外研版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 5 重点语法知识点背记提纲

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1、外研版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 5 重点语法知识点背记提纲Unit 5 Fantastic friends课时1Starting out & Understanding ideas: Reading1. view n. 观点,意见2. pigeon n. 鸽子3. surprise n. 意想不到的事 4. droppings n. (兽或鸟的)粪5. boring adj. 无聊的,无趣的,乏味的 6. feed v. 喂养,饲养,给食物7. madly adv. 发狂地;无法控制地 8. scary adj. 可怕的,骇人的,恐怖的9. research n. (对某一主题的)研

2、究,探索 10. recognise v. 认出;认识;辨认出11. themselves pron. 他们自己,她们自己,它们自己12. mirror n. 镜子 13. itself pron. 自己,自身14. maybe adv. 也许,大概,可能(表示不肯定)15. several adj. 几个,数个,一些 16. kilometre n. 千米,公里 17. speed n. 速度,速率 18. amazing adj. 惊人的;了不起的19. enough deter. 足够的,充足的,充分的20. change n. 变化,改变1. theythem(宾格)their(形容词

3、性物主代词)theirs(名词性物主代词) themselves(反身代词)2. itit(宾格)its(形容词性物主代词)its(名词性物主代词)itself(反身代词)3. loselost(形容词)lost(过去式)losing(现在分词)4. feedfed(过去式)5. surprisesurprised(指人形容词)surprising(指物形容词)6. madmadly(副词)1. knock around (在某处)悠闲地度过 2. get lost 迷路3. here and there 各处,到处 4. be wrong about 搞错5. had better 最好 6

4、. at speeds of/at a speed of 以的速度7. lots of 许多 8. more than 多于9. do some online research 做一些线上研究 10. as fast as 跟一样快1. How surprising! 多么令人惊讶啊!2. Id better go and watch them again 我最好再去观察一下它们3. Thats as fast as my dads car! 跟我爸的车一样快!4. Pigeons can recognise themselves in mirrors. 鸽子能在镜子里认出它们自己。5. Ma

5、ybe I was wrong about pigeons. 也许我对鸽子的了解是错误的。课时2Understanding ideas: Grammar1. dolphin n. 海豚 2. beaver n. 河狸,海狸3. engineer n. 工程师;设计师1. realreally (副词) 2. wolfwolves (复数)3. foxfoxes (复数) 4. createcreative (形容词)5. toothteeth (复数) 6. wonderwonderful (形容词) 1. no wonder 难怪 2. look like 看起来像3. protectfro

6、m 保护免受的伤害 4. in my opinion 在我看来5. swim in the pond 在池塘游泳1. I cant believe it. 我简直不敢相信。2. But whats it for? 但它有什么用呢?3. Its such nice work. 这工作真不错。4. The new camera looks like a real beaver! 这个新照相机看上去像个真正的海狸!5. Now the work is done! 现在工作已经完成!6. No wonder beavers are called “natures engineers”! 毫无疑问海狸被

7、称为“自然界工程师”!课时3Developing ideas: Listening and speaking1. hero n. 英雄;偶像 2. rescue n. 营救,救援3. missing adj. 找不到的1. heroheroes (复数) 2. missmissing (形容词) 3. helphelper (名词,人) 4. lifelives (复数)5. firemanfiremen (复数)1. take place 发生 2. at the age of 在岁时3. work for 为工作 4. for example 例如5. good sense of 好的感觉

8、1. What animals do you know work for people?你知道什么动物为人类工作吗?2. Keep your questions short and simple, and avoid stopping other speakers words. 提问要简短,不要打断别人的话。3. Cats can help patients get better. 猫能帮助病人变好。4. Dogs and some kinds of horses help guide blind people. 狗和一些种类的马帮助引导盲人。课时4Developing ideas: Read

9、ing for writing1. dead adj. 死的,去世的 2. dodo n. 渡渡鸟3. museum n. 博物馆,博物院 4. island n. 岛,岛屿5. ocean n. 海洋,大海 6. plenty pron. 丰富,充足,众多,大量7. friendly adj. 友好的,友善的 8. peaceful adj. 和平的,非暴力的9. arrive v. 到达,抵达 10. forest n. 森林,林区11. hunt v. 打猎;猎杀 12. soon adv. 不久,即刻,很快13. full adj. 满的;满是的 14. fantastic adj.

10、极好的,吸引人的,有趣的15. clam n. 蛤;蛤蜊1. actualactually (副词) 2. friendfriendly (形容词)3. peacepeaceful (形容词)4. diedeath (名词)dead (形容词)dying (现在分词)5. IndiaIndian (形容词) 6. lovelovely (形容词)1. die out 消失;绝迹,灭绝 2. as dead as a dodo 彻底死亡3. as happy as a clam 非常高兴的;相当满足的 4. whats more 而且,此外5. as a result 因此 6. plenty

11、of 大量的7. be full of/be filled with 充满8. try ones best to do 尽某人最大的努力做 9. thousands of 数以千计的10. used to do 过去经常做1. Actually, there used to be thousands of usfor real. 实际上,我们曾经有成千上万只真的。2. What a peaceful and safe life!多么平静和安稳的生活啊!3. Please try your best to help them. 请尽你最大努力去帮助它们。4. Are you looking at

12、 me?你正在看我吗?Animals are our friends. Its important to protect them. Northeast tigers are my favorite. They mainly live in the Changbai Mountain area of Jilin Province. They mainly catch other animals as food. They can jump as high as two metres. They can even swim, but they cant climb up trees. North

13、east tigers are becoming fewer and fewer because forests are getting smaller and smaller. And people kill (杀害)them for their fur or other parts of the body to make money. If we do nothing, there may be less and less of them left. So we should help them have a good living environment(环境). Protecting them is just protecting ourselves. - 5 -


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