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1、外研版(2024)七年级上册英语全册各单元重点语法知识点背记提纲汇编Starter Welcome to junior high!课时1Get ready1. ready adj. 准备好(做某事)的2. textbook n. 教科书,教材,课本3. eraser n. 橡皮 4. history n. 历史5. geography n. 地理 6. biology n. 生物7. physics n. 物理 8. chemistry n. 化学9. jacket n. 夹克,短上衣 10. hat n. 帽子11. grey adj. 灰色的 12. uniform n. 制服1. jun

2、ior high 初级中学 2. information technology 信息技术3. red scarf 红领巾 4. a sports jacket 一件运动夹克5. your first day of junior high school 你初中的第一天1. How about you, Li Meng? 你呢,李萌?2. Wang Tao is going to wear a blue sports jacket. 王涛打算穿一件蓝色运动夹克。课时2Know your school1. lab n. 实验室 2. hold v. 召开,举行,进行3. event n. 活动 4.

3、 join v. 参与,加入(某项活动) 5. club n. 俱乐部1. teaching building 教学楼2. dining hall 食堂3. show sb. around 带某人参观 4. on the third floor 在第三层5. do morning exercises 做早操 6. play football 踢足球7. after school 放学后1. There are three buildings and a playground. 有三座建筑和一个操场。2. Its not a very big school, but it is beautifu

4、l. 它不是一个很大的学校,但是它很漂亮。3. Some teachers and students will show you around. 一些老师和学生们将带你们参观。4. All the classrooms are in this building. 所有的教室都在这栋楼里。5. On the first floor, we have science and computer labs. 在一楼,我们有科学和计算机实验室。6. Music rooms, art rooms and a dance hall are on the second floor. 音乐教室、美术教室和一个舞

5、厅在二楼。7. And theres also a library. Its on the third floor. 还有一个图书馆,它在三楼。8. We do morning exercises and hold school sports events here. 我们在这儿做早操和举办校园体育活动。9. After school, we run or play football in it. 我们放学后在它(操场)跑步或者踢足球。10. You can join the science club. 你可以加入科学俱乐部。课时3Introduce yourself1. introduce

6、v. 介绍 2. yourself pron. 你自己;你们自己3. everyone pron. 每个人,人人 4. holiday n. 假期,休假日5. enjoy v. 喜欢;享受的乐趣 6. nervous adj. 神经紧张的;焦虑不安的7. classmate n. 同班同学 8. hobby n. 业余爱好,嗜好1. yourself you (主格/宾格) your (形容词性物主代词)2. everyone everybody (同义词) 3. hobby hobbies (复数)4. also too (同义词) 5. help helpful (adj. )1. int

7、roduce oneself 介绍某人自己 2. this summer holiday 今年暑假3. make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友1. Today is my first day in junior high. 今天是我上初中的第一天。2. I like running, playing football and swimming. 我喜欢跑步、踢足球和游泳。3. Im also a helpful girl. 我还是一个乐于助人的女孩。4. I like helping people with their difficulties. 我喜欢帮助人们解决他们的困难

8、。5. Im a bit nervous now, but Im also excited to meet new teachers and classmates. 我现在有点紧张,但见到新的老师们和同学们,我也很兴奋。课时4Hold a party1. need v. 需要2. activity n. 活动3. decoration n. 装饰物1. activity activities (复数) 2. better good (adj. 原级) well (adv. 原级)1. play games 做游戏 2. make a “wishing tree” 制作一棵“愿望树”3. mak

9、e friends 交朋友 4. play the piano 弹钢琴5. write down 写下来Dear Peter, Im writing to introduce my school to you. There are six buildings in our school. The playground is in the middle of our school. The sports hall is on the left of the gate. The science building is between the dining hall and the sports h

10、all. The office building is on the right of the gate. The classroom building is between the library and the office building. My school is very big and beautiful. Im very happy in the school. We have eight lessons every day. After class, I always play sports with my friends. In a word, I love my scho

11、ol. Let me know about your school. Write to me soon. Yours, Li HuaUnit 1 A new start课时1Starting out & Understanding ideas: Reading1. start v. 开始(做某事)2. without prep. 缺乏;没有3. sentence n. 句子 4. mistake n. 错误5. polite adj. 有礼貌的,客气的 6. mind n. 头脑;思想,思维7. hers pron. 她的 8. dry adj. 干的,干燥的9. meaning n. 意义;

12、意思;含义 10. fact n. 事实;真相11. important adj. 重要的,重大的 12. remember v. 记住,记得13. really adv. 很,十分1. without with (反义词) 2. polite politely (adv. )3. she her (宾格/形容词性物主代词) hers (名词性物主代词) herself (反身代词)4. mean meaning (n. ) 5. real really(adv. )1. in fact 事实上 2. point out 指出,指明3. talk to/with sb. 和某人交谈 4. wr

13、ite down 写下,记下5. jump into 跳入 6. look up at 抬头看7. think about 考虑,思考 8. put up 举起,抬起9. be from 来自;出自1. Learning without thinking is of no use. 学而不思则罔。2. We started to write. I wrote down the first word and stopped. 我们开始写。我写下第一个词,然后停住了。3. I looked up at Ms Chen. My eyes met hers. 我抬头看向陈老师。我的眼神和她的眼神相遇了

14、。4. But then I thought about the meaning of the sentence. I put up my hand. 但是之后我想了想这句话的意思。我举起了手。5. I said, “That sentence is from Confucius, not from Mencius. ” 我说: “那句话出自孔子,不是孟子。”6. Learning will be more difficult. 学习将变得更困难。7. Its important to think more in your learning. 在你的学习中,多思考很重要。课时2Understa

15、nding ideas: Grammar1. I me (宾格) my (形容词性物主代词) mine (名词性物主代词) myself (反身代词)2. luck lucky (adj. ) luckily (adv. )1. a friend of mine 我的一位朋友 2. how about 怎么样3. come into 进入1. My eyes met his. I felt so nervous. 我的眼神和他的眼神相遇了,我感到很紧张。2. My face turned red. 我的脸变红了。3. He just looked at me with a smile. 他只是

16、微笑着看着我。4. Im so lucky to have a teacher like him. 我如此幸运拥有像他一样的老师。5. What happened during the lesson?在课堂上发生了什么?课时3Developing ideas: Listening and speaking1. advice n. 意见,建议;忠告,劝告 2. task n. 工作,任务3. project n. (学校的)课题,研究项目1. more many (原级) much (原级) 2. advice advise (v. )1. such as 例如 2. day by day 一天

17、天3. on time 按时,准时1. Can you give me some advice? 你能给我一些建议吗?2. Its hard to decide what to do first. 很难决定首先做什么。课时4Developing ideas: Reading for writing1. journey n. 旅行,旅程;历程,过程2. together adv. 一起,共同,一齐,一块儿3. pool n. 水塘,水洼 4. sail v. 起航5. away adv. 朝另一方向 6. thought n. 意见,主意,观点7. life n. 生活 8. protect v

18、. 保护;防护9. wind n. 风 10. wide adj. 宽的,宽阔的11. pain n. (肉体上的)疼,痛,疼痛 12. gain n. (尤指靠计划或努力得到的)好处,利益,改进13. through prep. 从一端至另一端,穿过,通过 14. storm n. 暴风雨(雪)15. hope v. 希望,期望,指望1. of course 当然,自然 2. primary school 小学3. share with sb. 和某人分享 4. be ready for 为准备好5. protectfrom 保护免受之害 6. by oneself 独自7. try one

19、s best 尽某人的最大努力 8. work hard 努力(工作/学习) 1. Then we put our little boat in the pool. It sailed away. 然后我们把小船放到了水池中。它驶离了。2. Time flies! You are now in junior high!时光飞逝!你现在上初中了!3. Are you ready for your new life?你为你的新生活准备好了吗?4. Primary school was like a pool. It was small and safe. Dad and Mum protected

20、 your boat from winds. 小学就像一个水池。它很小且安全。爸爸妈妈保护你的船不受风的侵袭。5. But sometimes you have to sail your boat by yourself. 但是有时你不得不独自驾驶你的船。6. No pain, no gain. 不劳无获。7. You will go through storms towards the sea. 你将穿过暴风骤雨驶向大海。8. We hope it helps you in the coming years!我们希望它在即将到来的数年里帮到你!Dear Tom,Thank you for y

21、our letter. Im very glad to tell you something about my school life. Junior high is fun for me. I go to school from Monday to Friday every week. I have seven classes every weekday. I like English class best because its very interesting. I like music and I am in the school music club. There are many

22、activities in our school, such as singing competitions, sports meetings and school trips. When we face problems, we often hold a talk together to solve them. Both my teachers and classmates are kind to me. I love them. I think my school life is colorful. What about your school life? Can you tell me

23、something about them?Best wishes,Li HuaUnit 2 More than fun课时1Starting out & Understanding ideas: Reading 1. electric adj. 用电的;电动的2. guitar n. 吉他3. band n. 乐队,乐团 4. fun n. 乐趣5. sound n. 声音 6. different adj. 不同的,不一样的7. suddenly adv. 突然,突如其来地 8. hit v. 使(某人)突然意识到9. check v. 检查,核查 10. rush v. 冲,奔11. fe

24、stival n. (电影、戏剧、音乐等的)节,节庆,汇演12. practice n. 练习 13. stage n. 舞台14. nod v. 点头 15. instrument n. 乐器16. everybody pron. 每个人,人人1. love lover (n. ) 2. sudden suddenly (adv. )3. practice practise (v. ) 4. direct directly (adv. )5. feel feeling (n. ) 6. everybody everyone (同义词)1. rock music 摇滚乐 2. plant fl

25、owers 种花3. ride a bike 骑自行车 4. play the violin 拉小提琴5. so much 如此多的(不可数名词) 6. at this moment 在此时7. cut in 插入 8. a kind of 一种9. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 10. take part in 参加11. on the stage 在舞台上 12. fire up 启动(设备);发动(机器)13. have great fun 玩得很开心1. Rock music is coming out of my computer. 摇滚乐从我的电脑中传出来。2.

26、Right at this moment, the sound of Grandpas erhu cuts in. 正在这时,爷爷的二胡的声音插了进来。 3. Why dont we put our music together? 我们为什么不把我们的音乐融合到一起?4. There is an art festival every autumn in my school. 在我的学校,每年秋天有一个艺术节。5. I decide to take part in it with Grandpa this year. 我决定今年和爷爷一起参加它(艺术节)。课时2Understanding ide

27、as: Grammar1. skate v. 滑冰,溜冰 2. volleyball n. 排球(运动)3. photography n. 摄影 4. tradition n. 传统5. papercutting n. 剪纸1. compete competition (n. )2. tradition traditional (adj. )3. interest interesting (adj. ,形容物) interested (adj. ,形容人)1. social media 社交媒体,社会化媒体2. have (much) interest in 对有(很大)兴趣3. first

28、prize 一等奖 4. know about 了解5. notuntil 不到不;直到才 6. from then on 从那时起7. a few一些 8. hundreds of 成百上千的,数以百计的1. For a long time, young people didnt have much interest in traditional arts. 很长一段时间,年轻人对传统艺术并没有很大兴趣。2. Li Bo won first prize in a Beijing opera competition. 李博在一场京剧比赛中赢得了一等奖。3. I didnt know much

29、about Beijing opera until there was a TV programme about Beijing opera forchildren. 我对京剧了解不多,直到有了一档关于京剧的儿童电视节目。4. There were only a few young papercutters before. Now, there are hundreds of us with the samehobby! 以前只有几个年轻的剪纸人。现在,我们有成百上千个有共同爱好的人了!课时3Developing ideas: Listening and speaking1. knowledg

30、e n. 知识;学问;认识2. wild adj. 野生的3. nature n. 大自然,自然界care careful (adj. ) carefully (adv. )1. fly into 飞进 2. try to do sth. 尽力做某事3. hold up 举起 4. take off 起飞课时4Developing ideas: Reading for writing1. awake adj. 醒着的 2. midnight n. 午夜3. appear v. (尤指突然)出现,呈现 4. heart n. 心(脏)5. almost adv. 几乎,差不多 6. tap v.

31、 (用手指)轻拍,轻叩,轻敲7. shake v. 摇动 8. bit adv. 有点儿,稍微9. lonely adj. 孤单的,寂寞的 10. magic adj. 有魔力的,神奇的11. joy n. 欢欣,愉快,喜悦 12. adventure n. 历险,奇遇13. notebook n. 笔记本 14. shelf n. 隔板,架子15. leave v. 离开 16. page n. (书、报纸、文件等的)页,面17. ending n. (故事、电影、活动等的)结局,结尾1. shelf shelves (复数) 2. nervous nervously (adv. )1. b

32、e awake 醒着 2. at midnight 在午夜3. a bit 有点儿 4. look around 环顾四周1. Olivers heart almost stopped. He walked over and tapped on the door. 奥利弗的心脏几乎停止了跳动。他走过去,轻轻拍了拍门。2. Emma shook her head and stopped writing. 埃玛摇了摇头,停止了写作。3. She felt a bit lonely. 她感到有点儿孤独。4. She wanted to make friends and share the joy o

33、f writing. 她想交朋友并分享写作的乐趣。5. How about starting a writing group?建立一个写作小组怎么样?My favourite hobbyWe all have hobbies, such as swimming, reading books or birdwatching. My favourite hobby is playing basketball. I usually play basketball with my friends on weekends. It not only helps me make more friends,

34、but also brings me a lot of fun. Playing basketball is a good way to build up my body and relax myself. Therefore, I can be more efficient in my study. I really like playing basketball, and I hope I will be a basketball player when I grow up. Thank you for listening!Unit 3 Family ties课时1Starting out

35、 & Understanding ideas: Reading1. silent adj. 不作声的2. along prep. 顺着;沿着3. mountain n. 高山,山岳 4. road n. 路,道路,公路5. handsome adj. (男子)英俊的,漂亮的 6. strict adj. 严格的,严厉的7. postman n. 邮递员;邮差 8. touching adj. 感人的;动人的9. son n. 儿子 10. serve v. 为工作;供职11. area n. (国家、市镇等的)地区,区域 12. absent adj. 不在的,缺席的13. seldom ad

36、j. 很少,罕见,不常 14. position n. 职位,职务15. each pron. (两个或两个以上物或人中的)每个,各16. carry v. 把(某物或某人)带至(新的地点或位置)17. across prep. 横跨,跨越 18. memory n. 记忆,回忆19. tear n. 眼泪;泪水 20. growth n. (性格、智力或情感的)发展,成长21. hide v. 把藏起来,隐藏 22. care n. 担心;忧虑23. hug n. 拥抱 24. kiss n. 吻25. reason n. 原因,理由 26. follow v. 跟着,跟随1. grow g

37、rowth (n. ) 2. loud loudly (adv. )3. touch touching (adj. ) 4. quiet quietly (adv. )1. betweenand 在和之间 2. be absent from 缺席3. in ones heart 在某人心中 4. for the first time 首次,第一次5. be silent 沉默不语 6. bring back 带回7. take over ones position 接替某人的职位 8. each other 彼此1. An older man with a strict face follow

38、s him. 一位面色严肃的年长些的人跟着他。2. Its a touching story about the love between father and son. 它是一个关于父子间的爱的感人故事。3. It brings back the fathers memory of carrying the son on his back. 它带回了父亲背上背着儿子的记忆。4. Tears quietly run down his face. 眼泪顺着他的脸庞悄然流下。5. His love may be silent. But like a mountain, it is always t

39、here. 他的爱也许无声。但是像山一样,它总是在那儿。课时2Understanding ideas: Grammarmarry v. 结婚;娶;嫁1. build building (n. ) 2. meet meeting (n. )1. in front of 在前面 2. on the screen 在屏幕上3. take a family photo 拍一张家庭照 4. during the Spring Festival 在春节期间5. with the help of 在的帮助下1. We three sat in front of Mums computer. 我们三个坐在妈妈

40、的电脑前面。2. Every year, we take a family photo together during the Spring Festival. 每年春节期间我们都会拍一张家庭照片。3. And we kept our family tradition alive with the help of social media. 我们在社交媒体的帮助下延续了我们的家庭传统。4. We are a family, together or far away. 我们是一家人,无论在一起或者相距甚远。课时3Developing ideas: Listening and speaking1.

41、 harmony n. 融洽相处 2. solve v. 解决(问题)3. relationship n. (事物之间的)联系,关联 4. parent n. 父,母1. in order to 为了 2. solve problems 解决难题3. have a talk with 与谈话 4. dress up 打扮5. pick sb. up 接某人1. She dresses up as a queen. 她打扮成女王的样子。2. Have a good talk with her mother. 和她的妈妈好好谈一谈。3. I will change my clothes befor

42、e I pick you up. 在我接你之前,我会换掉衣服的。课时4Developing ideas: Reading for writing1. race v. 比赛 n. 赛车 2. finish v. 完成,做完3. serious adj. 严重的 4. disease n. 疾病,病5. trailer n. 拖车,挂车 6. pull v. 拉;扯;拖7. refuse v. 拒绝,回绝 8. result n. 结果,后果9. matter v. (尤指对某人自己或对发生之事)重要,要紧,有关系10. power v. 给(车辆或机器)提供动力happy happily (ad

43、v. )1. be close to 与亲近 2. notat all 根本不,一点儿也不3. stay at home 待在家 4. every day 每天5. go out 出门 6. feel like 觉得像1. To John and Robert, some things are more important than winning. 对约翰和罗伯特来说,一些东西比赢更重要。 2. They are always close to each other. 他们总是和彼此很亲近。3. But Robert has a serious disease and cannot move

44、 at all. 但是罗伯特患有很严重的疾病,一点也不能动。4. One day, he found a way out. 一天,他找到一个办法。5. For the first time, Robert felt like the other kids. 罗伯特第一次感觉像其他孩子一样。Dear David, I am writing to tell you something about my family. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family. My family and I often go out for

45、 a picnic in the park on Sunday. We also go shopping and buy a lot of food and drinks. Sometimes we will go to the theater to see a film. We often do something together because we think it is a good way to know more about each other. And we feel happy to stay with each other. I hope to receive your

46、email soon. Yours, Li HuaUnit 4 Time to celebrate课时1Starting out & Understanding ideas: Reading1. unusual adj. 不平常的2. treat v. 请客,款待,招待3. myself pron. 我本人,我亲自,我自己 4. dumpling n. 水饺5. whole adj. 全部的,整个的 6. become v. 成为,变成7. chef n. 厨师 8. balloon n. 气球9. cucumber n. 黄瓜 10. hang v. 悬挂11. lantern n. 提灯;灯笼 12. dish


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