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1、Module6 一、单选题一、单选题 1Hello. Can I _ ? ( ) Acome in Bcomes on Ccoming in 2Happy birthday, Tom. ( ) _ AGood luck. BThank you. CYoure welcome. 3Can I have some sweets? ( ) _. AHello BThank you CSorry, you cant 4Here you are. ( ) _ AYes, I can. BYes, it is. CThank you. 5Can I have some _? ( ) Abreads Bbr

2、ead Capple 6_ I have some bread? ( ) Yes, you can. AAm BDo CCan 7Can I have a cake? ( ) _ AYes, you can. BNo, you cant. 8Happy Halloween! ( ) _ AOK. BIm fine. CHappy Halloween! 9_ you want some bread? ( ) AAre BDo CHave 10Im _. ( ) Ahungry very Bvery hungrily Cvery hungry 二、中英互译:单词二、中英互译:单词/ /短语短语 英

3、汉互译。 11汤 _ 12sweets _ 13给 _ 14dark _ 15面包 _ 16well _ 17灯 _ 18Halloween _ 19抱歉,对不起 _ 三、排序题三、排序题 20给下列句子排序。 ( ) Thank you. ( ) Im hungry. Can I have some bread? ( ) Youre welcome. ( ) No, you cant. But you can have some ca ke. ( ) Here you are. 四、选内容补全对话四、选内容补全对话/ /短文短文 选择合适的句子,补全对话。 ACan I have some

4、cake? BThank you. CHow many candles? DCome in, please. E. Yes, you can. Sarah: Can I come in? Tom: _21_ Sarah: Happy birthday to you, Tom. Tom: _22_ Sarah: Wow, a big birthday cake! _23_ Tom: We must wait a minute. Sarah: Can I have some milk? Tom: _24_ Sarah: _25_ Tom: There are ten. Im ten years o

5、ld. 五、完形填空五、完形填空 完形填空。 We are _. We are _ the same school. We have a new _. In the classroom you can see _ desks and chairs. There is a map _ the wall. _ map is _ China. We _ our brooms behind the door. On a desk you can see two bags. Theyre _. The red one is Wei Fangs. The green one is _. 26Aboys B

6、student Cstudents Dteachers 27Ato Bon Cin Dof 28Aroom Bgrade Cclassroom Dclass 29Atwo hundreds Bone Cno Dforty 30Aof Bon Cin Dto 31Aa Ban CA DThe 32Aa map of Bmaps Cmap Dmaps 33Agive Bput Care Dcan 34AWei Fang and I BWei Fang and mine CWei Fangs and mine DWei Fangs and my 35AI Bme Cmine Dmy 六、阅读选择六、

7、阅读选择 阅读短文,选出正确的答案。 Christmas is an important festival in Western countries. Children are very excited at the festival. Because they can receive(收到)many gifts(礼物). On Christmas Eve, small children always put stockings(长筒袜)at the end of their bed. They think Father Christmas will give gifts in the sto

8、ckings. Children usually wake up(醒来)early on Christmas morning. Because they want to open the gifts early. 36Christmas is an important festival in _countries. ( ) AEastern BWestern CUK 37The children get excited for_. ( ) Afestival Bcountries Cpresents 38Small children believe the presents are from_

9、. ( ) Atheir parents BFather Christmas Cbed 39On Christmas Eve,they hang stockings_. ( ) Aon the desk Bunder the bed Cat the end of their bed 40Children usually wake up early on_. ( ) AChristmas Eve Bthe night CChristmas morning 阅读理解。 Mr. Li is our English teacher. His home is near the school. Somet

10、imes we go to his house. He has two sons. They are only five years old. They look like their father. They often wear the same clothes. We love to see them and play with them. Mr. Li calls them Dabao and Xiaobao. 41Mr. Li is the father of _. ( ) Athe two girls Bthe twins Cus and the two boys Dus 42Mr

11、. Lis home is _. ( ) Ain the school Bnear the school Cfar away from the school DI dont know 43The twins are _ years old. ( ) Aten Bfour Cfive Dsix 44The twins often wear _. ( ) Athe same clothes Bthe blue shirts Cthe same shirts Dthe green clothes 45The twins often play with _. ( ) Atheir students Btheir sister CMr. Lis students DMr. Li 参考答案参考答案 1A 2B 3C 4C 5B 6C 7B 8C 9B 10C 11soup 12糖果 13give 14黑暗的 15bread 16好;很好 17light 18万圣节 19sorry 20 4 1 5 2 3 21D 22B 23A 24E 25C 26C 27C 28C 29D 30B 31D 32A 33B 34C 35C 36B 37C 38B 39C 40C 41B 42B 43C 44A 45C


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