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1、1Unit 9 重点单词和短语讲后练单词练习根据括号中所给汉语用适当的词语填空。1. This machine doesnt work well. It _(需要)mending at once.2. Its a very happy _(交流)with you.3. My father _ (答应)me to the zoo at weekend.4. You shouldnt _(改编)this kind of stories for the children.5. All the _ (困难) will be overcame by us.6. Professpr Li is _ (不在

2、), I will take the lesson in the place of him.7. Im sorry to have to put you to so much _ (麻烦).短语练习从方框中选择适当的短语并用其适当形式填空。move on, do ones part, keep ones promise, get along with1. Danny _ his classmates very well and he often plays with them.2. Linda _, cleaned our class up.3. If everyone will promis

3、e to _, the plan will certainly be a success.4. Keep _, you will success.Unit 9 重点单词和短语讲后练:单词练习1. requires 2. communication 3. promises 4. adapt 5. difficulties 6. absent 7. trouble短语练习1.gets along with 2. kept her promise 3. do his part 4. moving onEasy pizza:1. A loaf of thick-sliced white or brow

4、n bread. Cheddar cheese, butter or margarine, four tomatoes, tomato ketchup or tomato puree, one tin of anchovies, eight black olives, dried oregano or thyme, pepper.2. The butter is melted so that the bread soaks it up.3. You could use olives on their own if you didnt like anchovies, or you could do without both ingredientsthey are optional.


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