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1、2023-2024学年七年级英语下学期期末复习专题07 完形填空A long time ago there lived a young girl named Mulan. At a very young age, her father 1 her to use a sword(剑)and ride a horse which was most unusual because only boys learned to fight and ride, not girls. One day, soldiers(士兵)came to Mulans 2 . They told the people th

2、at one man from each family must join the army(参军)to 3 their country. Mulans father was too old to fight. Mulan had no 4 brother and her baby brother was too young to be a soldier. Mulan knew her father would lose his life if he went to war(战争)。“Girls did not fight in wars.If only I were a boy, it w

3、ould be so easy. “Mulan said to 5 . Then she thought of an 6 . That day she bought a horse in the market. The next morning, Mulan dressed up 7 a man and became a soldier instead of her father. Year after year, Mulan fought with her comrade-in-arms(战友). In all that time, 8 knew that Mulan was a woman

4、. She got lots of awards because she was 9 enough to fight in front of others. After the war, the king wanted to give her lots of money and even a good job. But Mulan only asked for a good horse 10 she hoped to go back home to meet her parents quickly. Her family were all 11 to see her. Her brother

5、grew into a fine young man. He was busy killing pigs and sheep to 12 her sister when she got home. The people in her hometown also had a big 13 to celebrate. Mulan dressed herself in womens clothes, sang and danced happily. Till then her comrade-in-arms 14 that Mulan was a pretty young woman.Soon, p

6、eople 15 the country knew the story of Mulan and she became the hero of the whole country.1AmadeBstoppedCtaughtDinvited2AfieldBhometownCgardenDcountry3AprotectBhurtCshareDraise4AbiggerByoungerCtallerDelder5AherBherselfChimDhimself6AofficeBideaCengineerDability7AforBinCasDon8AeverybodyBsomebodyCanybo

7、dyDnobody9AbraveBlazyCcarefulDhonest10AbeforeBwhenCbecauseDafter11AangryBhappyCsadDinterested12AfollowBhelpCwelcomeDtest13AlookBtalkCproblemDparty14AfoundBagreedCguessedDdecided15AaroundBtowardsCaboutDinto阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。The children wanted some cherries for the Russian. They remembered

8、 some wild cherry trees near the railway tunnel. When they arrived at the tunnel, they looked up at the 16 above it. “Look! The trees are 17 .” Peter said. “Its a landslide(滑坡),” Roberta said. “There has been a lot of 18 . The earth is soft. It is moving and bringing the trees with it.”“They are goi

9、ng to 19 on the railway line,” Phyllis said. “There will be an accident. We must stop the next train.”“ 20 ?” Peter said. “The next train is arriving at 11:29. Thats in five minutes.”“We need 21 red to wave,” Peter said. “Red is for 22 .”“My petticoat is red,” Phyllis said. “Ill tear pieces off.”“Mo

10、ther will be 23 if you do that,” Roberta said. “Petticoats are expensive.”“People may die if there is an accident,” Peter said. “Petticoats arent 24 .”Phyllis tore strips from her petticoat. Peter cut off 25 tree branches with his knife. He tied the strips to the branches. “Now we each have a red fl

11、ag,” he said. “When we wave these, the driver will 26 the train.”The children waited at the other side for the train to come. Then, the train 27 . The children waved their flags. The driver saw the red flags and 28 . He knew something was 29 . He stopped the train. The children shouted to the driver

12、 there were trees on the line. The passengers(乘客)on the train wanted to know 30 the train was not moving. When the driver told them, they cheered for the children. “You have prevented a bad accident,” the driver said, “Im sure the railway company will thank you.”Taken from The Railway Children16Atre


14、AleftBstoppedCarrivedDmoved28Athe passengersBthe childrenCthe petticoatsDthe trees29AwrongBamazingCbrokenDusual30AwhatBwhyCifDhow请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When my brother and I were children, we spent a few weeks each summer in the countryside with our 31 . He was a geologis

15、t(地质学家)and loved to go on long walks to 32 stones to add to his collection at the university.One day our uncle gave us two 33 and asked us to help him carry the stones. The whole day, we walked 34 the countryside, and every now and then, our uncle put stones in our bags. We were 35 surprised that so

16、metimes he also took some stones out from our bags. We thought he had just found better ones.We got back home in the late afternoon. The bags were so heavy that we were really 36 when we put them on the ground. Yet our uncles bag was nearly 37 .“Why did you give us so many stones?” we asked.“I didnt

17、. You did.” he said, waiting for a while before continuing. “You did not know it, but I gave you a little attitude(态度)test today. And whenever you 38 about anyone or anything, I put a stone in your bags. And whenever you talked about something in an attitude of positive (积极的)thinking, I 39 a stone.

18、And now look at your bags.”The bags were 40 full.“Your negative(负面的)thoughts are like stones. You carry them in your 41 just like those stones in a bag. The more negative thoughts you have, the 42 your mind is. So look at those bags and start paying attention to what you say and 43 you talk about th

19、ings”.This little 44 was one of the most important I ever had. And I remember my uncle with great love for 45 us one of the most important lessons of lifethe power of attitude.31AbrotherBuncleCgrandfatherDfather32AmakeBbringCbuyDfind33AhatsBshoesCbagsDbaskets34AaroundBthroughCoverDbeside35AlittleBa

20、littleCfewDa few36AtiredBexcitedCsurprisedDinterested37AnewBoldCfullDempty38AtoldBcomplainedCagreedDforgot39Aworked outBtook outCput outDgive out40AhalfBhardlyCalmostDreally41AheadBbagChandDmind42AheavierBlighterCquickerDstronger43AwhenBwhyChowDwhere44AlessonBwordCthoughtDideas45AlearningBteachingCh

21、avingDreachingWe celebrate Fathers day in June. May is a beautiful month full of sunshine and flowers. It is also the 46 when we show thanks to our mom.In my family, every years Mothers Day celebration is 47 . Two years ago, I made 48 for my mom in bed and 49 still remembered the dishes I cooked tha

22、t morning. Last year, I bought her a selfiestick(自拍杆)with the money I made by 50 some of my old book.This May, I wanted to do something special(特别的). In late 51 , I started to search for gift ideas online(在线地). It took me about two weeks to get a final(最后的)idea. 52 I made a box with colourful cards

23、by hand. Then I put a small bag of 53 in the box. Of course I wrote some 54 on the cards, they were all 55 jobs I could do for my mom at home, like 56 and cleaning the floor.On Mothers Day Eve, I went into moms room and put the present on her bed quietly 57 she went to sleep. Next morning when she 5

24、8 , she found it. She was very excited and spent much time looking at every tiny detail(细节)of the box 59 and tried the sweets inside.Mothers Day is a happy time for me to 60 my mom and show her my love because she takes good care of me.46AdayBweekCmonthDyear47Aboring(无聊的)BbadCnoisyDdifferent48AteaBb

25、reakfastClunchDsupper49AIBweCsheDhe50AbuyingBsellingCsendingDgiving51AAprilBMayCJuneDJuly52AFirstBThenCNextDFinally(最后)53AchipsBpiesCcoffeeDsweets54AideasBfactsCmessagesDnotices55AhardBsmallCdangerousDinteresting56Aselling vegetablesBpicking applesCcutting treesDfeeding pets57AbeforeBafterCwhenDunti

26、l58Alooked upBstood upCgrew upDwoke up59AhappilyBquicklyCangrily(生气地)Dgently60AbelieveBcareCthankDhelpBill is fifteen years old and he thinks he is a man now. But his parents tell him, “You wont be a real man until you begin to 61 helping others.”His parents give him some money to 62 some milk for t

27、hem. Outside a shop he 63 a homeless old man. The old man looks very 64 . Bill goes to him and asks, “Whats wrong 65 you?”The old man answers, “Im very 66 I dont have any food for two days.”Bill thinks of his parents 67 . So he says to the old man, “Lets go to the 68 .”When they 69 there, Bill asks

28、the waiter for bread and coffee to the old man. The old man finishes the meal 70 . After the waiter takes away the plate and the cup, the old man says, “Sorry for giving you so much trouble. Im fine now. Ill 71 forget your kindness! Youre a very 72 young man.”Bill is 73 when he hears this. Just when

29、 he wants to 74 for the meal, the waiter comes. Bill and the old man learn that it is the birthday of the boss. They are the first customers that day 75 the food is free. They deserve(值得) it.61Athink aboutBgive upCgo onDthank for62AcelebrateBbuyCdrinkDborrow63AseesBasksCmissesDfeels64AafraidBgladCwe


31、CbecauseDifI was afraid of my father when I was a child. In my heart, father is a man who does not laugh at all. In his daily life, he is serious and organized. He has his own way of doing things. I didnt understand fathers love until a rainy afternoon in Junior 2. A heavy 76 suddenly came that day

32、and I couldnt go home after school. I 77 for a while and felt hopeless. My parents were 78 with work every day and had no time to pick me up at school. I thought to 79 and ran to the rain. Suddenly, not far away, a man holding an umbrella running 80 the teaching building shocked methat was my father

33、. “Dad, 81 are you here? Theres a rainstorm and you didnt 82 an umbrella.” While talking, my father took off my 83 and handed me the umbrella. At that moment, I 84 my fathers care.Another time, after the mid-term exam in Senior 3, I came home with my report card in my hand. I was in the top ten of t

34、he whole class before, 85 this time I fell to the 20th. I felt very 86 and cried in my bedroom. When my father got this, he came to my room and 87 to me. “Life for everyone will be full of trouble, even failures. You should 88 in your own ability and keep on working hard.”Since then, a cup of warm t

35、ea was put on my desk every night, it made me cheer up 89 a days hard work. I understood my fathers expectation. Now my fathers hair has turned 90 , and there are more wrinkles on his face. In the future, I will cherish my fathers love and take good care of him.76AwindBrainCsandstormDsnow77AwaitedBw


37、iceDbelieve89AafterBthroughCbeforeDacross90AblackBwhiteCbrownDyellowHarper is a kind woman. She has a 4-year-old 91 . One day when Harper was 92 home at 8: 30 p. m, she saw something on fire by the road. So she stopped her car. As Harper got close, she found a black car that had an accident (事故). Bl

38、ack smoke was everywhere and she couldnt see 93 was going on inside the car. As it was late and there was nobody else around. Harper was a little 94 .And her little daughter was waiting for her at home. So she wanted to 95 . At that moment, she remembered people who helped her. Then she walked back

39、to the car again, called 110 and checked 96 if (是否) anyone was in the car. Soon, Harper 97 a man under the airbag (安全气囊). He was 98 . Without thinking twice, Harper pulled (拉) the man out of the car. 99 the fire got worse (更严重), Harper moved him to a safe place. After doing that, Harper felt so 100

40、and couldnt move. Ten minutes later, the police and doctors came. “There was blood (血) all over his body. He looked at me closely, trying to pass his 101 of living on (继续活着) to me. So I held 102 in my arms all the time,” Harper said to the police. A few days later, the man got better. He sent a 103

41、to Harper. It read, “Thank you! I was saved 104 you didnt leave me alone. Youre a real hero.”A hero is not just someone who does great things but that who 105 a hand to others in need. Heroes live not only in movies, but also in our everyday life.91AdaughterBsonCbrotherDsister92AdrivingBwalkingCridi

42、ng Drunning93AwhenBhowCwhatDwhere94AhappyBsurprisedCexcitedDafraid95AstayBmoveCreturnDleave96AfinallyBquicklyCeasilyDreally97AknewBhelpedCfoundDsaved98AcoldBhurtCsadDquiet99AAfterBBeforeCTillDWhen100AtiredBexcitedCworriedDbored101AideaBhopeCloveDplan102AhimBherCitDthem103AreportBnumberCstoryDletter1

43、04AandBbutCbecauseDso105AgivesBopensCshakesDtakes阅读短文,从短文后所给四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One day, a little boy held a dollar coin in his hand and 106 the shop owners along the street, “Excuse me, do you sell God (卖上帝)?” The whole day, the boy went in and out of many shops, but each time they said no. Then, at the sixty-ninth store, a kind grandpa 107 to sell it to him and asked the little boy, “ 108 do


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