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1、Module5 一、单选题一、单选题 1Can Sam jump far? ( ) _ He can jump very far. ANo, he cant. BYes, he can. CYes, he does. 2I can ride fast. Can you? ( ) _ AYes, please. BYes, I can. CYes, you can. 3Amy can _ fast. ( ) Ariding Bride Crides 4Mingming cant _ the ball high. ( ) Athrow Bthrows Cthrowing 5Look! Were _

2、. ( ) Ajump Bswimming Crun 6I can _ high. ( ) Ajump Bride Crun 7Can you jump far? ( ) _ But I can jump high. ANo, I cant. BYes, I am. 8I cant see you, Jim. ( ) I am _ the tree. Abehind Bfrom Cat 9You _ ride fast. Im the winner. ( ) Acan Bare Ccant 10She likes _. ( ) Atake pictures Bplaying basketbal

3、l Cplay chess 二、中英互译:单词二、中英互译:单词/ /短语短语 英汉互译。 11跑得快 _ 12in the sky _ 13跳得高 _ 14ride fast _ 15踢足球 _ 三、用单词正确形式填空三、用单词正确形式填空 16She can _ (swim). 17His sister can _ (swimming / swim) in the sea. 18They are running _ (fast). 19He is _ (we) star. 20Liu Wei is the _ (win). 四、排序题四、排序题 小火车的车厢顺序被打乱了,重新排列一下吧。(

4、只写序号) 21book The about is China 22taking is He pictures 23you What doing are 24watching am I TV 25is Tom doing What 五、选内容补全对话五、选内容补全对话/ /短文短文 Jack: Hello, Daming. _26_ Daming: I visited the famous West Lake. Jack: Oh, it was great!_27_ Daming: Yes, I did. Jack: Did you take lots of pictures? Daming:

5、 _28_ Jack: What about your brother Xiaoyong? _29_ Daming: No, he wasnt. He was at home. Jack: _30_ Daming: Yes, he did. He is a good boy. AYes, I did. BWas he on holiday too? CWhat did you do last week? DDid he help do the housework? EDid you go there by plane? 六、完形填空六、完形填空 完形填空。 One day a mother g

6、oes into _ sons room, “Time _ go to the school. “I _ want to go.” the son stays in his _. “You mu st go. Its _,” says _ mother. “_ no one likes me,” the son says. His mother smiles, “You must go _ there. Youre 35 years _. Youre the head _ the school.” 31Ashe Bher Cshes Dhers 32Afor Bto Cin Dat 33Aam

7、 not Bdoesnt Cdont Dcant 34Abed Bbox Cbag Dbank 35Aearly Bbig Clate Dgood 36Aa B/ Cthe Done 37AAnd BSo COr DBut 38Ato Bin Cat D/ 39Atall Bshort C/ Dold 40Aof Bfrom Con Dunder 七、阅读选择七、阅读选择 阅读短文选择正确的答案。 Hello! My name is Lingling. Im nine years old. I can jump high. I cant ride a bike. I have got a go

8、od friend. Her name is Lily. She is eight years old. She can run fast and swim. But she cant fly a kite. I love her very much. 41Lily is _.( ) A7 B8 C9 42Lingling can _.( ) ARun fast Bjump far Cjump high 43Lily can _.( ) Arun fast Bjump far Cjump high 44Lingling cant _.( ) AJump high Bride a bike Cs

9、wim 阅读短文,选出短文内容相符的句子。 A young boy is playing with a ball in the street. He kicks (踢) it too hard, and it breaks the window of a house and falls inside. A lady comes to the window with the ball and shouts at the young boy. So the young boy runs away. But he still wants his ball back. A few minutes la

10、ter, he returns and knocks at the door of the house. When the lady answers, he says, “My fathers going to come and fix your window soon.” Then a man comes to the door with tools in his hands. So the lady lets the boy take his ball away. When the man finishes fixing the window, he says to the lady, “

11、That will cost you ten.” “But arent you the father of the young boy?” the woman asks, looking surprised. “Of course not,” he answers, “arent you his mother?” 45 AThe young boy breaks the window of his house. BThe young boy breaks the window of the ladys house. 46 AThe ball goes through the door. BTh

12、e ball hits the window and falls into the ladys house. 47 AThe young boy runs away because he is afraid of the lady. BThe young boy tuns away because he wants his ball back. 48 AThe man is the boys father. BThe man is not the boys father. 49 AThe man thinks that the lady is the boys mother. BThe man knows that the lady isnt the boys mother. 参考答案参考答案 1B 2B 3B 4A 5B 6A 7A 8A 9C 10B 11run fast 12在天空中 13jump high 14骑得快 15play football 16swim 17swim 18fast 19our 20winner 21 22 23 24 25 26C 27E 28A 29B 30D 31B 32B 33C 34A 35C 36C 37D 38D 39D 40A 41B 42C 43A 44B 45B 46B 47A 48B 49A


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