2018_2019学年冀教版九年级英语下册Unit10 Get Ready for the Future教案

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1、Unit 10 Get Ready for the FutureLesson 55: Look into the FutureI. Learning aims:Master the new words: boss, manage, doubt, wealth, astronaut II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) You like painting, and you are good at it.2) I love cooking, and I like creating new dishes myself.3) Astronaut

2、s need to know a lot about science, Danny.4) I think you should be a basketball player.Language Points:1. improve【用法】作及物动词,意为“提高、改进、改善” ,后加名词或代词作宾语。【举例】You must improve your pronunciation . 你必须提高发音水平。【用法】作不及物动词,意为“做得更好、改进、改善” 。【举例】Policy can improve today. 现行政策也有改进的余地。2. I love cooking, and I like c

3、reating new dishes myself. 我喜欢烹饪,并且我自己喜欢发明创造新的饭菜。【用法】 句中的 myself是反身代词作主语同位语,此时可放在句尾,也可放在主语后,故这句话还可说为:I love cooking, and I myself like creating new dishes.【举例】We can solve all the problems ourselves now. = We ourselves can solve all the problems. 现在我们自己能解决所有问题了。3. Astronauts need to know a lot about

4、 science, Danny. 宇航员需要对科学有深入的了解,丹尼。【用法】这句话中的 need 起实义动词作用,后面的动词用不定式,表示“需要做” ;另,句中的 a lot起副词作用,用在动词 know后作状语,与 very much 同义;about science 是介词短语作状语。【举例】 You can learn a lot about music in this school. 在这所学校你可以学到很多有关音乐的知识。Lesson 56: Manage Your TimeI. Learning aims:Master the new words: Besides, weekda

5、y, primary, asleep, notebook, review, itself II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) You are such a busy kid!2)Can you do all of these things and get enough rest to sty healthy?3)If not, decide what things must be done and what can be dropped from your list.4) Take a few minutes every evenin

6、g to check how your plan is going. Language Points:1. besides【用法】作介词,意为“除之外(但包括) ”,后加名词或代词作介词宾语。【举例】Besides Jill, Tony went to the park, too. 除了吉尔之外,托尼也去了公园。 (Jill和 Tony都去了公园)【拓展】except 也是介词,意为“除之外(但不包括) ”,后加名词或代词作介词宾语。【举例】 We went to the park except Jill. 除了吉尔外,我们都去了公园。 (Jill 没有去公园)2. If not, decid

7、e what things must be done and what can be dropped from your list. 如果不是这样,就要决定一下什么事情必须做,什么事情要从你的列表中去掉。【用法】句中的 must be done 和 can be dropped 都是带有情态动词的被动语态,构成方法是“情态动词 + be + 及物动词过去分词” 。【举例】All the rooms must be cleaned every day. 所有的房间每天都必须打扫。3. Take a few minutes every evening to check how your plan

8、is going. 每天早晨花费几分钟的时间检查一下你的计划的进展情况。【用法】句中的动词 take表示“花费” ,这是一句祈使句,听话人是对方,也就是这句话是用表示人的词作主语,而用 take表示“花费”的含义。【举例】We will take a week to paint the offices. 我们要用一周的时间把办公室粉刷一遍。【拓展】take 表示“花费”还可用用 it作形式主语,而将真正主语(动词不定式)放在后面。也可用表示动作的词作主语。【举例】 It takes me half a n hour to finish my homework every day. Lesson

9、 57: Best WishesI. Learning aims:Master the new words: wallet, owner, row, senior II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) Did you really think it work, Danny?2) Be sure to always stay in touch!3) Though we are going to part, our friendship will always remain.4) We all have big plans for the

10、future, and Im confident that well all do very well.Language Points:1. memory,【用法】作可数名词,意为“记忆、回忆、记忆力、存储器” ,复数形式是 memories。【举例】 You can store the information into the memory. 你可以把信息存储在存储器中。2. Be sure to always stay in touch! 一定要保持联系!【用法】句式 be sure to意为“一定、务必” ,后加不定式表示“一定要做某事” 。【举例】Are you sure to com

11、e on time next time? 下次你一定能按时来吗?【拓展】句式 be sure of则表示“对有把握” 。【举例】We are quite sure of this exam. 我们对这次考试很有把握。3. We all have big plans for the future, and Im confident that well all do very well. 我们都有未来的大计划,并且我相信我们能做好。【用法】句式 be confident 意为“有信心” ,在这里加宾语从句。【举例】She is con fident that she can keep up wit

12、h others. 她相信她能赶上别人。【拓展】句式 be confident of则表示“对有信心” ,后加名词或代词作介词宾语。【举例】Are you confident of yourself? 你对自己有信心吗?Lesson 58: Ms. Lius SpeechI. Learning aims:Master the new words: speech, period, valuable, achieve, behalf, congratulation II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) Some of them made m

13、e laugh and some almost brought tears to my eyes.2) All of you have some great memories of this period of your life, and so do I.3) No matter how high you rise, there be times when you fall down.4) Id like to give our best wishes and congratulations to the graduating class!Language Points:1. brave【用

14、法】作形容词,意为“勇敢的、有勇气的” ,在句中作定语或表语。【举例】I think this is a brave decision.我想这是一个有勇气的决定。How brave our soldiers are! 我们的战士多勇敢啊!【拓展】bravely 是副词,意为“勇敢地” ,在句中作状语。【举例】You should face these problems bravely. 你们应该勇敢地面对这些问题。2. All of you have some great memories of this period of your life, and so do I. 你们所有人都会有生活

15、中这个阶段的美好记忆,我也是。【用法】如果后者的情况也适用于前者可用句式:so + 助动词、系词、情态动词 + 主语;如果前面的陈述句是否定形式,则用 neither 或 nor 替代 so。【举例】She has finished her homework and so have I. 她已经完成作业了,我也完成了。3. No matter how high you rise, there be times when you fall down. 无论你上升得有多高,你也有下降的时候。【用法】句中的 no matter意为“无论” ,后加疑问词之后,再加从句在句中作状语,多用于句首。【举例】

16、 No matter when you come, well welcome you. 无论你什么时候来,我们都会欢迎你。Lesson 59: Keep Your Choices OpenI. Learning aims:Master the new words: choice, education, decision, professor, merchant, successful II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) You want to keep your choice open.2) So when grow up, you

17、can be what you want.3) Do you want to work for the government?4) Do you want to be a pilot?Language Points:1. choice【用法】作可数名词,意为“选择、选择权” ,复数形式是 choices。【举例】Danny, there are two choices ahead of you. 丹尼,在你面前有两个选择。【拓展】构成句式 have no choice but to do 意为“没有选择只能做” 。注意 but后要加动词不定式。【举例】I have no choice but

18、to accept it. 我没有别的选择只能接受它。2. You want to keep your choice open. 你想要把你的选择公开。【用法】这句话的主语 是 you,want 是谓语动词,后面的不定式 to keep your choice open作动词宾语。在不定式中,keep 是动词,your choice 是宾语,open 是形容词作宾语补足语。【举例】Everyone should keep the classroom clean and tidy. 人人都应该把教室保持整洁。【拓展】动词 keep后面还可加介词短语、副词、现在分词、过去分词作宾语补足语,意思是“

19、使保持某种状态” 。【举例】 His illness kept him in bed for months. 他因病卧床好几个月。3. So when grow up, you can be what you want. 所以当你长大的时候,你就能成为你想成为的人。【用法】句式 grow up 意 为“长大” ,类似句式 grow into表示“成长为” 。【举例】 She wants to be a singer when she grows up. 她长大后想当歌手。Lesson 60: Get a Good EducationI. Learning aims:Master the new

20、 words: imagine, introduce, immediately, faint, chance, definitelyII. Learning important and difficult points: 1) I told him that he is my hero and that I want to be an astronaut some day.2) He invited me to have a cup of tea with him.3) He laughed and said that he dreamed of visiting space when he

21、was young.4) Finally, I asked him for advice on how to become an astronaut.Language Points:1.introduce【用法】作及物动词,意为“介绍” ,后加名词或代词作宾语。如表示 “给介绍”用句式 introduce to。【举例】Now let me introduce myself. 现在让我做个自我介绍 吧!【拓展】表示“给介绍”用句式 introduce to。【举例】Can you introduce the new product to us? 你能把新发明给我们介绍一下吗?2. He lau

22、ghed and said that he dreamed of visiting space when he was young. 他笑了,说他小的时候就梦想到太空中去参观。【用法】句中的 he dreamed of visiting space when he was young 用在动词 said之后,是宾语从句;宾语从句中的 when he was young 又是时间状语从句。【举例】She said she would help me when she was free. 她说她有空的时候会帮助我。【用法】句式 dream of doing something 表示“梦想做某事”

23、,这里用动名词作介词宾语。【举例】Her sister dreams of being a singer. 她姐姐梦想成为一名歌手。3. Finally, I asked him for advice on how to become an astronaut. 最后,我向他请教如何成为宇航员的建议。【用法】句式 ask somebody advice意为“向某人请教” ;后面的介词短语 on how to become an astronaut 用在名词 advice 后作定语,对 advice 起修饰作用。另,句式give somebody advice 表示“给某人提出建议” 。【举例】My teacher gave me some advice on my study. 老师在我的学习方面为我提出了一些建议。


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