2021年人教版(新教材)高中英语必修第一册Unit2 Travelling Around单元知识滚动练(含答案)

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2021年人教版(新教材)高中英语必修第一册Unit2 Travelling Around单元知识滚动练(含答案)_第1页
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2021年人教版(新教材)高中英语必修第一册Unit2 Travelling Around单元知识滚动练(含答案)_第2页
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2021年人教版(新教材)高中英语必修第一册Unit2 Travelling Around单元知识滚动练(含答案)_第3页
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2021年人教版(新教材)高中英语必修第一册Unit2 Travelling Around单元知识滚动练(含答案)_第4页
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1、单元知识滚动练单元知识滚动练 Unit 1 复习强化 提示:题干中加底纹的词汇为 Unit 2 的词汇复现。 .单词拼写 1Being a volunteer for the Olympics will be an amazing experience in my life. 2I will recommend this tourist site to anyone with an interest in history. 3After Ben graduated from university,he became an architect in a big company. 4The fil

2、m follows a familys frightening adventure(冒险) on a strange flight. 5Unearthing the tomb in the mountain is a great challenge for these archaeologists. 6Some adults(成年人) cant find a suitable way to communicate with their children. 7The officials are debating about where these statues should be put. 8

3、The soldier was obviously(显然) confused about the map of the building. .单句语法填空 1The chance of the adventurers survival(survive) is very slim. 2Actually(actual),the amazing sight I have experienced makes my trip enjoyable. 3The girl has a preference(prefer) for architecture but she hopes to be a write

4、r. 4It amazed her that her husband was so addicted(addict) to films for children. 5Such behaviour(behave) has a bad effect on your sight in the future. 6The hiking paths on the mountain are quite confusing(confuse) to most visitors. 7To our amazement,the emperor can speak four foreign languages flue

5、ntly(fluent) 8It was her sense of responsibility(responsible) that attracted the manager of the company. Unit 2 巩固落实 提示:题干中加底纹的词汇为 Unit 1 的词汇复现。 .单词拼写 1The teacher recommended that he should pay more attention to details in his composition. 2She arranged his accommodation(住处) and asked him about his

6、 schedule. 3The young man studied classical architecture(建筑学) and design in Rome. 4He had his package(s)(包裹) stolen at the station,in which his visa was included. 5The singer was admired by many teenagers for his unique voice. 6The old man has no source of information other than the radio. 7Through

7、a narrow path,those travellers arrived at their destination,tired and hungry. 8In my view,the government should improve the transport to reduce traffic jams. .单句语法填空 1Jerry did not regret making a comment on/about the uncivilized behaviour. 2Actually,the topic being discussed here is not unique to t

8、he US. 3There are special arrangements(arrange) for people working for that organization. 4It is confusing that these chairs are light but extremely(extreme) strong. 5I could tell from her amazed(amaze) expression that she didnt know the news. 6He is eager to spend all his time exploring(explore) fu

9、rther into the scientific world. 7She is obviously excited to get her work recognised(recognise) in the medical circle. 8After arriving there,he first checked in his hotel before going to the tourist sites. .完成句子/单句写作 1这个新生迫不及待地想要去探索校园。(cant wait to do) The freshman couldnt wait to explore the campu

10、s. 2我们明天要早点动身,这样我们可以在天黑之前到达目的地。(so that) We should start off early tomorrow so that we can arrive at the destination before its dark. 3令人惊讶的是,那个男孩在和一位著名的专家辩论。(It isadj.that) Its amazing that the boy is debating with a famous expert. 4是这位专家今天下午将就此事发表看法。(强调句,make a comment) It is the expert who/that w

11、ill make a comment on/about this matter this afternoon. 5这位警察要求我们与父母取得联系。(request;contact) The policeman requested that we (should) make contact with our parents. .单元语法完成句子 1What time are they arriving at their destination? 他们什么时候到达目的地? 2I hear that the famous expert is going to see us next week. 我听

12、说那位著名专家下周要来看我们。 3My mother is returning from the United States this weekend. 我妈妈本周末要从美国回来。 4The plane takes off at 1010.That is to say,it is leaving in ten minutes. 飞机十点十分起飞,也就是说,飞机将在十分钟后离开。 5Christmas Day is coming,and they are busy decorating the supermarket to attract more customers. 圣诞节就要到了,他们正忙

13、着装饰超市来吸引更多的顾客。 能力提升 .阅读理解 I was driving home the other day on a sunny afternoon.I had a smile on my face as I sang along to the songs on the radio.It was such a beautiful day that I felt full of happiness.My good mood ended,however,when the radio station took the news break between songs.Then sudden

14、ly I found myself listening to yet another story of a rich famous man who had broken the law.I shook my head as I came to a red traffic light. As I pulled to a stop I noticed four leather-jacketed bikers.They were standing in the middle of the road with two on either side of the light.They looked ro

15、ugh and dangerous,but as I got closer I noticed each one was holding their helmet in their hands.I rolled down my window as one approached my car.“We are the Brother of the Wheel,” he said.“We are collecting money for Christmas Toy Drive for needy children.” As I pulled a dollar out of my wallet I l

16、ooked past his beard and into his eyes.They shone with goodness and kindness that came right from his soul.I dropped the money in his helmet and waved to the other bikers as I drove off.My good mood had returned.My faith in mankind had been bolstered.And I remembered once again never to judge people

17、 by their appearance. Our society often judges books by their covers rather than reading what is written in our hearts and souls.Perhaps one day we will all learn to see the world through the same eyes.Perhaps one day we will realize that looks matter little and actions matter much. 语篇解读 作者开着车回家,听着音

18、乐,心情很好。在等红绿灯时,看到了四个穿着怪异的 人正在为有需要的孩子筹集钱款。作者得出结论:不能以貌取人。 1The writers good mood ended when . Ahe saw four leather-jacketed bikers Bhe had to stop at a red traffic light Che heard a rich man broke the law Dhe heard news between songs 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“My good mood ended,however,when the radio stati

19、on took the news break between songs.”可知,两首歌之间插播了新闻使作者的好心情消失了。 2What were the four bikers doing at the traffic lights? AHaving a bicycle race in the street. BSelling helmets to the passers-by. CRaising money to help kids in need. DPreparing for Christmas holidays. 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“We are collec

20、ting money for Christmas Toy Drive for needy children.”可知,他们在为有需要的孩子筹集钱款。 3What does “bolstered” in the second paragraph probably mean? ADestroyed. BImproved. CReduced. DExploded. 答案 B 解析 词义猜测题。根据上文的“My good mood had returned.”可知,作者目睹了这件事, 心情好了,对人性的信任得到了提高。故选 B 项。 4The writer wants to tell us that w

21、e should . Ahave faith in young people Bjudge others by their actions Cchange our attitude to society Dmanage to help others in need 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。 根据文章最后一句“Perhaps one day we will realize that looks matter little and actions matter much.”可知,作者明白了不能总是以貌取人,而要多看看别人的行为。 .七选五 Nowadays,many people love t

22、o travel.It is very common for people to go on a trip at any time. 1 Perhaps, the reason for its present popularity is that more people have come to realize the benefits of traveling. Traveling provides a good many opportunities for fun,adventure and discovery.When we visit other countries,we gain a

23、 better understanding of the people living there.We learn their cultures,history and background.We discover the similarities they have with us. 2 It is interesting to learn from people with different backgrounds. Traveling helps to enrich our lives. 3 When we visit interesting places,we discover and

24、 learn many things.We discover new people,surroundings,plants and animals.If we want to make our travel more exciting and challenging,we can plan our own tour and select the specific places we want to visit. Traveling is refreshing.It is a psychological necessity,especially for people who have stres

25、sful jobs. 4 Staying at home during the weekend is not enough to make some people feel relaxed. 5 It helps them to handle the stress they experience at work better.After the break, they feel more energetic in their work.For many working adults,regular getaways help them keep their energy and enthusi

26、asm they require for their work.Without these breaks,they may suffer from work burnout. AYears of hard work finally pays off. BWe also get to know their differences from us. CIt increases our knowledge and widens our vision. DSome even consider traveling as part of their lifestyle. EIn todays societ

27、y,many people suffer great stress at work. FTaking regular trips produces better results for them. GIt is indeed a joyful thing to share the experience of a special trip with others. 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,文章介绍了旅游对人们的好处:能丰富视野,增长见识,还 可以让人减轻压力。旨在呼吁人们去旅游。 1答案 D 解析 由后文“Perhaps,the reason for its present populari

28、ty is that more people have come to realize the benefits of traveling.”可知, 空处讲的应是旅游的流行, 浏览选项可知 D 选项正确。 2答案 B 解析 由前文“We discover the similarities they have with us.”和后文“It is interesting to learn from people with different backgrounds.”可知, 空处讲的是不同的地方, 所以 B 项正确。 3答案 C 解析 由前后文可知,旅游可以丰富我们的生活,通过旅游我们可以认识新的人和事物等, 所以旅游可以增长我们的知识,开阔我们的视野,故选 C。 4答案 E 解析 由“especially for people who have stressful jobs”可知,E 项(在当今社会,许多人在 工作中承受着巨大的压力)符合题意。 5答案 F 解析 由上文可知, 有些工作压力大的人在周末休息的时候待在家里不足以让他们放松, 下 文说定期的旅游有助于他们更好地处理工作中的压力,空后的“It”指代 F 选项中的 “Taking regular trips”,所以 F 项符合题意。


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