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1、外研版(三起)六年级上册外研版(三起)六年级上册 Module1Module1 达标综合检测卷(二)达标综合检测卷(二) 一一、选择每组中不同类的单词。、选择每组中不同类的单词。 1Athousand Bhundred Ckilometre 2Abig Ball CLong 3A.animal Bpicture CPostcard 4Ado Btell Cvisiting 二二、单选题、单选题 1Harbin is in the _ of China. ( ) Awest Beast Cnorth 2_ is Nanning? ( ) It has got more than eight mi

2、llion people. AHow big BHow long CHow old 3There are lots of things _. ( ) Asee Bto see Cseeing 4Tell _ more about the Great Wall. ( ) Ashe Bthem Che 5_ a lovely girl! ( ) AHow BWhat CWhich 6Tell me more _ the Great Wall. ( ) Aof Bin Cabout 7The river is more than twenty _ long. ( ) Athousand kilome

3、tres Bthousands kilometre Cthousands kilometres 8Lingling and her father _ Sanya now. ( ) Ais visiting Bare visiting Cvisits 9Wheres the West Lake? ( ) Its in the _ of China. Awest Beast Csouth 10_ is Beijing? ( ) Its got about eight million people. AHow big BHow long CHow often 三三、用单词正确形式填空、用单词正确形式

4、填空 1Daming is _ (visit) America. 2Shanghai and Hangzhou _ (be) in the east and Haikou _ (be) in the south. 3I _ (have) got an English book and she _ (have) got a Chinese book. 4I know China is a big country. Can you tell me _ (much) about China? 5I can _ (see) lots of animals in the zoo. 四、四、给下列句子排序

5、,组成一段完整的对话。给下列句子排序,组成一段完整的对话。 ( )Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. ( )Look! Its a picture of the Great Wall. Do you know it? ( )Its in China. ( )No, I dont. Tell me more about it. Where is the Great Wall? ( )And how long is it? 五、五、根据句意选择合适的图片。根据句意选择合适的图片。 A B C D E. 1Its an animal. Its

6、 very fat. And it likes sleeping. ( ) 2Its an animal. We can get milk from it. ( ) 3Its a picture of the Great Wall. ( ) 4We can buy it for our birthdays. Its sweet. ( ) 5They have many colours. They are very beautiful. ( ) 六六、选内容补全对话、选内容补全对话/短文短文 Peter: Look at this great postcard. Its a picture of

7、 New York. Lucy: How many people are there? Peter: _ The US is a big country. Lucy: Wow! Peter: Tell me more about New York. Wheres New York? Lucy: _ Peter: And what about Canada? Lucy: _ Peter: How many stars has American flag got? Lucy: _ Peter: You are so clever. Lucy: _ AIts in the east of the U

8、S. BThank you. CCanada is in the north of the US. DIt has got more than eight million people. ETheir flag has got fifty stars. 七七、对划线部分提问、对划线部分提问 1The West Lake is in the east of China. (对划线部分进行提问) _ 2Its in the east of China. (对画线部分提问) _ 3How big a map of China is! (改为同义句) _ 4What about this postca

9、rd? (改为同义句) _ 5Is it in our town? (作肯定回答) _ 八八、连词成句、连词成句 1did, what, find, you (?) _ 2twenty has Beijing million got people about (.) _ 3me, about, the Great Wall, more, Tell (.) _ 4school about more your Tell me (.) _ 5east in of Shanghai the is China (.) _ 九、九、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 There are

10、56 states in America. California(加利福尼亚州)is one of the 56 states in America. It is in the west of America. San Francisco is an important city in the west of California in America. Los Angeles is in the southwest of California. Los Angeles is called the City of Angles. 1How many states are there in Am

11、erica?( ) AThere are fifty-five. BThere are fifty-six. CThere are forty-six. 2Where is California of America?( ) AIts in the west of America. BIts in the east of America. CIts in the south of America. 3Where is Los Angeles of America?( ) AIts in the northeast of America. BIts in the east of America.

12、 CIts in the southwest of America. 十、十、阅读,并根据短文内容判断对阅读,并根据短文内容判断对“T”错错“F” Mr He is a great Chinese teacher. He is tall. He lives in Shandong. Its in the east of China. Its so big. It has got about 95 million people. Its really nice. You can go there to see Mountain Tai. You can eat so much nice food

13、 there. Mr He loves his home town. Do you want to go there? 1Mr He is a great Chinese teacher.( ) 2Mr He lives in the west of China. ( ) 3Shandong has got about 95 million people. ( ) 4You can go there to see Mountain Tai. ( ) 5Mr He doesnt love Shandong. ( ) 参考答案:参考答案: 一、CBAC 二、CABBBCABBA 三、1visiti

14、ng 2 are is 3. have has 4more 5see 四、BADEC 五、 5 1 3 2 4 六、DACEB 七、1Where is the West Lake? 2Where is it? 3What a big map of China! 4How about this postcard? 5Yes it is. 八、1What did you find? 2Beijing has got about twenty million people. 3Tell me more about the Great Wall. 4Tell me more about your school. 5Shanghai is in the east of China. 九、BAC 十、TFTTF


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