容词(adj.)。如sound nice 听起来好听sound great 听起来好sound difficult 听起来难sound boring 听起来无聊sound easy 听起来容易sound relaxing 听起来放松sound interesting 听起来有趣sound fun 听起来有趣sound like意为“听起来像”,后面跟名词或者名词性从句。如:It sounds like a good idea.听起来像是一个好主意。3. have用法拥有。(某人拥有某物或某人)如:She has a book.她有一本书。Does

6、he have a book?他有一本书吗?4. let用法1)let sb. do (do代替动词原形)让某人做某事。如:She lets me watch TV.她让我看电视。2)Lets do. 让我们做某事吧。如:Lets go.让我们走吧。5. go用法go to Beijing 去北京go home 回家go there 去那go to bed 上床睡觉go to school 去上学go shopping 去购物go fishing 去钓鱼go swimming 去游泳go skating 去滑冰6. get用法1) get sb. sth. = get sth. for sb.

7、给某人带来某物。如:get me a book = get a book for me 给我带来一本书2)得到。如get a desk 得到一张桌子3) get 变得,后加形容词。如:get lost 迷路get dressed 穿衣服get long 变长get short 变短get fat 变胖get warm 变暖7.How about?(提出建议)怎么样?相当于What about?。其后加名词、代词宾格或动词的ing形式。如:1)How about strawberries? 草莓怎么样?2)What about this book? 这本书怎么样?3)How about it?

8、它怎么样?4)What about him? 他怎么样?5)How about going to school?去上学怎么样?6)What about playing basketball? 打篮球怎么样?8.want用法想要。用法如下:1)want sth./ sb.想要某人或某物。某人用人称代词宾格。如:I want a book.我想要一本书。She wants her mother.她想要她妈妈。2)want to do 想要做某事。如:I want to have fruit for dinner. 我晚饭想吃水果。3)want sb. to do想要某人做某事。sb.用人称代词的宾

9、格。如:She wants me to go home. 她想让我回家。9. think用法认为。其后经常加句子表达观点想法。如:1)I think its right. 我认为它是正确的。2)I think vegetables are healthy food.我认为蔬菜是健康的食物。3)He thinks English is interesting. 他认为英语是有趣的。10.Thanks forn./ 代词宾格/ v.ing. 感谢你(做)某事。= Thank you for.如:Thanks/ Thank you for your last email.感谢你最近的电子邮件。Tha

10、nks/ Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。11.across from.在的对面across表示的是从某物的一边到另一边;横过across from 在的对面;在对过。如:Our school is across the street.我们的学校就在大街的那一边。The supermarket is across from the hospital. 超市在医院的对面。12.on the left/right 在左/右边on ones left/right 意为“在某人的左/右边”,on the left/right of.意为“在的左/右边”。如:There

11、is a supermarket on the left.左边有一家超市。Lucy sits on Lilys right.露西坐在莉莉右边。You can see a school on the right of the bank. 在银行右边你能看到一所学校。13.anotheranother 另一;又一。another 是指除去这个或这些剩下的其他里边的某一个。如:1) give me another one 再给我一个2) another day 改天3) Lets make it another day.让我们改天再做吧。two more 更多的两个= another too 另外的

12、两个4)Do you want another one?你想再来一个吗?Do you want another cup (of tea)?你想要再来一杯吗?14. putv.放 过去式put 如:put sth.+介词+地方 把某物放在某地1)put the book on the desk把书放在桌子上2)put it under the desk把它放在桌子底下3)put it here 把它放在这4)put it there把它放在那15.would like= want想要would like to do = want to do想要做某事would like sb. to do =

13、want sb. to do 想要做某事。如:1) I want to go home.我想要回家。-Do you want to go home?你想要回家吗?-Yes, I do. 是的。2) I would like to go home. 我想要回家。 Would you like to go home? 你想要回家吗?3) I would like a cup of tea. = Id like a cup of tea.我想要一杯茶。4) -Would you like another one?你想再要一个吗?-Yes, please. / No, thanks.好的。/不了,谢谢

14、。5) -Would you like to go to Beijing with me?你想和我去北京吗?-Id love./like to. But I have to do my homework.我想去,但是我不得不做作业。6) -Would you like some water?你想要一些水吗?-Yes, please. 是的。在提建议或者提供帮助或者请求帮助的疑问句中用“some”,不用“any”。7) -Would/Could you please give me some water?你想点些水吗?16.most用法most of the time = most time 大

15、部分时间most of the people = most people 大部分人most of the students = most students 大部分学生17.full用法1)adj. 满的。如:The box is full of books. 箱子里放满了书。2)adj. 忙的。如:Im full this week. 我这周很忙。3)adj. 饱的。如:- Do you want another piece of bread? 你想再要一片面包吗?- No, thank you. Im full. 不,谢谢。我饱了。句子:1.Where is the library? It

16、is behind the classroom building.2.Where are the bookcases? They are next to the window.3.Is there a whiteboard in your classroom? Yes,there is./No,there isnt.4.Are there any lockers? Yes,there are./No,there arent.5.There is a shop between the teachers building and the science building. 6.There are

17、some trees in front of the sports field.7.Thanks for your email.= Thank you for your email.8.All the students go there and do exercises together in the morning.9.Its my favourite place because there are many kinds of food.10.Id like to tell you about my school.句型:1.表示“问路”与“路”的句型:-Wheres the dining h

18、all?餐厅在哪里?-It s in front of the art building.它在艺术大楼的前面。2.What s.like?询问某物的样子:Whats your new classroom like,Peter?彼得,你的新教室是什么样子的?3.How about.? = What about.?询问.怎么样:How/What about your school?你的学校怎么样?How/What about 6?六点怎么样?语法1There be 句型一、意义:There be句型表示“某地有某人(或某物)”.二、结构:(1)There is单数可数名词/不可数名词地点状语;(2

19、)There are复数名词地点状语。三、句式有以下几种句式:肯定句:There is some water in the cup.否定句:There isnt any water in the cup.一般疑问句:Is there any water in the cup?肯定回答:Yes, there is.否定回答:No, there isnt.特殊疑问句:How many books are there in you bag?How much water is there in the cup?四、主谓一致原则:There be句型的实质句式为“倒装句”。谓语动词be要与主语保持人称和

20、数的一致。当主语由两个或两个以上的名词构成时,be动词单复数要与跟它最近的那个名词一致,成为就近原则。如:There is a girl and two boys under the tree.树下有一个女孩,两个男孩。There are two boys and a girl under the tree.树下有一个女孩,两个男孩。单元范文背诵Hello and welcome to our school. My name isXiao Ming,and Im your guide today.Lets begin the tour.This is our sports field.Its

21、really big.We raise the flag here every Monday morning. Look,there isa tall building on our left. Its clean and beautiful. Its our teaching building. And across from it is a big hall. Its our dining hall. We have meals there. Behind it is an interesting place because there are many flowers. We often

22、 play there.The next place on our tour isthe lab building. Hope you can like my school.Reading plus翻译My Floating SchoolMy name is Sadia Khatun. Im from Bangladesh.Its difficult to walk on some roads in the rainy season here.So how do I go to school? Its easy! The school comes to me! I study on afloa

23、ting school.My floating school is a school busand classroom all in one.Theboat picks me up early in the morning.Our classroom is on the boat too.There are several boats on the river at the same time.Each boat has one teacher and one class. The teacher teaches us all the subjects.The boat is long and

24、 wide.We sit at wooden desks.Big windows bring in lots of sunlight and fresh air. Theres a blackboard at the front.Theres a computer next to it,and it gets its power from the sun. At the end of the school day,the boat takes mehome.I learn a lot at my school and have fun too. I love my floating school!我的水上学校我叫Sadia Khatun。我来自孟加拉国。在这里的雨季,有些路很难走。那我怎么去上学呢?很容易!学校来找我!我在一所“浮动学校”上学习。我的浮动学校是一辆“校车”和一间教室。船一大早就来接我。我们的教室也在船上。河上同时有几艘船。每条船上有一个老师和一个班。老师教我们所有的科目。船又长又宽。我们坐在木桌旁。大窗户带来了大量的阳光和新鲜空气。前面有一块黑板。旁边有一台电脑,它的电力来自太阳。放学后,船载我回家。我在学校学到了很多,也玩得很开心。我爱我的水上学校!第 11 页 共 11 页


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