
上传人:好样****8 文档编号:34184 上传时间:2018-12-04 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:33KB
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1、1连词的用法专练根据所给的汉语完成句子,每空一词。1. 李红喜欢英语,我也喜欢英语。Li Hong likes English _ _ _ English, too.2. 认真点儿,否则你还要出错。Be careful, _ _ _ mistakes.3. 虽然天晴了,但仍然很冷。It is sunny, _ _ _ too cold.4. 昨天他病了,所以没有来上学。He was ill yesterday, _ _ _ come to school.5. 我很快就入睡了,因为我太累了。I soon fell asleep, _ _ _ too tired.6. 他和她都认识我。_ _ _

2、_ know me.7. 我母亲不但买了食品,而且买了饮料。My mother bought _ _ _ _ _ _.8. 你们可以今天来,也可以明天来。You can come _ _ _ _.9. 这一次你和我都不对。_ _ _ _ _ right this time.10. 早点儿起床,你就能赶上早班车。Get up early, _ _ _ the early bus.连词的用法专练:1. and I like 2. or youll make 3. but its still 4. so he didnt 5. for I was 6. Both he and she 7. not

3、only food but also drink 8. either today or tomorrow 9. Neither you nor I am 10. and youll catch2连词的用法小练(下)根据所给的汉语完成句子,每空一词。1. 他希望能尽快回到北京。He hopes _ _ _ go back to Beijing soon.2. 这些是我昨天在书店买的书。These are the books _ _ _ in the bookstore yesterday.3. 当我做饭时,有人敲门。Someone knocked at the door _ _ _ cookin

4、g.4. 她一回来我就把消息告诉她。Ill tell her the news _ _ _ _ _ back.5. 昨天直达完成所有的工作他们才回家。They _ _ _ _ they finished all the work.6. 你在来这里之前在哪里工作了?Where did you work _ _ _ here?7. 如果天不下雨,我们就去公园。_ _ _ rain, well go to the park.8. 我不知道他是否完成作业了。I dont know _ _ _ finished his homework.9. 这个会议很重要,你不能错过。This meeting is _ _ _ you cant miss it.10. 他是一个如此聪明的孩子,我们都喜欢他。He is _ _ _ boy that we all like him.连词的用法小练(下):1.that he will 2.that I bought 3.when I was 4.as soon as she comes 5.didnt go home until 6.before you came 7.If it doesnt 8.if he has 9.so interesting that 10.such a clever


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