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1、20222023学年度第二学期期末调研测试七年级英语(考试时间: 120分钟满分: 100分) 请注意: 所有试题的答案均填写在答题卷上, 答案写在试卷上无效。第一部分选择题 (62分)一、听力 (本题共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分) 第一部分听对话回答问题本部分共有10道小题, 每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。1 Where will Ann go on vacation? ABC2 Which sign does the woman mean? ABC3 What cant Mary find? ABC4 What is the boy going to do? ABC5

2、 How does Simon usually go to school? A On footB By bikeC By bus6 Who did Mike go to Guangzhou with last Sunday? A His cousinsB His friendsC His classmates7 How often does the woman have the English lesson? A Once a weekB Twice a weekC Twice a month8 What is the relationship (关系) between the two spe

3、akers? A Teacher and studentB Mother and sonC Sister and brother9 Where are they? A In a hotelB In a restaurantC In a shop10 How many people will be at the picnic? A ThreeB FourC Five第二部分听对话和短文回答问题? 听一段对话, 回答第1112小题。11 What is Mum looking for at first? A The shopping bagB The shopping listC The car

4、key12 Who is coming on Sunday? A Aunt JuneB Jims grandmaC Uncle Tom听第一篇短文, 回答第1315 小题。请根据短文内容, 选择正确答案, 完成信息记录表。A visit to a painting show*The painting is in 13_ *They will come back from the show at 14_ *At their meeting next week, all the members will 15_ their favourite paintings13 A the Youth Cen

5、treB the Art MuseumCa school14 A 3: 30 p mB 1: 00 p mC 4: 30 p m15 A write aboutB chooseCtalk about听第二篇短文, 回答第16-20小题16 What is Janes job? A A teacherB A doctorC A cook17 Where did her dad work when she was small? A In a French restaurantB In a British restaurantC In a Chinese restaurant18 When did

6、she get her first Saturday job? A At 12 years oldB At 14 years oldC At 16 years old19 What was the first dish she learnt to make? A CakesB FishC Noodles20 How did she start her job in the restaurant in France? A By preparing the cooking platesB By washing the vegetablesC By washing up cooking dishes

7、二、单项选择从下列每题所给的选项中选择一个最佳答案。 (本题共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分) 1Did you watch the film “Born to Fly” (长空之王)? Yes, I felt so proud (骄傲的) of our country after I watched it _ excellent film!AWhat anBWhatCHow anDHow2Would you please _ your phone number, MrWhite? I missed it just nowNo problem Its 19864423102Arecomm

8、endBrepeatCrememberDreply3Which of the following “ed” has a different sound from the others?AstoppedBlistenedCcarriedDlived4Mary, a girl is waiting for you at the gate of our neighbourhoodOh, thats Lily We _ the history museum together soonAare goingBvisitCshall visitDwent5Could you go to the booksh

9、op with me? I want to buy a book called “Alice in Wonderland”Sorry, I _ My mother told me to go home right after schoolAcouldntBcantCmustntDneednt6After walking for three hours on a hot summer afternoon, we need _ to drink right nowAsomething hotBhot somethingCsomething coldDcold something7Excuse me

10、, which is the way to the Peoples Park? Please go _ the bridge Then walk _ the bank Youll see it on your rightAacross; throughBabove; throughCabove; pastDacross; past8Andy, what are your neighbours like? _AThey are from different citiesBTheyd like to work togetherCThey are kind and helpfulDThey like

11、 singing and dancing9What can we learn from the map below? AThe toy shop is in the west of the City CinemaBJills home is west of Peters homeCThe bookshop is to the north of UA CinemaDThe sweet shop is along Park Road10_! One of the smallest streets in the world is only 49cm wideReally? How amazing!

12、How do people go through it?ASounds greatBLook outCBelieve it or notDCome on三、完形填空 (共12 小题; 每小题1分, 满分12分) 阅读下面的短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。“Class, this is John Evans,” Mrs Parmele said to us We saw a boy in old clothes and shoes John 11 and smiled, hoping someone would smile back Nobod

13、y didI kept my head down and hoped Mrs Parmele wouldnt notice the 12 desk next to mine She did, and pointed (指着) at that desk Jim came and looked at me when he sat down, 13 I looked awayBy the end of his first week, John came 14 in our weekly Maths test “He even doesnt know 15 to count,” I told my m

14、other one evening at dinnerWhen I ate lunch with him the next day, he 16 his stories with me and I listened to him I found that in fact it was happy to be with him I wanted to be his friendOne night, a few weeks later, I said to Mum, “Tomorrow is Johns birthday, and Im afraid he is not going to get

15、anything Nobody even 17 ” “Dont worry,” Mum said, “Im sure everything will be fine”I wished John a happy 18 the next morning, and he was glad I remembered it By mid-afternoon, I almost decided that birthdays werent that 19 Then, when we were having a lesson, I heard a familiar (熟悉的) 20 singing the b

16、irthday songMoments later, my mother came through the door with some cupcakes She was carrying a 21 in her hand She put the cupcakes and the gift on Johns desk and said “Happy birthday, John” John was excited Then he kindly handed out (分发) his cupcakes to the classSadly, John moved away soon, and I

17、22 heard from him again But every time I hear that familiar song, I always remember the happiness in a boys eyes, and the taste of the sweetest cupcake11Alooked backBlooked downClooked intoDlooked around12AsmallBbigCemptyDold13AbecauseBsoCbutDif14AfrontBbackCtopDlast15AwhyBhowCwhatDwhen16AsharedBtol

18、dCtalkedDspoke17AstartsBcaresCwatchesDhelps18AweekendBholidayCbirthdayDfamily19AimportantBfamousCbadDcomfortable20AsoundBwhisperCvoiceDshout21AbagBpresentCbookDmessage22AalwaysBoftenCsometimesDnever四、阅读理解 (共20小题, 每小题1分, 满分20分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。ATRIP TO A FARMLAND!Join us for an unforgetta

19、ble school trip to a farmland!TIME: Our school trip will take place on Saturday, May 20th, and we will leave the school at 8:00 am on the school bus We will come back at around 5:00 pm , so make sure to tell your parents to take you home on timeCOST: The cost for the trip is $40 for each student It

20、includes transportation (交通), tickets and lunch Please bring some money if you want to buy souvenirs (纪念品) or foodATTENTION (注意) : Well visit a beautiful farm There you can learn about how farmers grow plants and raise animals You will have lots of fun with your classmatesTo keep you safe (安全的), ple

21、ase wear comfortable clothes and shoes, bring lots of water We will be together as a group at all time, and you must stay with your teachers and classmatesFor more information, please follow We-Chat School Trip ABCDont miss this chance (机会) to see a real-life farm and learn about how it worksDont wa

22、it too long to sign up (注册) for the trip, because only 300 students can get the chance for the trip! Dont forget to call our school office on 85567885663 to know more about the trip23If you want to join this school trip, its best to _Aorder your own lunch onlineBbuy some nice souvenirs or foodCget t

23、o school before 8: 00 amDgo to the farmland in your fathers car24To keep safe, you should _Abring plenty of water with youBwear new clothes and shoesCtake plants and animals with youDstay away from your classmates25If you want to get more information about the trip, you can _Acall the farmland offic

24、eBwrite to the teacherCfollow the teachers We-chatDfollow We-Chat School Trip ABC26Which is True about the trip?AThe students will stay on the farmland for 8 hoursBStudents can go to the farmland with their parentsCAll the students in the school can join the tripDThe trip to the farmland will be int

25、eresting27What kind of writing is the text?AA diaryBAn advertisementCA postcardDA storyBBelow is an infographic (信息图)Dangerously Sweet: Sugar28If we have too much sugar, maybe we will _Aget slimBsleep wellClook olderDhave good teeth29What can we learn about sugar from the infographic (信息图)?AA woman

26、eats as much sugar as a manBThere are 4g of sugar in 66g of ice creamCAmericans eat less sugar for each person than Chinese doD400ml of rice milk has less sugar than 400ml of grape juice30What does the list of “The hidden (隐藏的) sugar in foods and drinks” remind (提醒) us?AToo much sugar can hurt our b

27、ody badlyBFoods and drinks with sugar are popular among childrenCWe often have more sugar than we can without knowing itDWe should have enough sugar to make foods and drinks taste good31The writer wants to _Atry to teach us skillsBask us to eat healthilyCmake us laughDask us not to buy sugar32Where

28、may we read the infographic?AIn a newspaperBIn a geography notebookCIn a storybookDIn a music magazineCMany people like to pet (抚摸) animals because petting can make the relationship (关系) with their pet better When youre feeling blue, petting animals is a good way to make you happierBut how to pet an

29、imals? Different animals like different waysDogs like you to pet their heads, necks and shoulders If you are petting a strange dog, you should come near to it slowly, get down to its height and hold out a closed fist (拳头) for it to smell After the dog smells you and its body becomes relaxed (放松的), y

30、ou can slowly touch around its heads and shouldersCats like people to pet their heads, chins (下巴) and faces When you are going to pet a eat, let it come near to you first Sit down and put your hand out for it to smell If it wants your gentle touch, it will get close to your bodyRabbits like you to p

31、et their heads, shoulders and faces Rabbits are easily afraid of people So you should come near to them slowly, sit down on the ground and put out your hand for them to smell If your rabbit comes near to you, use your hand to lightly pet its headPet birds lightly on the head and dont touch other are

32、as Building trust (信任) with birds takes time, so come near to them slowly and watch for their body language If they like you to pet them, they will keep quietPets are really lovely animals Pet and take care of them carefully, and they will bring you a lot of fun33What does the underlined word “blue”

33、 in Paragraph (段落) mean?ASadBAngryCHungryDExcited34What parts do cats and rabbits both like people to pet?ATheir heads and earsBTheir heads and facesCTheir shoulders and headsDTheir faces and necks35Which is the right order (顺序) to show how to pet a strange dog? ab c AcbaBabcCbacDcab36Why do we need

34、 to be careful when we pet birds?ABecause birds sometimes may get hurtBBecause birds are easily afraid of peopleCBecause petting birds can be very dangerousDBecause it takes time to build trust with birds37What is the structure (结构) of the article?ABCDDIt was a cleaning day for the family John and h

35、is mom were busy cleaning the house Then, Johns mom noticed an old chair That old chair was for Johns grandpa“John, come and help me,” Johns mom said “Well take the chair to the side of the road The rubbish truck will come to tomorrow”When they tried to move the chair, Johns grandpa saw it and cried

36、 “No! You cant take my chair,” “But its so old,” Johns mom replied “Well buy you a new one” “No,” he said, trying to get his chair backJohns mom finally gave up (放弃) and left The old man sat into his chair and closed his eyes“Grandpa, why wont you let us throw the chair?” John asked “You dont unders

37、tand, John,” His grandpa said, “I sat in this chair with your grandma when I asked her to marry (嫁) me And I sat in this chair the night your father was born Many years later, I sat in this chair when the doctor told me that your grandma was badly ill I was very sad, but the chair gave me comfort (安

38、慰) and warmth” The old mans voice changed when he thought of that unlucky day“I understand” John looked at his grandpa and said, “this is not just any old chair It is more like a friend” “Yes” he noddedHowever, that night, when John and his grandpa were sleeping Johns parents carried the chair outsi

39、de The next morning John woke up and heard the sound of the rubbish truck He quickly ran downstairs and found the snow-covered chair stood helplessly at the side of the road The truck was going to pull (拉) it away“Wait! Stop!” John shouted and rushed outside The big noises from the truck suddenly st

40、opped He then ran back inside and cried, “Mom, you cant throw out grandpas chair It is like a true friend in his life!”Hearing this, Johns mom ran outside and carefully moved away the snow on the chair She carried it back with John38Which of the following can be put in ?Aclean it upBpay for itCpick

41、it upDlook for it39The underlined part “that unlucky day” refers to (指的是) the day when _AJohns father was bornBGrandpa asked Grandma to marry himCGrandma was badly illDJohns mother married his father40How did John feel when he heard the sound of the rubbish truck early in the morning?AWorriedBSorryC

42、SurprisedDHappy41What can we learn about from the story?AThe story happened in summerBGrandpa liked collecting old chairsCJohns mother bought Grandpa a new chairDGrandpa loved Grandma so much42Which is the best title for the story?AThrow or CollectBJohns Happy FamilyCForget or RememberDGrandpas Old

43、Chair第二部分非选择题 (38分)五、任务型阅读(本题共10 小题; 每题1 分, 满分10 分)阅读下面的短文,并根据所读内容,在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。(注意:每个空格只填一个单词)It is usual for everyone to have a bad day Someone may complain that such days come more often However, the good news is that you can do many things to turn them aroundWe can turn to your good fri

44、ends Our friends are always there to help us They never leave us alone So on a bad day, you can always ask for their help Sometimes, friends have a good sense of humour Their jokes can make you laugh a lotIf peace (宁静) is what you need to make things right again, just relax (放松) Sometimes, when things dont come with your wishes, you can sit with a book and read for a while or go for a walk You may also listen to some light music to relax It is really helpfulWrite down your ideas about the t


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