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1、Module10 一、单选题一、单选题 1What do you do at Spring Festival? ( ) _ AWe often have a tree. BWe often eat dumplings. 2What do you do at the Christmas Day? ( ) We often _. Ahave a big family dinner Bsay “Happy New Year!” 3I _ tomorrow. ( ) Aam training Bam going train Cam going to train 4We have _ and sweet

2、s. ( ) Aan peanut Bpeanuts Ca egg 5_ Tom eat peanuts at the Spring Festival? ( ) Yes, he does. ADoing BDo CDoes 6This is your present. Here you are. ( ) _. AYoure welcome BThank you CIm sorry 7_ Daming _ peanuts at the Spring Festival? ( ) ADo; eat BIs; eats CDoes; eat 8 ( ) AWe sing songs and eat l

3、ots of food. BHappy New Year! 9The Spring Festival is the _ New Year. ( ) AChina BChinese CBeijing 10At the Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner, _ we say “Happy New Year!”. ( ) Abut Bbeside Cand 二、中英互译:单词二、中英互译:单词/ /短语短语 11英汉互译。 1. at Christmas_ 2. 一顿丰盛的家庭聚餐_ 3. at the Spring festival_ 4. 制

4、作卡片_ 三、用单词正确形式填空三、用单词正确形式填空 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 12Does she _ (eat)cake on her birthday? 13I_ (like)meat and he _(like)fish. 14We have _ (peanut)and _(sweet)at the Spring Festival. 15Its _(no)the Spring Festival now. 16-_ (do) you eat dumplings at Christmas? -No, I _(do). 17We have _ (peanut) and _ (sweet)

5、 at the Spring Festival. 18Spring Festival is _ (come). 19Its _ (no) the Spring Festival now. 20Does Daming _ (eat) peanuts at Christmas? 四、判断句子正误四、判断句子正误 21Read and write(T)or(F): We have a big dinner. ( ) 22Read and write(T)or(F): Childrens Day is in summer. ( ) 23Read and write(T)or(F): We sing s

6、ongs at Christmas. ( ) 24判断下列句意与图片是(T)否(F)相符。 判断下列图片与句子描述是“T”否“F”相符。 25We eat lots of food. ( ) 26Heres a present. ( ) 27Happy New Year! ( ) 28We have a Christmas tree. ( ) 29We sing songs at Christmas. ( ) 五、排序题五、排序题 30给下列句子排序,组成一段对话。 ( ) Its about zongzi. ( ) Hello, Sam. Heres a book for you. ( 5

7、) Its Chinese food. We eat it at the Dragon Boat Festival (端午节). ( ) Thank you. Whats it about? ( ) What is zongzi? 六、选内容补全对话六、选内容补全对话/ /短文短文 31Read, think and choose. A: Happy New Year! B:_ Come in! A: _ B: Thank you. A: _ B: They are dumplings. A: _ AI like dumplings. BWhat are these? CA present f

8、or you. DHappy New Year! 七、阅读选择七、阅读选择 Its Christmas today. Sam and Daming have a Christmas tree. Amy and Lingling have some sweets and peanuts. Ms Smart gives a big present to Tom. They are at home. They are singing and dancing now. They are going to have a big family dinner. They are so happy today

9、. 32Its _ today. ( ) Athe Spring Festival BChristmas CHalloween 33Amy and Lingling have _. ( ) Aa Christmas tree Ba big present Csome sweets and peanuts 34Tom has a big _. ( ) Apresent Bcake Ckite 35They are at _ now. ( ) Aschool Bthe zoo Chome 36They are _ now. ( ) Asinging and dancing Bhaving a bi

10、g family dinner Ctaking pictures 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 The Spring Festival is a very important (重要的) festival in China. At the Spring Festival, most families make lots of dumplings together. Dumplings are called jiaozi. Its a kind of traditional (传统的) Chinese food. There are many kinds of dumplings. I like

11、dumplings with meat and corn (玉米粒). My mother likes dumplings with meat and vegetable. My father likes them with meat and carrot. 37The passage is about _. ( ) Ameat Bvegetables Cdumplings 38Jiaozi is a traditional _. ( ) AEnglish food BChinese food Cfast food 39The writer (作者) likes dumplings with

12、_. ( ) Ameat and corn Bmeat and vegetable Cmeat and carrot 参考答案参考答案 1B 2A 3C 4B 5C 6B 7C 8A 9B 10C 11 在圣诞节 a big family dinner 在春节 make a card 12eat 13 like likes 14 peanuts sweets 15not 16 Do dont 17 peanuts sweets 18coming 19not 20eat 21T 22T 23F 241.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 25T 26T 27F 28T 29F 30 3 1 2 4 31 D C B A 32B 33C 34A 35C 36A 37C 38B 39A


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