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1、2021 高考英语话题专项复习(高考英语话题专项复习(七七) 目录目录 内容内容 Part 1 话题相关词汇话题相关词汇 Part 2 话题相关短语话题相关短语 Part 3 话题相关句式话题相关句式 Part 4 话题相关写作话题相关写作 Part 5 话题相关阅读话题相关阅读 学生默写版学生默写版 一:一:相关词汇相关词汇 1.感情 2.怒;愤怒 3.担忧;焦虑 4.奉献;奉献精神 5.表达;词句;说法;表情 6.害怕;恐惧;担忧 7.惊恐;恐吓 8.欢乐;高兴;乐趣 9.高兴;愉快 10.自豪;骄傲 11.遗憾的事;羞愧 12.激情;热情;酷爱 13.偏爱;优先权 14.压力;紧张 15

2、.感激;感谢 16.恐慌,慌乱 17.忧伤 形容词形容词 1.值得赞赏的;可钦佩的 2.令人愉快的;舒适的 3.心烦意乱的;紧张的 4. 有 牵 连 的 ; 担 心 的 5.乐观的 6.积极的;明确的 7.负面的;消极的 8.同情的;体谅的 9.满意的 10.热情的 11.泄气的;丧的 12.悲伤的 13.心碎的 14.遗憾的 15.难堪的 16.困惑的 17.烦闷的 18.震惊的;震撼的 19.焦急的;忧虑的 20.全神贯注的;一心一意的 21.坚决的 22.乐意的;愿意的 23.受到鼓舞的;有灵感的 24.非凡的;使人惊奇的 动词动词 1.承受;负担;忍受 2.瞪眼;怒目而视 3.哭泣;流

3、泪 二:相关短语二:相关短语 (1) 1 因某事对某人很感激 2 乐意做某事 3 为感到骄傲 4 对感到满意 5 对感到失望 6 担心 7 在乎/担心 8 因某事而生某人的气 9 给带来欢乐 10 迫不及待去做某事 11 失去信心 12 迷失自我 13 让某人生气 14 让我的父母高兴 15 因某事赞扬某人 16 快乐地成长 17 向某人表达我的感激之情 18 对有巨大的影响 19 对高度评价 20 站在他的角度(考虑) 21 减轻我父母的负担 22 用某物报答某人 23 与某人同甘共苦 24 .开始意识到的重要性 (2) 1. 令某人开心/吃惊/失望的是 2. 对某人生气 3. 为而担心 4

4、. 感到惊讶 5. 对某人感到失望 6. 对 感到满足 7. 对 感到抱歉 8. 以 为豪 9. 满腔怒火 10. 急于做某事 11. 高兴地做某事 12. 感动流泪 13. 被吓死 14. 突然大哭/大笑 15. 情不自禁地做某事 16. 担心,关心 17. 投诉,埋怨 18. 渴望某人做某事 19. 盼望做某事 20. 期盼/希望做某事 21. 对做某事有强烈的愿望 22. 对有乐观的态度 23. 面带笑容 24. 给留下印象 25. 失去信心/建立自信 26. 自由自在 27. (使)镇定下来 28. 突然笑起来 29. 想法,问题等)涌入脑海 30. 不管,别惹;让一个人待着 31.

5、爆发,突然发生 32. 集中(注意力等)于 33. 对感到惊讶 34. 对某人生气 35. 以为自豪 36. 情不自禁做某事 37. 感动得流泪 38. 渴望某人做某事 39. 关心,担忧 40. 给某人留下印象 (3) 1 感谢你对我的帮助 2 应多谢某人 3 多亏了 4 接受我真诚的感谢 5 改变某人的态度 6 同甘共苦 7 陪伴某人 8 振作起来,高兴起来 9 被录取 10 应该 11 不管,不顾 12 多谢 13 以而自豪 14 采取措施 15 抚养,养育 16 从心坎里感谢你,因为 17 对来说是一个巨大安慰 18 .语言无法表达我对某人的感激之情 三:相关句式三:相关句式 (1)

6、1. 我清楚记得曾经有一段时间我感到很心烦,并且对学习失去信心。 2. 我 突然想起我曾经有一次难忘的想家经历。 3. 总之,只有当我们每天都有一个好心情时,我们才能健康快乐地成长。 4. 当我了解了老师为我所做的一切后,我非常感动和感激。 5. 毫无疑问,快乐是世界上最宝贵的财富。 6. . 你们对我这么好、这么热情,这让我感觉就像在自己家里一样。 (2) 1 我现在该做的是为被名牌大学录取而继续努力学习。今后当我经济独立时, 我会让父母生活得更好。 2 . 我总是感激父母。他们不仅给予我生命,而且用无私的关爱和支持抚养我, 因我微小的进步而感到非常自豪。 3 我非常感激英语老师所给予我的一

7、切帮助,这使我成为了一个更坚强更成功 的人。 4 更糟糕的是,我因为太焦虑而找不到我失败的根本原因。 5 被劝说改变我的态度之后,我最终找到了改掉我粗心大意的毛病的方法,同时也 获得了自信心。 6 而且,他们给我足够的个人空间,这让我非常感激。 四:相关写作四:相关写作 假定你是李华,最近收到了你的英国朋友 Jacob 的来信,得知他考上了一所 名牌大学。请你写信向他表示祝贺,并就你在大学专业选择上遇到的困惑征求他 的意见。信的内容包括: 1向 Jacob 表示祝贺; 2谈谈你在大学专业选择上的困惑; 3向对方征求意见和建议。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行

8、文连贯。 五:相关阅读五:相关阅读 A Andrew Feldman is a student at Lawrence Woodmere Academy (LWA) in Woodmere,New York.On June 25,he took home the top prize at the National High School Musical Theatre Awards (全美高中生音乐剧奖) at Broadways Minskoff Theatre. Also known as the Jimmy Awards,the awards were named to remember

9、 James M.Nederlander,a theater owner and Broadway producer who died in 2016. Feldman won the award for Best Performance by an Actor for playing Frank Abagnale Jr.in LWAs production of “Catch Me If You Can”.He and Rene Rapp each received a $10,000 scholarship.Rapp from Charlotte,North Carolina,is the

10、 winner of the Best Performance by an Actress award.The other remaining seventy-eight finalists received $3,000 scholarships. The finalists received a week of training at the New York University Tisch School of the Arts (TSOA) before the awards event.Instructors from Broadway taught them basic skill

11、s of performing arts. Feldman also won the Carnegie Mellon Pre-College Scholarship.Carnegie Mellon University,based in Pittsburgh,was founded in 1900 by Andrew Carnegie.Feldman received an additional $7,500 to attend the universitys six-week summer play program. He has been a Broadway lover since se

12、eing “Beauty and the Beast” when he was young.And then he performed in his first play,a production of “Annie”,at eight. The shock of winning has still not disappeared.“Winning the Jimmy Award is not something I even imagined,” Feldman said.“I didnt think it could actually happen! Its now been about

13、a week and a half and I still dont believe it.” In 2014,Feldman created a theater company called Zneefrock Productions.The company is run totally by teens.It was set up to raise money for NEXT for Autism,an organization helping to support autism programs. 1.What did Feldman do during the week before

14、 June 25? A.He performed at the Minskoff Theatre. B.He visited Carnegie Mellon University. C.He traveled around Pittsburgh. D.He received training at TSOA. 2.What did Feldman say about winning the prize? A.He was certain of it. B.He was not expecting it. C.It took him a lot of effort. D.It was not a

15、 great achievement. 3.Why did Feldman create Zneefrock Productions? A.To support an organization. B.To raise money for a theater. C.To help teenage Broadway lovers. D.To remember a Broadway producer. B The idea of turning recycled plastic bottles into clothing is not new.During the last five years,a

16、 large number of clothing companies,businesses,and environmental organizations have started turning plastics into fabric (织物) to deal with plastic pollution.But theres a problem with this method.Research now shows that microfibers could be the biggest source of plastic in the sea. Dr Mark Browne in

17、Santa Barbara,California,has been studying plastic pollution and microfibers for 10 years now.He explains that every time synthetic (合成的) clothes go into a washing machine,a large number of plastic fibers fall off.Most washing machines cant collect these microfibers.So every time the water gets out

18、of a washing machine,microfibers are entering the sewers (下水道) and finally end up in the sea. In 2011,Browne wrote a paper stating that a single piece of synthetic clothing can produce more than 1,900 fibers per wash.Browne collected samples from seawater and freshwater sites around the world,and us

19、ed a special way to examine each sample.He discovered that every single water sample contained microfibers. This is bad news for a number of reasons.Plastic can cause harm to sea life when eaten.Studies have also shown that plastic can absorb other pollutants. Based on this evidence,it may seem surp

20、rising that companies and organizations have chosen to turn plastic waste into clothing as an environmental “solution”.Even though the science has been around for a while,Browne explains that hes had a difficult time getting companies to listen.When he asked well-known clothing companies to support

21、Benign by Design his research project that seeks to get clothes that have a bad effect on humans and the environment out of the market Browne didnt get a satisfying answer.Only one womens clothing company,Eileen Fisher,offered Browne funding. 4.What has happened during the past five years? A.Fabric

22、has become much stronger. B.Plastic pollution has been less serious. C.Many plastics have been reused. D.Microfibers have been greatly improved. 5.What does Browne think of washing synthetic clothes? A.It is adding microfibers to the clothes. B.It is worsening environmental problems. C.It is making

23、synthetic clothes last longer. D.It is doing great damage to washing machines. 6.What can be inferred about Brownes Benign by Design research project? A.It has achieved great success. B.It hasnt got anything done. C.It is known to very few people. D.It is facing some difficulties. 7.Whats the best t

24、itle for the text? A.Its important to learn to recycle B.Its never easy to solve pollution problems C.Recycled plastic clothing:solution or pollution? D.Are human beings moving forward or backward? C New lives for old phones When a new mobile phone starts to be sold in stores,many people rush out to

25、 buy one.We all want the newest,latest thing. 1 Mike Townsend works at Total Recall,a mobile phone recycling company.“Dont throw your old phone away. 2 If you throw it away,it goes with other rubbish to become landfill (垃圾填埋地).In other words,it is put in a big hole in the groundand it becomes a big

26、problem,” he says. Mobile phones contain some poisonous materials.If your phone goes to a landfill,these poisonous materials can get out and get into the water under the ground.Thats the water we need to drink or water that goes into rivers or the ocean. 3 Those are a lot of landfills and a lot of p

27、oisonous materials. “At Total Recall,we separate the old phones into pieces.Most of the materials in a mobile phone can be recycled and used again. 4 For example,phone batteries contain nickel and cadmium.The nickel is used to make steel,and the cadmium can be used to make new batteries,” explains M

28、ike. “ 5 You can usually just take it into a mobile phone shop and theyll send it to us,” says Mike. So,before you throw that old mobile phone away,use it one last time:search for a recycle station near you and give them a call. A.Send it to us and well recycle it. B.Recycling your old phone is easy

29、. C.How much is our old mobile phone worth? D.But what should we do with our old mobile phones? E.Millions of mobile phones are thrown away every year. F.We sell the parts and they are used to make new products. G.Recycling materials helps keep the environment greener and cleaner. 2021 高考英语话题专项复习(高考

30、英语话题专项复习(七七)教师版教师版 一:一:相关词汇相关词汇 1.感情 feeling 2.怒;愤怒 anger 3.担忧;焦虑 anxiety 4.奉献;奉献精神 devotion 5. 表 达 ; 词 句 ; 说 法 ; 表 情 expression 6.害怕;恐惧;担忧 fear/terror 7.惊恐;恐吓 fright 8.欢乐;高兴;乐趣 joy 9.高兴;愉快 pleasure/happiness 10.自豪;骄傲 pride 11.遗憾的事;羞愧 shame 12.激情;热情;酷爱 passion 13.偏爱;优先权 preference 14.压力;紧张 stress/pr

31、essure 15.感激;感谢 gratitude/thank 16.恐慌,慌乱 panic 17.忧伤 sadness/sorrow 形容词形容词 1. 值 得 赞 赏 的 ; 可 钦 佩 的 admirable 2.令人愉快的;舒适的 pleasant 3.心烦意乱的;紧张的 tense 4.有牵连的;担心的 concerned 5.乐观的 optimistic 6.积极的; 明确的 positive/defined 7.负面的;消极的 negative 8.同情的;体谅的 sympathetic/pitiful 9.满意的 satisfied 10.热情的 enthusiastic 11

32、.泄气的;丧的 discouraged/frustrated 12.悲伤的 sorrowful 13.心碎的 heart-broken 14.遗憾的 regretful 15.难堪的 embarrassed 16.困惑的 confused 17.烦闷的 annoyed 18.震惊的;震撼的 shocked 19.焦急的;忧虑的 anxious 20.全神贯注的;一心一意的 absorbed 21.坚决的 determined 22.乐意的;愿意的 willing 23. 受 到 鼓 舞 的 ; 有 灵 感 的 inspired/encouraged 24. 非 凡 的 ; 使 人 惊 奇 的

33、extraordinary 动词动词 1.承受;负担;忍受 bear/stand 2.瞪眼;怒目而视 glare/glare at 3.哭泣;流泪 weep 二:相关短语二:相关短语 (1) 1be grateful to sb.for sth. 因某事对某人很感激 2be willing to do sth. 乐意做某事 3be proud of . 为感到骄傲 4be satisfied with . 对感到满意 5be disappointed with . 对感到失望 6be worried about . 担心 7be concerned about . 在乎/担心 8be angr

34、y with sb.about sth. 因某事而生某人的气 9bring happiness to . 给带来欢乐 10cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待去做某事 11lose heart 失去信心 12lose oneself 迷失自我 13make sb. annoyed 让某人生气 14please my parents 让我的父母高兴 15praise sb.for sth. 因某事赞扬某人 16grow up happily 快乐地成长 17express my gratitude to sb. 向某人表达我的感激之情 18have an enormous effe

35、ct on . 对有巨大的影响 19think highly/well of 对高度评价 20put yourself in his position 站在他的角度(考虑) 21reduce my parents burden 减轻我父母的负担 22reward sb.with sth. 用某物报答某人 23share happiness and sorrows with sb. 与某人同甘共苦 24come to realize the importance of .开始意识到的重要性 (2) 1. to ones delight/joy/surprise/disappointment 令某

36、人开心/吃惊/失望的是 2. be angry/annoyed with sb 对某人生气 3. be anxious/worried about 为而担心 4. be astonished/surprised at sth. 对感到惊讶 5. be disappointed at sb. 对某人感到失望 6. be pleased/satisfied/content with 对 感到满足 7. be sorry for 对 感到抱歉 8. be proud of/take pride in 以 为豪 9. be filled with anger 满腔怒火 10. be anxious t

37、o do sth 急于做某事 11. be delighted to do 高兴地做某事 12. be touched/moved to tears 感动流泪 13. be scared to death 被吓死 14. burst into tears/laughter; burst out crying/ laughing 突然大哭/大笑 15. cannot help doing 情不自禁地做某事 16. care about 担心,关心 17. complain about 投诉,埋怨 18. long for sb.to do sth 渴望某人做某事 19. look forward

38、 to doing sth 盼望做某事 20. expect/wish to do sth. 期盼/希望做某事 21. have a strong desire to do sth. 对做某事有强烈的愿望 22. have an optimistic attitude towards 对有乐观的态度 23. with a smile on ones face 面带笑容 24. make an impression on sb 给留下印象 25. lose heart/build confidence 失去信心/建立自信 26. at ease 自由自在 27. calm down (使)镇定下

39、来 28. burst into laughter 突然笑起来 29. crowd in (想法,问题等)涌入脑海 30. leavealone 不管,别惹;让一个人待着 31. break out 爆发,突然发生 32. focus/concentrate on 集中(注意力等)于 33. be astonished/surprised at sth 对感到惊讶 34. be angry/annoyed with sb 对某人生气 35. be proud of/take pride in 以为自豪 36. cannot help doing sth 情不自禁做某事 37. be touch

40、ed/moved to tears 感动得流泪 38. long for sb to do sth 渴望某人做某事 39. care about 关心,担忧 40. make/leave an impression on sb 给某人留下印象 (3) 1show my gratitude for your help 感谢你对我的帮助 2owe many thanks to sb. 应多谢某人 3thanks to 多亏了 4accept my sincere thanks 接受我真诚的感谢 5change ones attitude 改变某人的态度 6share ones happiness and sorrow 同甘共苦 7keep pany 陪伴某人 8cheer up 振作起来,高兴起来 9be admitted to/into 被录取 10be sup


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