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1、 1 新课标高考英语词汇表 New Curriculum Vocabulary For The National Matriculation English Test A a (an) /, e/ art 一(个,件,) abandon /bndn/ v 离开;抛弃 The match was abandoned due to the bad weather. abandon oneself to 沉湎于沉湎于 ability /blt/ n 能力;才能;才智 to the best of ones ability 尽力 He has the ability to do this by him

2、self. able /ebl/ a 能够;有能力的 be (un)able to do sth 有能力做某事 =be capable of doing enable sb to do abnormal /bnml/ a 反常,不正常的 It is an abnormal phenomenon to have such a warm day in winter. a common phenomenon 一个常见的现象一个常见的现象 aboard /bd/ ad 在船(飞机,车)上;上船(飞 机,车) prep 在(船,飞机,车)上;上(船, 飞机,车) Passengers went aboa

3、rd the plane. =board the plane All aboard! Welcome aboard! abolish /bl/ v 废除,取消 It is necessary to abolish bad customs. about /bat/ ad 大约;到处,四处 prep 关于;在周围;在各处 be about to do sth when 即将做某事突然 =be on the point of (doing)when above /bv/ prep 在上面 ad 在上面 n 上面 a 上面的 above all 最重要;首先 above all else 首先;高于一

4、切首先;高于一切 abroad /brd/ ad 到(在)国外 both at home and abroad 国内外 His parents often go/study/live /travel abroad. abrupt /brpt/ a 突然的; 意外的;(举止、 言谈等) 唐突的,鲁莽的 The project was stopped because of an abrupt change of plan. in an abrupt manner 粗鲁地,唐突地 absence /bsns/ n 不在场,缺席;缺乏 in the absence of (人)不在时;缺乏 =in/d

5、uring ones absence absent /bsnt/ a 缺席,不在 He is absent from class today. be present at the meeting 出席出席 He became absent-minded in history class. absolute /bslut/ a 绝对的;完全的 He has absolute confidence/trust in his father. absorb /bsb/ v 吸收;吸引 be absorbed in 专心于 be devoted/dedicated to 专心于,致力于,献身于专心于,致

6、力于,献身于 be committed to 致力于,献身于致力于,献身于 apply oneself to 努力,专心致志于努力,专心致志于 abstract /bstrkt/ a 抽象的 n 摘要,提要 abundant /bndnt/ a 丰富的;充分的;充裕的 be abundant in 富于 = be rich in natural resources in abundance=in largequantities abuse /bjuz/ v 滥用;虐待;谩骂 abuse ones power/authority 滥用权力 drug/alcohol/child abuse spi

7、t/shout abuse at sb 辱骂某人辱骂某人 academic /kdemk/ a 学习好的;学术 an academic year 一个学年 He is both academic and athletic.强壮的,擅长运动 academy /kdm/ n 学院,研究院,学会 accelerate /kselret/ v 加快;促进 At the sound of the bell, he accelerated his steps. at the sight of/at the thought of/at the mention of 高考复习 案头必备 2 accent /k

8、snt/n 口音 accept /ksept/ v 接受;认可 v 同意;承认 acceptable /kseptbl/ a.值得接受的, 可接受的; (社 会上)认同的 socially acceptable behavior 社会上所能容忍的行为 access /kses/ n 接近的机会; 享用权 v 接近; 使用 have/gain/get access to 进入(某地) ;有权使 用 There is no easy access to success. accessible /ksesbl/ a 易接近的;可到达的;易受 影响的;可理解的 The street is access

9、ible to the blind. accident /ksdnt/ n 事故;意外事件 by accident 偶然;无意中 by chance/by coincidence /accidentally Accidents will happen. 天有不测风云。天有不测风云。 A decline in the English level of the Chinese people is no accident.(绝非偶然绝非偶然) accommodation /kmden/ n 住宿;留宿;膳宿 供应 On/upon arriving in London he began to look

10、 for accommodation. arrange/provide/offer free accommodation for sb 提供免费住宿提供免费住宿 accompany /kmpn/ v 陪同;伴随; 为伴奏 Accompanied by his dog, the old man is walking in the park. accomplish /kmpl/ v 完成;实现 accomplish/achieve ones purpose 达到目的 accomplish ones task according to 按照;根据 Act according to circumsta

11、nces.随机应变。 according to the official statistics in accordance with 与。 。 。一致;依照与。 。 。一致;依照 accordingly 因此,相应地因此,相应地 account /kant/ n 账目;帐户;描述,叙述 v 说 明;总计有;认为 on account of 因为 on no account 绝不绝不 on this/that account 由于这个缘故由于这个缘故 take account of/take sth into account 考虑到,顾考虑到,顾 及及 account for 解释;说明; (在

12、数量和比例上)占, 占据=make up open/close an account 开、注销一个账户开、注销一个账户 give a clear account/description of accountant /kantnt/ n 会计员,会计师 accuracy /kjrs/ n 准确;准确度 accurate /kjrt/ a 精确的;准确的 Is this watch accurate? accuse /kjuz/ v 控告;谴责 be accused of 被控告犯有罪 =be charged with the accused 被告被告 accustomed /kstmd/ a 惯

13、常的;习惯的 be/get accustomed to (doing) sth 习惯做某事= be used to doing ache /ek/ v 向某人发出警报向某人发出警报 album /lbm/ n 集邮本;相册;一套唱片 alcohol /lkhl/ n 白酒,酒精;含酒精饮料;乙醇 alcohol abuse 酗酒酗酒 alike /lak/ a 相同的 be dressed alike 穿着一样 look very much alike =look the same look like alive /lav/ a 活着的;存在的 be caught alive 被活捉 be b

14、uried alive the greatest artist alive 现今在世的现今在世的 be alive with 充满的 bring sth alive 使某事生动 all /l/ ad 全部地 a 全 (部) ; 所有的; 总 pron 全 部;全体人员 all over 遍及;浑身;结束 be wet all over in all 总计;全部 not at all 一点也不 =not a bit/not in the least all the way 一直;一路上 6 all the same/just the same 依然;仍然 All the best. 一切顺利 a

15、lley /l/ n 小路;巷;小径 allocate /lket/ v 分配;把拨给 allocate tasks among the students 在学生中分配 任务 allow /la/ v 允许,准许 allow for 顾及;酌留 They do not allow smoking. My parents dont allow me to smoke. Allow me 让我来让我来 allowance /lans/ n 津贴;补助(费) ;宽容;允 许 make allowance(s) for 考虑到;体谅 almost /lmst/ ad 几乎;差不多 almost no

16、one/nothing not nearly 远不及远不及;根本不;根本不 I didnt have nearly enough time to complete the exam. alone /ln/ a 单独的;孤独的 ad 单独地;独自 let alone 更不用说(常用更不用说(常用于于否定句之后)否定句之后) The child can hardly read Chinese, let alone English. let/leave sb alone 不管;不干涉不管;不干涉 let/leave sth alone 不要碰某物、动物不要碰某物、动物 along /l/ ad 向前

17、;一起;一同 prep 沿着;顺着 all along 始终;一直 together/along with 连同,与一起 alongside /lsad/ ad 并排地;并肩地 prep 在旁;与在一起;除外(还) sit/work alongside sb aloud /lad/ ad 大声地;出声地 read aloud 朗读 think aloud 自言自语自言自语 alphabet /lfbet/ n 字母表 in alphabetical order 按字母顺序按字母顺序 already /lred/ ad 已经 also /ls/ ad 也 alternative /ltntv/

18、a 可供选择的 alternative energy n 可供选择的办法或事物 have no alternative/choice/option but to do 别无 选择只能做某事 an alternative to alternatively adv. 或者或者 although /l / conj 虽然,尽管 altogether /lte / ad 总共;总而言之;完全地 always /lwez/ ad 总是;一直;永远 be always doing a.m. /am; A.M./AM /eem/ n 午前,上午 amateur /mt/ a 业余的 n 业余(活动)爱好者

19、professional an amateur astronomer 业余天文爱好者业余天文爱好者 amaze /mez/ v 惊奇;惊叹;震惊 Your knowledge amazed me. be amazed by/at be amazed to find/ discover /see/hear/learn amazing /mez/ a 令人惊异的 America /merk/ n 美国;美洲 American /merkn/ a 美国的; 美国人的; 美洲的 n 美国人;美洲人 ambassador /mbsd/ n 大使;使者 Goodwill Ambassador 亲善大使 H

20、e was appointed ambassador to Japan. ambassadress /mbsdrs/ n 大使夫人;女大使 ambiguous /mbjs/ a 模棱两可的 make an ambiguous reply 含糊其词的回答 ambition /mbn/ n 雄心;野心;志向 have the ambition to do 有干某事的野心 achieve/realize ones ambition(s)实现抱负实现抱负 be ambitious for fame/to win fame 怀着想得到怀着想得到的野心;渴望做的野心;渴望做 ambulance /mbjl

21、ns/ n 救护车;流动医院 among /m/ prep 在中间;在(三个以上)之 间 among other things/factors 除了其他东西、因素除了其他东西、因素 amount /mant/ n 数量;总额 v 总计 large amounts of money 大量的金钱 amount to 总计总计 ample /mpl/ a 充足的,丰富的 amuse /mjuz/ v(使)快乐;使愉快 7 be amused at/by the joke 给笑话逗乐了 amusement /mjuzmnt / n 娱乐;消遣 amusement park 游乐场 analyze/an

22、alyse /nlaz/ v 分析;分解 analysis /nlss/ (pl analyses) n 分析;分解 make a careful analysis of仔细分析仔细分析 ancestor /nsest/ n 祖宗;祖先 ancient /ennt/ a 古代的;远古的 ancient civilization/times and /nd/ conj 和;又;而;并 and so on/and so forth 等等 anger / n 怒;愤怒 vt 激怒 His face went red with anger. tremble with anger 气得发抖气得发抖 an

23、gle /l/ n 角; 角度; 方面; 观点 an acute angle consider all angles of the question 考虑问题的各 个方面 The two roads lie at an angle of about 45 degrees. angry /r/ a 生气的;愤怒的 be angry/cross/annoyed with sb 对某人生气 animal /nml/ n 动物 ankle /kl/ n 踝 anniversary /nvsr/ n 周年(纪念日) celebrate the 70th anniversary of the school

24、 庆祝 70 周年校庆 announce /nans/ v 宣布;宣告;通知 announce sth to sb/announce to sb sth announcement /nansmnt / n 通告;通知 make an announcement I have an announcement to make. annoy /n/ v(使)烦恼;打扰 be annoyed at/with sb 对对 气愤、 恼火 气愤、 恼火 annoyance nannoyance n be annoyed about/by sth annoying /n/ a 讨厌的;恼怒的 annual /n

25、jl/ a 每年的; 年度的 an annual report 年度报告年度报告 annually adv. yearly adj./adv. another /n / a 再一,另一;别的 pron 另一个 one after another 一个接一个/one by one one another 互相 To say is one thing, but to do it is quite another. answer /ns/ n 回答,答复;回信;答案 v 回答,答复;回信; answer for 负责;保证;承受的后果 You are to answer for what you h

26、ave done. in answer to 作为对。 。 。的回答作为对。 。 。的回答/回应回应 answer the door/the telephone ant /nt/ n 蚂蚁 Antarctic /ntktk/ n 南极 a 南极的 anticipate/ ntspet/ v 预期, 期望;预料 It is anticipated that anticipate doing antique /ntik/ n 古董 an antique shop anxiety /zat/ n 挂念;焦虑;忧虑 anxious /ks/ a 忧虑的;焦急的; be anxious about/fo

27、r/over 忧虑;担心 any /en/ pron (无论)哪一个;任何的; (用于疑 问句、否定句)一些;什么 a 什么;一些;任何 anybody /enbd/ pron 任何人;无论谁 anyhow /enha/ ad 不管怎样;无论如何=anyway anyone /enwn/ pron 任何人;无论谁 anything /en/ pron 什么事(物) ;任何事(物) anything but 绝对不是,决不 anything but that 绝对不行绝对不行 nothing but 只不过,仅仅只不过,仅仅 anyway /enwe/ ad 总之,不管怎样 It was rai

28、ning but they played the game anyway. anywhere /enwe/ ad 任何地方 Humour is as welcome in conversation as anywhere else. not going anywhere 没什么成就没什么成就/发展发展 apart /pt/ ad 撇开;分开;分离;相距;相隔 a 分开的,分离的 tell sth apart 区分 apart from=aside from 远离,和不在一起; 除了 apartment /ptmnt/ n 房间;公寓 department apologize /pldaz/ v

29、 道歉 8 apologize (to sb) for my lateness 为迟到而道歉 apology /pld/ n 道歉;歉意 make an apology to sb for sth apparent /prnt/ a 明显的, 显而易见的; 表面的; 貌似的 obvious/evident appeal /pil/ v 迎合;对有吸引力 appeal for 呼吁,恳求呼吁,恳求 appeal to 迎合;对有吸引力;呼吁;上诉 appeal to the public for support 请求公众支持 appeal to sb to do appear /p/ v 出现;

30、显得;似乎 appear before the court 出庭 It appears (to sb) that appear ( to be) appearance /prns/ n 出现;露面;外表 make an appearance 到场;出场 appendix /pendks/ n 附录;附属物 appetite /ptat/ n 食欲;胃口;欲望;爱好;要求 have an appetite for 爱好;渴望 have a good/bad appetite 胃口好/差 lose ones appetite 没了食欲 appetizing 开胃的,诱人的 applaud /pld

31、/ v 喝彩;欢呼;鼓掌;称赞 vt./vi. Audience applauded his speech. applaud her speech/the speaker 为她的演讲、演讲者鼓掌为她的演讲、演讲者鼓掌 applaud sb for 赞赏某人赞赏某人 applause /plz/ n 拍手喝彩;称赞,赞扬 apple /pl/ n 苹果 be the apple of sbs eye 某人的心肝宝贝某人的心肝宝贝 a bad/rotten apple 坏蛋坏蛋 applicant /plknt/ n 申请人 application /plken/ n 申请;应用;实施;用途 fi

32、ll in/out an application form apply /pla/ v 申请;应用;实施;涂,敷涂,敷 apply for 申请 apply to 把运用到;应用 apply to sb for sth 向某人申请 apply oneself to learning English 致力于学英语 appoint /pnt/ v 任命,委任;约定;指定 appoint sb (as) chairman 任命某人为主席 appoint sb to do 委派某人做委派某人做 at the appointed time 在指定的时间在指定的时间 appointment /pntmnt

33、/ n 约会 have/make an appointment with sb 与某人有约 appreciate /priet/ v 欣赏;感激;理解,明白理解,明白 appreciate the importance of sth Id appreciate it if you let me get on with my job. in appreciation of 为了感谢为了感谢 show/express ones appreciation 表示感谢表示感谢 be fully appreciated 充分赏识充分赏识 approach /pr/ v 靠近;接近;解决 n 方法,途径;入

34、门;接近 make approaches to sb 设法接近某人 Approaching the school, the drivers slowed down. adopt a new approach to this problem take a carrot and stick approach appropriate /prprt/ a 适当的;恰如其分的 approval /pruvl/ n 赞成;同意;批准 get/gain the approval of 得到的赞同 give approval to the project 批准批准 approve /pruv/ v 赞成,同意

35、;批准,通过 vt. 批准,认可批准,认可 vi. 赞成,同意赞成,同意 approve sbs request 批准某人的请求 approve of 赞成,同意 approximately /prksmtl/ ad 近乎;大约 arch / n 拱门;弓形结构;桥拱洞 architect /ktekt/ n 建筑师;设计师 architecture /ktek/ n 建筑(式样,风格) ;建筑 学 Arctic /ktk/ a 北极的;严寒的 the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋 the Arctic Circle 北极圈 area /er/ n 面积;地域,地方;区域,范围;领 域 c

36、over an area of 占地 argue /ju/ v 争辩;争论 argue with sb about sth 就某事与某人争论 persuade /talk/argue sb into/out of doing Some people argue that 认为认为 argue for/against 赞成赞成/反对反对 9 argument /jmnt/ n 争论;论点,论据 get into/have an argument with sb 与某人争论、与某人争论、 争吵争吵 arise /raz/ v 起来;升起;出现;产生,形成,起 床 arise from/out of

37、/result from 由引起;起源 于 Problems may arise from misunderstanding. arm /m/ n 手臂;支架;扶手;武器(常用复数) v 用装备;武装起来 cost an arm and a leg 付出付出昂贵的代价 take sb in ones arms 怀抱 be armed/equipped/stocked with 配备;具 有 take up arms 拿起武器拿起武器 be armed to teeth an arms race arm in arm armchair /me/ n 扶手椅 army /m/ n 军队;陆军 jo

38、in the army an army of workers 一大群工人一大群工人 around /rand/ ad 在周围;在附近 prep 在周围;大约 have been around 阅历多;世故深 develop in an all-round way/manner 全面发展 get around to doing 抽时间来做抽时间来做 arrange /rend/ v 安排,布置 arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做某事 be arranged in kinds 分门别类 arrange to do sth arrangement /rendmnt / n

39、安排; 布置;整理; 筹划 make arrangements for 为做好准备 arrest /rest/ v 承担(责任、承担(责任、 任务等)任务等) assume that 认为,假设认为,假设 assume legal rsponsibility assumption /smpn/ n 假定;设想 make the assumption that 认为认为 take it for granted that assumping astonish /stn/ v 使惊讶;使震惊 He looked astonished at the news. be astonished to see

40、/find/hear/learn be astonished at/by 对感到吃惊对感到吃惊 to ones astonishment at /t/ prep (表示地点、 位置) 在; (表示时间) 在时刻; (表示动作的目标和方向)向;朝; 因为,由于,对 Rose was wild with joy at the result of the examination. athlete /lit/ n 运动员;运动选手 Atlantic /tlntk/ a 大西洋(沿岸)的 the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋 atmosphere /tmsf/ n 气氛;情绪;大气;大气 层 r

41、elaxed atmosphere atom /tm/ n 原子 attach /t/ v 系;附加;贴 attach to 把附在上 be attached to 附属于;依恋 Do you attach any importance to what he said? attach great importance/ significance to 重视,认为重视,认为重要重要 attack /tk/ v at the first attempt 初次尝试初次尝试 attend /tend/ v 出席;参加;上(学,教堂等) ;处 理;照顾;关照 I have an important bu

42、siness to attend to/see to. attend class/school/ a lecture/ a meeting attend to 处理;照料处理;照料 attention /tenn/ n 注意;关心;注意力 pay no/little/much/more/special /close attention (to) 注意 More attention should be paid to developing agriculture. attract/catch ones attention concentrate/focus ones attention on d

43、istract ones attention attitude /ttjud/ n 态度;看法;姿态 adopt/take/have a positive attitude towards sb/sth 对某人或事采取肯定态度 attract /trkt/ v 吸引 The beauty of nature attracts many tourists. attraction /trktn/ n 吸引;吸引人的事物;吸引 11 力 tourist attractions/destination 旅游景点,旅游胜 地 =scenic spots/places of interest attrac

44、tive /trktv/ a 有魅力的,有吸引力 audience /djns/ n 观众;听众;读者 (做主语,做主语, 单复数均可单复数均可) have a large/small audience aunt /nt/ n 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨 authentic /entk/ a 可信的;可靠的;真正的;真 实的 an authentic statement 可靠的陈述 author / n 作者;作家 authority /rt/ n 权力;权威;权威者;权威著 作;(pl) 当局,官方 have the authority to do 有权做有权做 authorities conc

45、erned 有关当局有关当局 in authority=in charge 主管主管 be placed under the authority of automatic /tmtk/ a 自动的;无意识的;机械 的 autumn /tm/ n 秋天,秋季 fall available /velbl/ a 可 买 到 的 , 可 获 得 的 =accessible; (人)有空的 Tickets are available at the box office. The doctor is not available now. (没空) avenue /vnju/ n 大街;通道 an aven

46、ue to success an avenue to raise money average /vrd/ a 平均的;普通的 n 平均数 on (the) average 按平均数计算 Do you know the average monthly rainfall in this area? above/below (the) average an average of the average of avoid /vd/ v 避开,避免 avoid (doing) sth 避开(做)某事 unavoidable awake /wek/ v 唤醒;醒来 a 醒着的 Asia is awakin

47、g from her long sleep. award /wd/ n 奖;奖品 v 颁发;授予 win/get/receive an award for award sb sth/ award sth to sb 授予某人奖授予某人奖 aware /we/ a 意识到的;知道的,明白的 be aware of 知道;意识到 =be conscious of raise/promote ones awareness of make sb aware of away /we/ ad 离开 a 不在的;离开的 Away he went. awful /fl/ a 可怕的 an awful expe

48、rience awkward /kwd/ a 别扭的,笨拙的 put sb in an awkward position B baby /beb/ n 婴儿 babysitter 保姆保姆 give birth to a baby 产下一婴儿产下一婴儿 bachelor /bl/ n 单身汉;学士学位 get/receive a bachelors degree back /bk/ ad 回(原处) ;向后 a 后面的 n 背后;后部;背 v 支持 behind ones back 背地里背地里 lie on ones back/face 仰卧、俯卧仰卧、俯卧 background /bkrand/ n


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